Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

A quick question regarding AE metering...

I have a black dashboard and a white car, which makes the DC work hard on the exposure front. The way my cam is positioned, it shows a small amount of dash, followed by the bonnet (hood) then obviously the actual road ahead.

The cam is currently set with centre weighted metering and sometimes it seems over exposed. At a guess I think it’s because the centre of the frame is normally dark roads/trees etc which makes the white bonnet and sky too bright.

So, with that in mind, would it be better for me to have the AE metering in ‘full frame’ mode? I was thinking that it would then take my white bonnet into account...
Nothing to do but experiment with the settings, i would just go with what is best for whats on the road, and then let the sky end up as it do.
So, with that in mind, would it be better for me to have the AE metering in ‘full frame’ mode? I was thinking that it would then take my white bonnet into account...

full frame gives equal measure to the whole image, that may not help, I'd probably try the low cut setting instead which cuts the bottom of the image from the AE table

you can also aim the camera up a little higher and see how it goes
A quick question regarding AE metering...

I have a black dashboard and a white car, which makes the DC work hard on the exposure front. The way my cam is positioned, it shows a small amount of dash, followed by the bonnet (hood) then obviously the actual road ahead.

The cam is currently set with centre weighted metering and sometimes it seems over exposed. At a guess I think it’s because the centre of the frame is normally dark roads/trees etc which makes the white bonnet and sky too bright.

So, with that in mind, would it be better for me to have the AE metering in ‘full frame’ mode? I was thinking that it would then take my white bonnet into account...
I have the same camera and color combination on my vehicle. I've got my DC set to center weight with just a sliver of the dash in frame and all default exposure settings. This is what I get:

@jokiin sorry didn't want to read through 10+ pages lol

Any update on the hardwire cable? Last I heard you were waiting for a delivery any day for the prototypes I think.

Soooo you failed to see the 14 page thread on the newly released and available for purchase hardwire kit is what your saying?
Soooo you failed to see the 14 page thread on the newly released and available for purchase hardwire kit is what your saying?
Considering I logged in, came straight to my profile, previous postings, came directly to the last page of this thread and posted my question... Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.

Many thanks though, will check it out!
@jokiin sorry didn't want to read through 10+ pages lol

Any update on the hardwire cable? Last I heard you were waiting for a delivery any day for the prototypes I think.


yes they are available now, @niko has stock in the UK already
yes they are available now, @niko has stock in the UK already
Thanks very much! I see people posting (and you acknowledging) a few bugs, can we rest assured these are all software based? I didn't want to buy the kit and then find out you come out with a revised version or something with the actual hardware.

Thanks for the quick responses, top service as always :)
Thanks very much! I see people posting (and you acknowledging) a few bugs, can we rest assured these are all software based? I didn't want to buy the kit and then find out you come out with a revised version or something with the actual hardware.

Thanks for the quick responses, top service as always :)

at this stage we have found nothing to suggest any problem with the hardwire kit, we're actively working on the firmware now
at this stage we have found nothing to suggest any problem with the hardwire kit, we're actively working on the firmware now
Great! I shall double check fuses and get mine ordered!

Many thanks
All 5 types piggyback hardwiring available for UK/EU market customers.

Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
I just installed my SG9663DC today, upgrading from a 4 year old G1W. I updated the firmware and set the quality to high, but tbh I'm a little underwhelmed by the image quality. It doesn't seem to be too much better. I uploaded a short clip to youtube, maybe you guys could take a look and see if anything seems off?

Has anyone tried the hardwire parking kit with a Cellink Neo yet ?
Hi all, I am new here and just completed my installation. Btw, this is my first dash cam so this is all new to me.I have two questions, 1) when I review my driving footage I have noticed that the bottom right and left corners become dark and then shortly the dark recedes to a clear screen. It only happens with the front camera, back is fine. Footage is at dusk.
2) I am hardwired to take advantage of the parking mode but I don’t know where to go to check if I am at 12.2V ?

I have updated to 1.33.
Thanks for your patience
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when I review my driving footage I have noticed that the bottom right and left corners become dark and then shortly the dark recedes to a clear screen. This continues back and forth. Footage is at dusk.

would need to see sample video, not sure what you mean, if you want to send a sample use this link

need to check the switch on the power supply to know what voltage setting you have selected