VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Registered to reply here, the 25/50 fps was requested by me,
25/50 fps works, tomorrow I'll test drive and add a video here.
Is 20 in "Sharp 102030" the same as 20 in "sharp 204060"?
Yes, the Sharp 20 value is identical but many more ranges must be tested by the DCTEAM before VIOFO will include them as Official range.
@dacbuc and others are attempting to narrow that range. All A119S owners are asked to provide comments and opinions to aid future adjustments.
FYI - Sharp 10-20-30 are HEX values in the firmware data tables. As many have noticed "I like to Hack the Hex!"
request for EU frame rates
In actual digital world there is no PAL or NTSC. Any european can watch USA NTSC 60FPS videos and any american can watch an european video recorded at 50 FPS. I see no reason to complicate the things and have 50FPS option, 60FPS is good for all the people in the world. Do not confuse with 50Hz and 60Hz which is the frequency and this should be used according to the country electric power standard.

Everything's default, sharpness low 10.
I think this is the best quality I have ever seen with my device :)
Excellent 6Nd Sharp10 footage, parking lots are great low speed plate readability areas.
The 6Nd uses default saturation and it may look slightly too high but those primary colored signs are not blown out, full direct sun is best indicator. The lower Sharp10 is noticeably softer than 20, more footage under different lighting and speeds plus screenshot comparisons on parked vehicle required before further adjustments. Any Dash Cam's IQ (with proper Lens focus and sensor) can be improved by adjusting image settings, we just need access.
Excellent 6Nd Sharp10 footage, parking lots are great low speed plate readability areas.
The 6Nd uses default saturation and it may look slightly too high but those primary colored signs are not blown out, full direct sun is best indicator. The lower Sharp10 is noticeably softer than 20, more footage under different lighting and speeds plus screenshot comparisons on parked vehicle required before further adjustments. Any Dash Cam's IQ (with proper Lens focus and sensor) can be improved by adjusting image settings, we just need access.

A couple more files:

looks blurry, I guess I need a windshield wash :)
two sunny daylight clips.
1080 50fps, sharp 20, CPL, the rest is default.

I see some stuttering going on, I see this also in Makatanav his video.
I don't see this on 60fps or 30fps video's shared here, nor on my 50p video's taken with other camera's.
On my windshield there is a blue shading band which is visible in my video half way to the top.
And I believe I have the "old" type CPL filter (vignetting) ....
will also try to help with testing
Everything's default, CPL, sharpness low 10
p.s. will reduce clip time to 1 min next time
Welcome to the Forum, very good 6Neu 50fps Sharp10 footage, not many DVRs offer EU PAL video frame rates, I will provide them.
I'd like to Request more 6Neu footage both at 25fps + 50fps, day + night, narrow streets, busy traffic, parking lots, highway, rain + cloud.
Request your authorization to use parts of your footage in MODs World Tour promotional videos. Read your Forum INBOX.
With regards to the sharpness settings, we probably do need to take into consideration that our tastes may not always match what other people want. Personally I don't think the settings of low/med/high should be very close to one another.

The settings that people decide on here to be just right, I think should probably be the low setting honestly, or use ours as a 4th "default" setting. Then 1 step beneath as low, and 2 above as med and high. I think each step should provide a relatively noticeable difference in sharpness. What we think is way too sharp is probably about right for a high setting for most people. From all of the opinions here, we seem to like sharpness much lower than what they are releasing, so our settings should probably be on the lower end of the spectrum.
Here are some night video clips from 6Nc and 6Nd. All at my usual settings and low sharpness.


Other than the guy in the next lane almost veering right into me, there is a good improvement to the video. Not sure what specific settings were changed, as I've been away for a while, but there is quite a noticeable reduction of noise in the picture compared to just the boosted stock beta 4.02 FW at night. So that's great! Crispness still goes to 1.01, but this is a big improvement from before.

I am seeing a continuous issue with the picture dropping in and out of focus though. You can see it happen on the car next to me around 17s in, then it corrects itself. Then again at around 30s, then corrects again. It happens continuously, outside of this just clip as well. Not sure when that issue may have been introduced, but it's the first time I've noticed it in any of my videos.

1.01 5Hb!azZkkQ7b!uye4_gpwJV4GHoR6Hi0kc7RVMNZKmH-DGfn-gBRE3Ro
For comparison to 6Nc, here is a night video of 1.01 5Hb with the slightly lower bitrate. 5Hb still has the clearer picture, even with 25Mbps vs 25.6Mbps on 6Nc, but 6Nc does have an overall brighter picture. You get a bit more of a wider viewing angle due to the brighter picture. That reduction of noise really boosted the quality of 6Nc.

Kept the sound in this one because it literally seemed like the sky was rocking out to Eminem/Joyner playing in my car as well. :LOL: Again, very little noise in the video, and colour seemed to be pretty spot on from what I remember.!f2gQCAiJ!dJ46ZbfqdvyPbd7_Aon-L_3WETmQ4T_6KAvFJcYAfwM
Parking lot, lots of rain. Picture isn't distorting, falling apart, or getting noisy, even when I started to slowly drive away. The stock beta had issues as soon as any movement was introduced at night.!i7hCCSDb!x1adZv4kw3cQqq0hMlkHP8nkrSdaMvguturFYPdtMHo
Again, very little noise in the picture even with everything going on outside with the rain, driving at speed, lightning, wind, etc. Given the crazy weather, the picture was actually pretty good, all things considered. I can't tell if the focus issue is still occurring in 6Nd though as the weather made it difficult to figure anything out and my windshield was a bit foggy.
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two sunny daylight clips.
1080 50fps, sharp 20, CPL, the rest is default.

