Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

In the United States, if you live near a Micro Center store, keep an eye on their sales. They often have Micro SD cards on sale at steep discounts, apparently as loss leaders because typically they're in-store only and are limited to one per household.

It's about a two-hour drive each way for me to the nearest Micro Center, but I'll sometimes make the trip anyway. If it's something I want more than one of, I drag a few friends along, have them buy the items, and reimburse them. But Micro Center is a geek's playground anyway, so I usually find other stuff to buy once I'm in the store. I guess loss leaders still work.

I had them all fail on me, tranacend - kingston - lexar - PNY and Sandisk, i have just gotten my first Samsung card ( red & white PRO model ) so 100% in tune with the Danish flag colors, and only a splash of blue from the American.
I am also running Toshiba cards now, but i have yet to have one of them die, oldest one are about a year old, though it have not seen consecutive use in that period, its also what i have in my phone.
Mostly their replacement have been performing normal so no second drop of mood when they finally died.

I also had expensive water cooled OCZ RAM die on me, and my current setup with 4 X 8 Gb Crusial RAM i also had one module die on me after a year or two.
I have never had CPU die on me though i have often / almost always been running them well over their specified speed, and motherbords also been fine for me though some i have even soldered additional components to them in order to ramp up voltages om some things.

I think luck play in a little too, the perpetual loose cannon in most games.

ATM i have a 64 Gb kingston card running in my innovv C3 camera, it have never been formatted in camera or PC since install, and that's since the C3 came out so at least 2 years, probably 3 if i know my memory right.

One year is also what I hope for from a quality SD card in demanding applications such as dash cams and security cams. In a phone (at least my phone), I really expect them to outlast the phone because I don't use the SD storage all that much. I use the navigation a few times a month and take the occasional picture or short video, but that's about it. I'm not the sort who spends a lot of time playing with my phone.

All flash memory is consumable. In light, non-demanding usage, most people never hit the maximum number of writes before the device in which the card is mounted obsolesces. But in a dash cam (especially a dual-lens camera), a year is quite respectable. Even six to eight months would be respectable for a card in a camera in an Uber car or commercial vehicle that's in constant use eight hours or more every day.

It's when they start failing in a few months or failing in non-demanding applications that I start questioning the quality of a manufacturer's cards.

In a phone (at least my phone), I really expect them to outlast the phone because I don't use the SD storage all that much.

unfortunately this is the biggest market for the cards and it keeps the fake/low quality memory card suppliers in business as those types of cards often survive long enough with limited usage for them to get away with it
@jokiin Any updates on the parking mode hardwire cable? How is the testing coming along.

I should have (hopefully the last) updated pre production samples in the next few days, if those are good then we will start production
I should have (hopefully the last) updated pre production samples in the next few days, if those are good then we will start production
Rick, how did this go? I have been putting off hardwiring my DC so keen to get my hands on this sooner than later.
It would be interesting to see difference with night vision turned on for the DR750S if possible to see if SG maintains the same difference in night time video quality.
I tried to search for this and also went through the menu a few times checking but couldn't find an answer.
Is there a way to turn off the shutter sound and the taking of a pic when hitting the Emergency button? To me this sound is far to loud / annoying. Maybe a simpler soft tone would suffice. Also, what is the pic for? It is always of irrelevant info as it never shows the reason I am saving the recording(s) and just uses more space on the card.
Sound can't be disabled, in a lot of cases the camera can't be seen from the drivers seat so the audible warning is a way to confirm the file has been saved, the pictures saved help to identify exactly when you pressed the button
I understand as it is right now it cannot be disabled.
Maybe give us the option to do so?
In my case, the camera is visible to me.
Or, give us a choice of sounds. The shutter is just too much. It doesn't need to be much. Something like piano-and-glockenspiel-5 or alert-tone-36.
It needs to be more friendly when playing back the video if the important part of the video starts before the save and continues through the time you hit save. Specially when there is voice being recorded that is important to the recording. The shutter is far too loud. I would rather have a very soft sound, something still hear able but not interfere with the recording audio.
challenge is even a soft sound from inside the camera is very loud in the recorded video, it's about making sure the operator can hear the tone, will get the engineer to have a look into it and see what other options we might have
Will the video cable presently being used for the DC be compatible to the cable with the planned DR model? Or, will installation be required for a new updated one? I am wondering as well about compatibility between rear mount of the DC and the new DR camera mount.
Hey guys, I took my car into a moderately-local (~15 miles away) dealership service department yesterday as my car is still under warranty and this specific location is highly rated (compared to a dealership 2 miles away).

I looked over the video and saw that they let it sit/idle in the shop for a little over 2 hours with the air condition on full (they were supposed to test my AC to see if it was cooling adequately).

I've Googled dash-cam/service posts and it seems like the consensus is that service is charged based on the actual task and not on how long a tech actually works on your car (in this case, ~10 minutes for 2 hour appointment).

I have two other recordings of service appointments with this dealer and each time after reviewing footage, they have treated my car well (car is never driven off lot) and I have no complaints. I do not plan on saying anything to the service department as I enjoy looking over the recordings and am happy with their work. I mentioned my dashcam a few months ago when I first bought it and took it in (it didn't have its wires tucked away neatly), but it seems like the techs don't notice it.

As I am not paying for the work being done (under warranty), and was reading a book while my car was being serviced, it seems like my only loss was a little gas (for the time the car was idling).

I have read some posts about techs turning off dashcams during service, or even going as far as deleting video files off memory cards. There is also the legality of recording while on private property.

I was wondering if you guys might have a different take on the situation? I am lucky that my car has easily accessible service parts (e.g. engine oil, cabin air filter, oil filter, etc.) so I do as much maintenance I can do myself.
Will the video cable presently being used for the DC be compatible to the cable with the planned DR model? Or, will installation be required for a new updated one? I am wondering as well about compatibility between rear mount of the DC and the new DR camera mount.

the cables are different, they don't use the same connection at the recorder end, we will have cables available to be able to use the existing style camera from the DC with the DR and will offer those options, they should be available at (or very close to) time of release, the cameras that come with the DR as standard are suitable for internal or external use but if people want to use the DC style rear cameras front and rear that will be possible also