Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

your demo loose a lot meaning when you change the menus over to your own language.
your demo loose a lot meaning when you change the menus over to your own language.

@alexsoll did this video for his own forum where Russian language is needed, even without English you still get the gist of what's happening so still handy to show here, an English version would be good, just haven't had time to put anything like this together ourselves, so much on at the moment
Yeah i can extrapolate, i also meant to type "some" meaning for us western guys.
Totally get he focus on his local crowd, and still appreciate he share here too.
Maybe one of the western guys will pick up the ball and run with it ;)
front cameras (night, raw files):
SG9663DC (60fps_20Mbs) vs BlackVue_750 (60fps_25Mbs)
Good Lord the Blackvue looks awful in that sample. I can't read the settings in the the cam configured optimally?

an English version would be good, just haven't had time to put anything like this together ourselves, so much on at the moment
I would like to humbly suggest you guys find time to create a quality comparison video between your camera(s) and competitors. I very nearly went with the DOD cameras because of that one comparison video between it and three other leading competitors. I'm not sure how well each of the other cameras were set up, or what firmware was being run on each, and that would certainly add to the credibility. But the format of the video (4x side by side with relevant enlargements) produces very compelling results, and if I may suggest, great marketing.
I would like to humbly suggest you guys find time to create a quality comparison video between your camera(s) and competitors. I very nearly went with the DOD cameras because of that one comparison video between it and three other leading competitors. I'm not sure how well each of the other cameras were set up, or what firmware was being run on each, and that would certainly add to the credibility. But the format of the video (4x side by side with relevant enlargements) produces very compelling results, and if I may suggest, great marketing.

that comparison video was put together by a retailer of DOD, no way of knowing how each camera was setup
Good Lord the Blackvue looks awful in that sample. I can't read the settings in the the cam configured optimally?
I don't understand the question
I think production should start just after CNY, and as it isent rocket sience it shouldent be long now.
I haven't browsed here in a while.. Any news on the hardwire kit?

we can't do anything until after the CNY holidays finished but there will be a delay, the samples that we had been waiting on which arrived before the holidays have a problem and it needs to be sorted before we can do mass production

there's also some firmware stuff we need to do but we need the power leads before we can finish that off as testing is made more difficult without the correct power supply, it's also somewhat limited as we don't have enough test units right now, will probably have to look at giving out some power leads to a wider group to see if we can speed the firmware process up once the leads are ready so we can speed things up for the general release
I haven't browsed here in a while.. Any news on the hardwire kit?

we can't do anything until after the CNY holidays finished but there will be a delay, the samples that we had been waiting on which arrived before the holidays have a problem and it needs to be sorted before we can do mass production

there's also some firmware stuff we need to do but we need the power leads before we can finish that off as testing is made more difficult without the correct power supply, it's also somewhat limited as we don't have enough test units right now, will probably have to look at giving out some power leads to a wider group to see if we can speed the firmware process up once the leads are ready so we can speed things up for the general release
Count me in for a test power lead!

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I haven't browsed here in a while.. Any news on the hardwire kit?

we can't do anything until after the CNY holidays finished but there will be a delay, the samples that we had been waiting on which arrived before the holidays have a problem and it needs to be sorted before we can do mass production

there's also some firmware stuff we need to do but we need the power leads before we can finish that off as testing is made more difficult without the correct power supply, it's also somewhat limited as we don't have enough test units right now, will probably have to look at giving out some power leads to a wider group to see if we can speed the firmware process up once the leads are ready so we can speed things up for the general release
If you need more people to test I'm willing to. Love the fact 12rc is recording with hardwired kit. But 9663dc isn't and I have it in my brand new vehicle and I'm always worried someone will hit it in parking lot and "forget" to leave info.

Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
will probably have to look at giving out some power leads to a wider group to see if we can speed the firmware process up once the leads are ready so we can speed things up for the general release

Happy to do that... Still waiting for this to release so that I can buy the camera and this in combination and get it installed by an expert in one go :)