VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

I think it's better in low light conditions when the camera only needs to process 30 frames instead of 60.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G950F przy użyciu Tapatalka
what about a piece of an electrical tape?
you are on the correct path, that Acetate Black heat resistance Tape I sell for the old V1 GPS mounts is perfect since it can be re-applied over and over. Order a roll form China, takes 14 days.
Hello everybody,
this is my first post here, but I've been following the forums for a while. I've installed and tried out many of BCHobbyist's firmwares, but this is a clip from the latest 7g:
1080@30fps, WDR off, CPL on, EV 0
Despite the rainy weather, sun, rainbow and lightnings (so not the perfect conditions..) I think color reproduction is better with a lowered saturation.
Welcome to the DashCamTalk Forum, you have successfully crossed over and agreed to forfeit 2 years of Life, Liberty and Sanity. (Please don't request a new thread, I had to go to the Pub for 4 hours just to stop shaking and I haven't paid the Admin yet)
This is the BEST Dashcam Forum on the internet, gathered here are Professionals, Experts, Specialists, Manufacturers, Vendors, Suppliers, End Users, Hobbyists, and those that have their own category = jokiin.

1.8 Years ago I began testing all Firmware using the same Presets: / 1080P @30fps / CPL on / EV 0 / WDR off / back then many disagreed believing the hype EV & WDR are enough image control adjustments. I never said "I told you so", never did. With the help of my MODs everyone can try different combinations and individual controls from Beta MODs section and see the difference well-balance hidden IQ settings can do when in the right hands. //EOF
P.S. - thanks for sharing the footage, I save it all and will use various selections in PROMO videos for the World to see.
P.S.S - guaranteed will use that footage from tunnel to rainbow plus Lightning! Great!
MOD 7g. 1080p@60fps + WDR Off + EV 0 + Frequency 60Hz
Great test of MOD-7g at 60fps (50% slow helps me with sharpening adjustments)
Must confirm is your windshield is tinted? If not then 7g Saturation is still slightly too high?

Going to try something on Thread Intro Post, if this thread disappear again go get me at Pub.
Thread still works? Great!
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Great test of MOD-7g at 60fps (50% slow helps me with sharpening adjustments)
Must confirm is your windshield is tinted? If not then 7g Saturation is still slightly too high? Going to try something on Thread Intro Post, if this thread disappear again go get me at Pub.
My windshield is not tinted, it might be the CPL that looks like a tint. I think the saturation might be a bit high.
At the top of this Thread will be the regularly updated MOD Release News plus the much needed Image Quality Voting Booth for quick MOD trend results.
Change your votes as better MODs are added to list. This is probably the only time the old voting booth feature will actually be used to benefit the End User.
I collect Likes and free Beer.
Simple but effective 3m extra strong double sided tape. I took this idea from the OEM Viofo CPL filter where they use same idea but covers the audio which for me I turn off anyway so might not be ok for everybody.

Ah, so those whiskers on the sides of the lens are speaker grills?

I guess when I get my lens and stick it on, my audio is going to be total trash can.

I have a different idea for how I will attach the lens to hopefully make sure it won't fall off. I don't want to permanently attach it.
Ah, so those whiskers on the sides of the lens are speaker grills?

I guess when I get my lens and stick it on, my audio is going to be total trash can.

I have a different idea for how I will attach the lens to hopefully make sure it won't fall off. I don't want to permanently attach it.
Air vents to cool down the Sony Sensor, probably should be twice as many grill vents on Lens module and main DVR body.
I thought that they was a speaker grill and if they are an air grill as you state then not a good idea from me :) to cover them.

**EDIT** Back to the drawing board.
I thought that they was a speaker grill and if they are an air grill as you state then not a good idea from me :) to cover them.

**EDIT** Back to the drawing board.

If you wanted to try what I was planning, you can see if it works before I do it. :LOL:

I'm going to take the foam sticker that's used for the GPS mount. Using the centre portion that you peel off and don't use anyway, use it to make 4 strips. Take a strip and stick one around the outside of each corner of the lens housing. Basically where the 4 contact points are between your Hoya CPL and the lens housing. It's to make the fit very tight, but also as a cushion and buffer to prevent it rattling itself off. I figure if you have that cushioning, it should really squeeze on securely. It will hopefully do exactly the same thing as it does for the camera and GPS connection.
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Yesterday I decided to try 1080 30fps on MOD-07.
... while the video quality looks better on 30fps (subjective)...

This is my opinion also. And not only in night time.
I have a feeling that you have "soap" on the left side.
In the video "Capturing the license plate seems too soft."
19-45, in the evening and at night, the "diaphragm" opens for a longer time than during the day, the machine moves all the time, the lubrication is obtained because of longer exposure.
Mod 7g vs. Mod 7b
I do not see any difference, or it is minimal.
But on the asphalt you can see a white strip, maybe because of the sun, the difference between the clips is 20 min.

MOD-05 - 1080p@60fps - WDR Off - EV 0 - No CPL (obviously)


License plate capture seems to be too soft.
Thanks for the MOD-05 footage of Heavy Highway Traffic, I need more of this extreme speed imagery for comparisons.
Agreed the sharpness on almost everything isn't the best, MOD-05 has 25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168 as the baseline for minimum image quality. With your help and others further footage is required on my higher adjustment modifications.
Current is MOD-6g = 25Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+Saturation-g, there is much video comparison to do this weekend, always check top of this thread for MOD Release News but also the last pages for my insane ideas, such as the one I'm about to post.
Weekend Insanity begins, short version. I'd like to prove Hot Pixel Mapping function increases Motion Blur and is noticeable. The easiest way for all Beta Testers to help is load @gse & I's favorite firmware, the OLD v1.01 .
The original v1.01 had Hot Pixel Mapping disabled, no Parking Mode, no Startup Delay, few bugs, but it had a huge plus, unique Contrast, Brightness, White Balance & Gamma levels. I've now uploaded to Beta MODs a new folder Beta Combos 1.01 which contains updated v1.01 IQ revisions to compare against v2.61 versions. My prediction is v1.01 will beat v2.61 at night. Let the Day & Night Battle begin!

Suggest using several small 32-64GB microSD-cards, each with different renamed MOD file saved to root. Drive predetermined test route then park, power off DVR, change cards, power on, update MOD, Default Settings, change presets to Beta Testing Setup = CPL on if available, 1min clips, 1080P@30fps, EV=0, WDR off, Camera Model Stamp on.


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