VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive


Thanks so much for all the hard work in modifying the Firmware in so many ways.
in your youtube How-To video
you have a text file shown the 30 steps in the process of modifying the firmware. would it be possible for you to post that text file. I would like to have a copy so I can remember the steps without having to re watch the video over and over.


I also loaded your Mod7b Firmware but with my logo instead. I will evaluate and post back a bit later today what I think as well as a few sample clips.

No rush on my requests of changing some of the default settings in the menu that I posted about on the youtube comments. I'm sure its buried in the hex code someplace.
The video I linked to above also shows how to use your own logo for splashscreen. (video how to) You can create your own in photoshop or whatever size needs to be 320x240 and no larger than 5kb.
Here is night footage 7g 1.01, not very impressive, I had a short drive :)
I missed the revised version you made, I'll check it tomorrow.

Man, why don't I get to live in the world of Tron?

That looks sweet, a total mess, but sweet.

I had a similar problem a while ago when I had the camera pointed too far downward. It wasn't as extreme as this, but it showed the same signs. The camera is focusing primarily on the hood and keeping that in focus, using the headlights almost exclusively as the main light source for the picture. No real assistance from street lights, house windows, etc. So the only clear picture you get is the tip of the hood and immediately in front of it. Everything else is a mess. Try clicking the lens up 1 notch.
Man, why don't I get to live in the world of Tron?

That looks sweet, a total mess, but sweet.

I had a similar problem a while ago when I had the camera pointed too far downward. It wasn't as extreme as this, but it showed the same signs. The camera is focusing primarily on the hood and keeping that in focus, using the headlights almost exclusively as the main light source for the picture. No real assistance from street lights, house windows, etc. So the only clear picture you get is the tip of the hood and immediately in front of it. Everything else is a mess. Try clicking the lens up 1 notch.
Thank you, I'll try that.
It's funny, in sunny conditions some people advice to point the the DVR more to the hood :)
The camera is focusing primarily on the hood and keeping that in focus
The recorder has a constant focal length and is set to infinity, it physically can not focus on anything (hood, drops on the glass, etc.)
Thank you, I'll try that.
It's funny, in sunny conditions some people advice to point the the DVR more to the hood :)

Not necessarily more to the hood, but a ratio of around 40/60 sky to ground. That generally ends up including more hood.

The recorder has a constant focal length and is set to infinity, it physically can not focus on anything (hood, drops on the glass, etc.)

What I meant really was the hood and directly in front of it are centre of the picture. So it's the easiest area affected by the headlights as the brightest source of illumination. If the lens is pointed up a little more then other light sources assist more in the overall picture.
What I meant really was the hood and directly in front of it are centre of the picture.
The exposure meter adjusts to the brightest spot, in this case it is the spot from the headlights.
A few tests done today (1080@60fps, wdr off, cpl on, ev 0):

FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6K_v2.61+25Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6Ka_v1.01+24Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6Ka_v1.01+24Mbps+IQ+wdr on -

Please tell me what you think.
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BlackCloud that lens looks OOF ( Out Of Focus ) left side.
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To me, FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ seems to be the 'sweet spot' for now. Still undecided weather WDR should be ON or OFF, yet...
Man, why don't I get to live in the world of Tron?

That looks sweet, a total mess, but sweet.

I had a similar problem a while ago when I had the camera pointed too far downward. It wasn't as extreme as this, but it showed the same signs. The camera is focusing primarily on the hood and keeping that in focus, using the headlights almost exclusively as the main light source for the picture. No real assistance from street lights, house windows, etc. So the only clear picture you get is the tip of the hood and immediately in front of it. Everything else is a mess. Try clicking the lens up 1 notch.
Great TIP, almost all "vendors" suggest best video quality is when dashcam is aimed down to prevent blown-out sky but this is exactly why its always best to to tilt DVR higher. All my YouTube footage shows minimal hood for this very reason works better during Day & Night.
The shape and slope of hood has major affect, so a flat pickup truck will have no choice but to include full hood, but small car can tilt up. the 60/40 ratio is good but doesn't always apply to long flat hood vehicles, in those always best to mount DVR as high on windshield as possible for best angle. The Focus is for infinity but the white hood will shift lighting for the target objects approaching, experiment to find the best angle for your vehicle.
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A few tests done today (1080@30fps, wdr off, cpl on, ev 0):

FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6K_v2.61+25Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6Ka_v1.01+24Mbps+IQ -

FWA119S_MOD-6Ka_v1.01+24Mbps+IQ+wdr on -

Please tell me what you think.
Welcome to the DashCamTalk Forum @dacbuc, excellent Beta footage using my latest 6K MOD.
I need all Beta testers to download view the first & 2nd clips from @dacbuc, I need feedback on the overall image quality, The 7K/6K MODs use the most aggressive sharpening values so far.
In your opinion what should change and in what direction - Sharpness up or down, Saturation up or down ? Which daytime clip is better v1.01 or v2.61 ??
Welcome to the DashCamTalk Forum @dacbuc, excellent Beta footage using my latest 6K MOD.
I need all Beta testers to download view the first & 2nd clips from @dacbuc, I need feedback on the overall image quality, The 7K/6K MODs use the most aggressive sharpening values so far.
In your opinion what should change and in what direction - Sharpness up or down, Saturation up or down ? Which daytime clip is better v1.01 or v2.61 ??

In my opinion sharpness is too high, saturation is ok, 2.61 looks a bit better.