Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

I have read some posts about techs turning off dashcams during service, or even going as far as deleting video files off memory cards. .

I had my own car in for service about a year ago and the mechanics ripped all the wires out and made a mess that they then had to put back together, not sure what they were scared of, the dummies could have just unplugged the cig plug
I had my own car in for service about a year ago and the mechanics ripped all the wires out and made a mess that they then had to put back together, not sure what they were scared of, the dummies could have just unplugged the cig plug

That must have been upsetting. I did my best to route the wires neatly through the body molding and credit my dashcam's discreetness to the wiring :)

Edit: Also have to credit the design. Silent operation, turning off the beep sound, and screen-off ability makes it hard to tell if the dashcam is on. My dashcam is positioned so the driver cannot see that red light unless he purposely looks straight at the dashcam screen (red light would get distracting while driving).
I have read some posts about techs turning off dashcams during service, or even going as far as deleting video files off memory cards. There is also the legality of recording while on private property.
When I took my Honda CR-V into a Honda main dealer to get some warranty work done, I came back to find they had unplugged all the cables from the camera unit and left them dangling behind the rear view mirror.
That must have been upsetting. I did my best to route the wires neatly through the body molding and credit my dashcam's discreetness to the wiring :)

I was annoyed to say the least, the parent company had been talking to us about doing an OEM product for them, after that experience I figured they have a lot of challenges ahead of them if cars start turning up for service more often with cameras in them with staff attitudes like that
Last question for you guys. If you get into an accident (for whatever reason), is it recommended that you not mention your dashcam until the last possible moment? People act differently when they know they are being filmed and it seems like it's better to pull out footage at the last moment (if the other driver was lying, to catch them red-handed in front of a judge). Obviously, if you have a lawyer, you would let them know, but as far as letting the other party know?

Also, if you by chance record an accident on your dashcam, what's the recommended procedure? Do you pull over to check if they're ok, let them know you have footage of the event for insurance purposes, get their information and then send it once you have time? Who do you send it to? All drivers? Or do you trust the police to get the footage to the drivers (i.e. if you call in saying you have footage of an accident at x time today)?

Relevant posts/video:
Dashcam footage deleted by dealership
Mechanic turned off dashcam during service
Mercedes Benz Canada service appointment joyride
personally I don't tell people I have cameras running, let them dig their own graves

if I had footage that may assist someone else I would where possible just let the person it would help have my contact details for later follow up
personally I don't tell people I have cameras running, let them dig their own graves

if I had footage that may assist someone else I would where possible just let the person it would help have my contact details for later follow up

Gotcha, I feel the same way. Thinking about possible scenarios, it may be difficult to know who was at fault. I suppose in those cases I would just get the contact information of everyone if I had the time and wasn't in a rush somewhere. If I was rushing somewhere, I would probably resort to calling the police department and letting them know I have footage of a crash.

Edit: I personally would try to provide footage of a crash whenever possible if I got it on camera. A few years ago, I was on a highway heading to church on Sunday afternoon and this car that was about 4 car lengths in front of me goes from doing ~60 mph to slamming on its brakes and coming to a stop for seemingly no reason.

At those speeds, I barely had time to react and so I swerved right/braked to dodge him and went through about 3 lanes of traffic to the right (miraculously without hitting anyone). My 2003 Honda Pilot at the time went spinning (what happens when you slam on your brakes and try to dodge something) like I was playing Mario Kart. I swerved into the right-most lane and eventually dinged a truck (that had actually been behind me in a different lane before I swerved) relatively lightly at ~20 mph.

Air bags went off and the front of my car was crumpled like it had hit a tree. The truck's bumper was pristine compared to my car. It was what you would expect from a fender bender at low speeds. At the time, as a relatively new driver (~2 years after getting my driver's permit), I was confused as to what the hell just happened, but saw out of the corner of my eye, the car that had just caused me to get in an accident drive off sheepishly. You really never forget your first crash and in the moment, the adrenaline makes you wonder what is going on.

Anyways, a good Samaritan a few cars back contacted the police after the crash and sent in the footage. It was not particularly good quality as he was a few cars behind me at an angle, but it showed the car in front of me slamming on its brakes for seemingly no reason (I was not anywhere close to tailgating), and me swerving to avoid ramming him at the highway speed limit (55 mph). It saved me from a wreckless driving charge (in my state, whenever you lose control of you car and it swerves, you are automatically charged with wreckless driving, a criminal misdemeanor that would go on your record).

With the dashcam footage, my lawyer was able to get the charges dropped to a improper lane change which would be comparable to speeding. As I was a male teenager at the time of the accident, people assumed that I was at fault but that dashcam footage really saved me.

