Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Hello I have been waiting for this camera for a while and now I see it is coming soon where can I order it from? I am from Turkey and bought my first SGZC12RC from pier28. Now I am not sure which seller will send the camera to Turkey.

if Pier28 sent to Turkey previously then @Street Guardian USA will be able to do the same this time, Jon that was previously with Pier28 now runs our USA distributors office
Is there a picture for how it looks on the windshield from outside?

there probably are some around, we have some of the testers that have had them in their cars for almost 6 months now, @alexsoll or @niko may have posted some install pics here somewhere before, I have them in several cars at home in Australia but I'm in China right now so can't take any pictures of mine at the moment





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worth noting that the pictures above are from an early sample and are not using the production version cables, it looks much neater in the production version
I was sort of knowing that but still about to comment, but with better designed cables i am sure i will be able to do a satisfactory install.
Looking forward to see in installed in a range of different cars, but in my car the camera will go so high on the dotted area any layout of the cables will be just fine as "not seen" from the outside.
Or at least as high i can go and still be able to take the camera off the mount, i mistake i bar a mm or two made with the GC the first time i put that one in my car :oops: i will not go there again.
Will the installation instructions recommend that the rear camera is mounted on a glass surface, and any fixings to plastic trim or fabric headliner are at the customer's risk? You already have some complaints about the GC sticky tape losing adhesion to the screen. I suspect you don't want loads of "My DC rear camera keeps falling off" threads.

Will the installation instructions recommend that the rear camera is mounted on a glass surface, and any fixings to plastic trim or fabric headliner are at the customer's risk? You already have some complaints about the GC sticky tape losing adhesion to the screen. I suspect you don't want loads of "My DC rear camera keeps falling off" threads.

the adhesive needs a smooth surface, I don't think it's really needed to point out that interior trims specifically aren't suitable as that's no different to any other 3M bracket really, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a glass surface either, two of my vehicles have the rear cameras installed with the adhesive mounted to the steel frame around the window rather than on the actual glass and that hasn't been an issue, they are smooth surfaces though
Hehe it is a bit up and down what people prefer to spend their hard earned money on, personally i would not pay more than 200 USD for a phone.
And i would prefer not to have a phone at all, but circumstances force me to have one at the moment, but i have already gone almost 10 years without a phone around year 2K and i liked that a lot, and there are little in a smart phone i can use as a excuse to have one in the pocket.

But i will happily spend many 100s of USD on computer parts i dont utilize fully, my current computer case for instance, i think it cost 300 USD more than most sane person will use for a box that hold their hardware inside.
And next year i would like to upgrade my computer again ( been 4 years now ) and the new 8/16 core CPU's are just making me itch so bad, but other than a little video editing once in a while i have no real need for such processing powers.
90% of my computer needs could be handled just fine on a mini style computer.

Another thing are my TV, its a 6 - 7 year old 1080p LG TV, and i dont plan on updating that before it stop working, and then i will have to think really hard if i actually want a new TV again as most of what i can see on it are just mind numbing stuff i dont care for.
Hehe it is a bit up and down what people prefer to spend their hard earned money on, personally i would not pay more than 200 USD for a phone.
And i would prefer not to have a phone at all, but circumstances force me to have one at the moment, but i have already gone almost 10 years without a phone around year 2K and i liked that a lot, and there are little in a smart phone i can use as a excuse to have one in the pocket.

But i will happily spend many 100s of USD on computer parts i dont utilize fully, my current computer case for instance, i think it cost 300 USD more than most sane person will use for a box that hold their hardware inside.
And next year i would like to upgrade my computer again ( been 4 years now ) and the new 8/16 core CPU's are just making me itch so bad, but other than a little video editing once in a while i have no real need for such processing powers.
90% of my computer needs could be handled just fine on a mini style computer.

Another thing are my TV, its a 6 - 7 year old 1080p LG TV, and i dont plan on updating that before it stop working, and then i will have to think really hard if i actually want a new TV again as most of what i can see on it are just mind numbing stuff i dont care for.

That's exactly how I feel, I have a flip phone for a cell phone because to me a phone is to call some one, that's it. If others think they are so neat they are willing to spend 8 to $1000 dollars on one I have absolutely no problem with that.
As for computers, I bought a Lian Li case some years ago and now if I want more power I just upgrade it internally. However I have a 6 core processor and 8 GB of ram so I can do just about anything I want. I have a 55 inch Samsung TV that hasn't even been turned on in close to 3 years, I watch everything I need or want to on the computer, this is the way I like things, works great for me!
Lots of good reasons to have one. I have recorded many near misses in the past, ill upload one to youtube tomorrow and post it to you. My suction mount fell off in the cold and i went without a dashcam for 2 days after 4 years or so of having one. Second day 2 guys tried the insurance fraud thing on me. I should have seen it coming and done a u-turn but i didnt. They were walking against traffic in the middle of a street and i tried to drive beside/around them at 2kmh. Guy jumped in front of my car and pretended to get hit but after a long discussion they left. This was a month ago. I stuck the camera back on the next day. Cant wait to get a good camera with a tape mount finally!
Look up dashcam insurance fraud on youtube
Happens everywhere
Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

@ryanprins thank you for your reply. please do share the footage you have.
its a lian li i have too, but now much heavier as i used 1 mm steel for the mods i made to its inside.
I am on a first generation Intel core I7 and i have 32 Gb of ram, which again underline how good o am at spending money i dont need to on computer hardware :)

Naturally modding my case i also slapped on a nice coat of structure flat black, to go with the red LED light and red UV active cooling fluid in the tubes.
So sad i have lost the pics from then the case was new and fine looking, but i never got it tidied up after last upgrade and it have also eaten a lot of dust over the years.
I have a flip phone for a cell phone because to me a phone is to call some one, that's it.
That’s like saying you live in a shed because a home is shelter from rain and that’s it. You can choose it, but you’re unnecessarily depriving yourself. You don’t have to spend millions on a mansion or a thousand on a high-end phone to get what you need.
That's exactly how I feel, I have a flip phone for a cell phone because to me a phone is to call some one, that's it. If others think they are so neat they are willing to spend 8 to $1000 dollars on one I have absolutely no problem with that.
As for computers, I bought a Lian Li case some years ago and now if I want more power I just upgrade it internally. However I have a 6 core processor and 8 GB of ram so I can do just about anything I want. I have a 55 inch Samsung TV that hasn't even been turned on in close to 3 years, I watch everything I need or want to on the computer, this is the way I like things, works great for me!
Exactly my position in regards to the phone
@ryanprins thank you for your reply. please do share the footage you have.

Last night when i got home i converted the video i wanted to the right file type and copied it to my phone. This morning i went to watch it on my phone before uploading to youtube and its all choppy, not worth uploading. I will have to try again, im not sure what happened.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
That’s like saying you live in a shed because a home is shelter from rain and that’s it. You can choose it, but you’re unnecessarily depriving yourself. You don’t have to spend millions on a mansion or a thousand on a high-end phone to get what you need.

I'm not depriving myself in any way shape or form! I can call if I need assistance because of a vehicle malfunction, that is all I need. To many people are making calls, texting and searching the Internet while they are driving, causing more accidents then ever get reported. Everyone knows this and sees it all the time.
It's they that are possibly depriving me of a long life and hitting me (5 times now) causing injuries that I will have to the day I die. On any given day one can go out driving and see people constantly on their cell phones doing STUPID things, that the police don't bother to ticket! And you have the nerve to say I'm depriving myself!!!!!!!