I see some stuttering going on, I see this also in Makatanav his video.
I don't see this on 60fps or 30fps video's shared here, nor on my 50p video's taken with other camera's.
On my windshield there is a blue shading band which is visible in my video half way to the top.
And I believe I have the "old" type CPL filter (vignetting) ....
Thanks for the 6Neu 50fps sharp 20 footage. The stutter in Makatanav footage is noticeable and not in your 50fps using same MOD so it could be his memory card or upload process... and probably disappear once switch to 1min clips.
Here are some night video clips from 6Nc and 6Nd. All at my usual settings and low sharpness.


Other than the guy in the next lane almost veering right into me, there is a good improvement to the video. Not sure what specific settings were changed, as I've been away for a while, but there is quite a noticeable reduction of noise in the picture compared to just the boosted stock beta 4.02 FW at night. So that's great! Crispness still goes to 1.01, but this is a big improvement from before.

I am seeing a continuous issue with the picture dropping in and out of focus though. You can see it happen on the car next to me around 17s in, then it corrects itself. Then again at around 30s, then corrects again. It happens continuously, outside of this just clip as well. Not sure when that issue may have been introduced, but it's the first time I've noticed it in any of my videos.

1.01 5Hb!azZkkQ7b!uye4_gpwJV4GHoR6Hi0kc7RVMNZKmH-DGfn-gBRE3Ro
For comparison to 6Nc, here is a night video of 1.01 5Hb with the slightly lower bitrate. 5Hb still has the clearer picture, even with 25Mbps vs 25.6Mbps on 6Nc, but 6Nc does have an overall brighter picture. You get a bit more of a wider viewing angle due to the brighter picture. That reduction of noise really boosted the quality of 6Nc.

Kept the sound in this one because it literally seemed like the sky was rocking out to Eminem/Joyner playing in my car as well. :LOL: Again, very little noise in the video, and colour seemed to be pretty spot on from what I remember.!f2gQCAiJ!dJ46ZbfqdvyPbd7_Aon-L_3WETmQ4T_6KAvFJcYAfwM
Parking lot, lots of rain. Picture isn't distorting, falling apart, or getting noisy, even when I started to slowly drive away. The stock beta had issues as soon as any movement was introduced at night.!i7hCCSDb!x1adZv4kw3cQqq0hMlkHP8nkrSdaMvguturFYPdtMHo
Again, very little noise in the picture even with everything going on outside with the rain, driving at speed, lightning, wind, etc. Given the crazy weather, the picture was actually pretty good, all things considered. I can't tell if the focus issue is still occurring in 6Nd though as the weather made it difficult to figure anything out and my windshield was a bit foggy.
Wow! 1st night clip of 6Nd 1080@30fps sharp10 has almost continuous Lightning (added to MWTour). In earlier test footage I noticed what appears to be either auto-focus adjustments or auto-sharpness having trouble locking to scene in low light. The screenshot below is small section of AF code in all Novatek firmware and probably doesn't apply to Sony sensor but sharing anyway. Require more footage to determine if frequent-over-correction-issue is v4.02 official setting or MOD setting.



  • A119S-FW402-Auto-Focus-commands.JPG
    136.6 KB · Views: 13
Thanks for the 6Neu 50fps sharp 20 footage. The stutter in Makatanav footage is noticeable and not in your 50fps using same MOD so it could be his memory card or upload process... and probably disappear once switch to 1min clips.
I`m using SanDisk High Endurance 64GB card
Is it me, or the current MOD v4.02 Sharpness10 has an image quality (almost) as good as original v1.01?
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Everything's default, CPL, sharpness low 10
1. the most annoying for me was the blown out sky's, only now played and looks like found a solution (but looks like it works only for daytime):
2. evening drive:
3. low light drive (here can be seen what I told in 1. point, looks like for low light need lower the lens so the hood is wisible)
Is it me, or the current MOD v4.02 Sharpness10 has an image quality (almost) as good as original v1.01?
Image has improved but not as crisp as v1.01 yet, not the same type of IQ MODs.
Once more footage for Sharp 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 60 is compared adjustments for each level begin and final selection for 3 level range. May end up something like = Low 12 / Med 32 / High 52
Everything's default, CPL, sharpness low 10
1. the most annoying for me was the blown out sky's, only now played and looks like found a solution (but looks like it works only for daytime):
2. evening drive:
3. low light drive (here can be seen what I told in 1. point, looks like for low light need lower the lens so the hood is wisible)
Good example of Auto-Contrast and Brightness, each owner has their own preference angling Lens, and yours has great focus. Windshield may require cleaning for night flares but not bad. My inside glass always needs cleaning for night clips. Comparing footage with Lens up and down day & night always help, especially while parked as #1 shows. DCTEAM is pushing for maximum image quality so End Users benefit and not stuck with over-sharpened IQ.
The new Sept 13 - A119S Beta v4.0 (4.04?) greatly changed the large Sharpness table values (comparing now, skipped the smaller table I adjusted), Saturation remains unchanged, disappointing the Bit Rate is further reduced to 24.6Mbps but much better than original 20 & 15Mbps. Collecting new footage for comparisons.
VIOFO link >
Thanks for the 6Neu 50fps sharp 20 footage. The stutter in Makatanav footage is noticeable and not in your 50fps using same MOD so it could be his memory card or upload process... and probably disappear once switch to 1min clips.
It's visible in both mine and Makatanav's.
To make it more visible I did the following:
I slowed down the video to 10fps and rendered it again to 50fps, for both mine and Makatanav's:
the 1st 30 seconds are Makatanav's, the last 30 seconds are mine. The effect is best visible looking off center, you see it jump every half a second or so.