We still have that same 2003 Honda Pilot today (though my dad primarily drives it). It is very well possible that my life would be very different today, or I might not be here if things had been different that day. I think that if I had to have a car accident given the circumstances, this was the best possible outcome. I wasn't physically hurt, but it did make me hyper-aware of other drivers who drive like maniacs in the D.C. metro area for a while. I think it's a big reason for why I got my DC dashcam. It really is crazy how your life can end in a few moments while you are driving.
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personally I don't tell people I have cameras running, let them dig their own graves

if I had footage that may assist someone else I would where possible just let the person it would help have my contact details for later follow up
That would be my position as well.
Hey guys, I took my car into a moderately-local (~15 miles away) dealership service department yesterday as my car is still under warranty and this specific location is highly rated (compared to a dealership 2 miles away).

I looked over the video and saw that they let it sit/idle in the shop for a little over 2 hours with the air condition on full (they were supposed to test my AC to see if it was cooling adequately).

I've Googled dash-cam/service posts and it seems like the consensus is that service is charged based on the actual task and not on how long a tech actually works on your car (in this case, ~10 minutes for 2 hour appointment).

Former mechanic here - this is normal. when diagnosing AC issues, we have no choice but to run the AC hard for a while to make sure any problems show up. we have thermometers or other probes in the AC vents to make sure the outlet temps are lower than the cabin temps. we also compare it to outside temps - there are charts for guidelines to show the deltas you should expect between these different temps.

as for the pay side of it - yes, every shop i know of works on "flag time". a given job pays a certain number of hours (with decimals) no matter how long it actually takes you to do it. ie: a single axle brake job paid 1.5 hrs (2.5 if you machine the rotors/drums as well), an oil change pays 0.2, mount/balance 4 tires pays 1.0, a simple rotate/balance pays 0.3... 4-wheel alignment pays 1.8... you get the idea. obviously bigger tasks like an engine overhaul pay a lot more, maybe 8-12 hours. so even if an oil change actually takes you 45 minutes for some reason, you still only get paid 0.2 hours.

warranty work is similar, though usually pays less than the normal shop rate for a given task. at the toyota dealer i worked at, there was a big binder (and then eventually an online reference) to know what a certain repair would pay, and it was different for each model vehicle - which made sense, since a 4-wheel alignment on a camry is MUCH easier than a front-end alignment on say, a tundra, because there simply aren't many adjustments possible on a camry (toe only on all 4 corners), whereas a tundra has camber, caster and toe in the front - no regular adjustments in the rear, so you have to work off thrust angle.

TL;DR - what you saw is normal. glad you found a shop you can apparently trust.
@jokiin Hi Rick, with regards to the DR will it have comparative specs/internals to my DC (or the same?).

Also, any news on a motorbike cam yet? I’m desperate to try an SG one out...
the pictures saved help to identify exactly when you pressed the button
I never even thought of that! I will look at the photo first next time and save myself some time searching for why the recording is saved. The street gaurdian is much better than my other 2 dashcamers at not saving potholes and rumble strips!

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I dont think SG will venture into MC cameras, though the boss man are a 2 wheeler too.
But the DR system i figure you could make into a MC camera with little effort, depending on how they approach the main unit from the get go.
@jokiin Hi Rick, with regards to the DR will it have comparative specs/internals to my DC (or the same?).

Also, any news on a motorbike cam yet? I’m desperate to try an SG one out...

specification is similar, bike cams is something we will get to later and will be based on what we are doing with the DR model
I dont think SG will venture into MC cameras, though the boss man are a 2 wheeler too.
it's on the radar but will be a while, early next year maybe

But the DR system i figure you could make into a MC camera with little effort, depending on how they approach the main unit from the get go.

I tried to search for this and also went through the menu a few times checking but couldn't find an answer.
Is there a way to turn off the shutter sound and the taking of a pic when hitting the Emergency button? To me this sound is far to loud / annoying.

I actually asked the same thing a while back. Prior to me updating the firmware at the time of that post, the emergency button never made a sound and that's the way I liked it.
Really hope that the shutter sound can be a user option to toggle in future updates.
I actually asked the same thing a while back. Prior to me updating the firmware at the time of that post, the emergency button never made a sound and that's the way I liked it.
Really hope that the shutter sound can be a user option to toggle in future updates.

the file save sound comes under warning tones, when you turn the sound off it disables the startup tone and key press beeps but warning tones still function, not sure if we can put it back under the tones setting without it impacting the other warning tones, something I'll need to check
Just put each on its own option. One for startup, one for key press and one for 'warning tones'. Giving the end user more options isn't always the best thing (I know, I code web form apps), but in some cases where there is legitimate usage, you just need to give them the option. Makes your customers happy :)
For me, I want the startup sound, hate the keypress sounds, and am mixed on the save sound. I want it, if it doesnt interupt with audio recording (very short tone burst) and if not, I want to turn it off.
I should have (hopefully the last) updated pre production samples in the next few days, if those are good then we will start production

Any update on this @jokiin ? Been waiting for months and holding off on DC buy for it :)