Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

to a degree, no CPL on the rear and each camera will have different amount of sunlight due to pointing in opposite directions and will adjust differently for that reason far as the power supply is concerned the switch is all the way to the left so what voltage would that be?
Maybe toss a white or brighter colored towel or something on the dashboard, that would make it easier to spot if there are something dark going on in the corners.
I will give that a try tomorrow under the same conditions as tonight to see if that would make a difference
or place a piece of whit paper in front of the camera to give it a full white screen and that will tell for sure.
or place a piece of whit paper in front of the camera to give it a full white screen and that will tell for sure.

Update: I placed a white pice of paper in front of the camera with the cpl still in place no dark corners so that rules out the camera.
Took a drive this morning in sunny conditions and I think I have figured out why the dark corners, I can see the reflection of my black dash in each bottom corner so under certain lighting conditions it makes the bottom corners darker.
Last update: reviewed the default settings and changed the AE metering from full frame to center weighted and it has fixed the dash reflection issue creating the dark bottom corners.

Thanks for everyone’s help and quicker responses.
Just ordered the SG9663DC. Want to use the lighter adapter to hard wire the camera.

How long is the cable between the in-line voltage converter and the USB plug? Also, is it a left or right angle plug?
Just ordered the SG9663DC. Want to use the lighter adapter to hard wire the camera.

How long is the cable between the in-line voltage converter and the USB plug? Also, is it a left or right angle plug?

I’m away on business this week or I’d post exact measurement and a photo. Hopefully someone else can chime in.
As i recall the pice of wire between the 12 V plug and the PSU are a couple of feet, on the other side there should be enough wire even to guide it the long way around the windscreen.
You do know hard wiring this way dont give you the parking mode features it only free up your cigarette plug for other things.

Not sure how you determine side the USB plug are angled to in respect to what, but you can sort of see in in these pics ( was unable to resolve wire length )


If the wire will be too short for you, you will be the first one i think, or be routing it a really long way / maybe have a really wide car.
Im going for a drive now, will see if i can grab a SG PSU in the car.
Not sure how you determine side the USB plug are angled to in respect to what, but you can sort of see in in these pics ( was unable to resolve wire length )

Thanks so much. Pictures cleared it all up. It’s not a right or a left angle plug! Interesting plug design. Will have to see if I can find a photo of the side of the dash cam.
Sadly my memory failed me, and so none of the 4 PSUs i have in the back of my car was a SG one, and i am not going to rip out one of the 3 that are installed, so someone else will have to fill in on the exact cable length on a SG PSU.
The power supply for my X2Pro (the only one I have quickly available to measure) is 23" between the strain relief on the plug to the strain relief on the voltage converter. I'm assuming it's the same, or nearly so, for the DC but the PS for the X2 is a straight connector on the USB end so it's not the exact same one.