Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Is it my model, or the video quality of the front camera is grainer than the rear one?

Did you remove the protective film from both sides of the CPL and from the camera lens itself?

Did you update to the latest firmware and change quality to high?
Did you remove the protective film from both sides of the CPL and from the camera lens itself?

Did you update to the latest firmware and change quality to high?
Yes of course I removed the protective blue film, updated to 1.14 and set to high quality.
Of course it is difficult to compare them, but when there is not so much light, it look to me that the rear one is filming better.
For low light situations the front sensor has more gain available, the IQ is also tuned a little differently as the rear sensor is more likely to have to deal with headlights directly than the front sensor

There are some further image quality adjustments in the beta firmware, you might want to give it a try, it's stable so no issue if you want to give it a go
Thanks a lot!
I'll give it a shot.
Will it be possible to reinstall the 1.14 anycase?
Your video is quite good indeed. Which software version are you using?
From my videos (v1.14) I noticed that the front cam suffer from blooming when there is much sun light (at least with cpl lens on).
In that conditions the sky will became white and the narow objects disappear.
There's some image quality adjustments in the later firmware, we are still doing further work but probably a good idea to assess again after updating and see how it looks, a lot of the adjustments are based on user feedback so if you are able to contribute some sample footage it is helpful
please find here below a short video showing the blooming I was talking about.
Firmware 1.14
Thanks, will check it once I'm back in front of a computer, we have done some image related adjustments in the newer firmware so it will need to be reassessed and see what further adjustments might be needed
Thanks, will check it once I'm back in front of a computer, we have done some image related adjustments in the newer firmware so it will need to be reassessed and see what further adjustments might be needed
So do you suggest me to upgrade to the last beta firmware?
yeah.. waiting for the kit too to buy the whole thing.. finally got my car back after a smash.. would have been handy if there was a car (although there other party agreed to their fault)...
Only the frontalnoy camera is connected (back is disconnected)
Almost ideal weather conditions, pure windshield, clean lens,
correct/optimum arrangement and orientation in a car
firmware: V1.20
Exposition: EV-2/3
Frame rate: 60 FPS
Bit rate: 20.3 Mb/s
Without CPL

raw -


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