VIOFO A129 non-IR 1080p Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Very very wrong. Many ISPS in Sweden do not log traffic, refuse to hand over any and all personal data on users to the government, and are one of the most secure places in the world. Look up the ISP Bahnhof. They literally advertise themselves as keeping no logs or records. And have told the Swedish Government Screw you on many of occasions.
My comment wasn't about the ISPs in Sweden its the choice of VPN server in that country known to have very high prosecutions. Most Full Service VPN's allow selecting the country server to circumvent GEO-Blocking content so if you wanted to watch content in Sweden its understandable or you just like their flag icon. Other nearby countries has less savvier privacy laws and some are much worse, Sweden is not on my favorite list.

Look forward to seeing some of your 4Uj test footage.
So I drove around last night and have a few takes on the A129 Duo. It's been super rainy, dreary, and foggy at times,. Conditions tough on a Camera. I noticed the A129 Duo handles beautifully in daylight from both the front and rear camera. On the other hand, night shot is grainy from Rear and Front. I guess Tinting on the rear (80% - Cuts light to 20%) can explain rear camera. But the front only has 20% Tint (allows 80% light) on front. On Highways and areas where it's dark, it really doesn't capture very sharply.

Is this typical at night conditions? Maybe I should watch a video from when the weather isn't rainy and reflective and judge from there? I.E. Drive around at night and see how it does when things aren't reflecting / refracting? Does the A129 Duo generally have good night vision or is it just "SO SO"?

Does WDR make night recording better or worse? CFL is removed btw from front camera? Maybe I should install CFL and live with some daytime Refraction at the improvement of better images at night?
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My comment wasn't about the ISPs in Sweden its the choice of VPN server in that country known to have very high prosecutions. Most Full Service VPN's allow selecting the country server to circumvent GEO-Blocking content so if you wanted to watch content in Sweden its understandable or you just like their flag icon. Other nearby countries has less savvier privacy laws and some are much worse, Sweden is not on my favorite list.

Look forward to seeing some of your 4Uj test footage.

Sweden Prosecutes? I've yet to see a single person outside the idiots from Pirate Bay ever receive flack from Sweden's government. Bahnhof has done everything in their power to shield users. Far as a "Secure VPN", that's a tough one.

1. If you are paying for the VPN then it isn't secure. Your personal data is attached to an account. So any Police order can easily uncover who pays for the service. And then a Court Order can force the VPN owner to hand over any data associated with the VPN's IP.

2. If your country has an agreement with the country where the VPN is hosted, do you really think you are immune from prosecution?

My Point? What "Better Countries" do you suggest? I guess MAYBE Russia, South Sudan, Congo, North Korea, etc? Places that have minimal interactions with Western Nations.
a large percentage of VPN users are trying to get around GEO blocks for video services, for those you want to use a specific country so that your location appears to be somewhere else, when I use a VPN from China it's a case of selecting any VPN that I can actually get a connection on, it's a frustrating exercise when you just want to use internet without the filter
a large percentage of VPN users are trying to get around GEO blocks for video services, for those you want to use a specific country so that your location appears to be somewhere else, when I use a VPN from China it's a case of selecting any VPN that I can actually get a connection on, it's a frustrating exercise when you just want to use internet without the filter

Any suggestions on the Night Glare?

And Free VPNS are great for anonymity but go down very often and are unreliable. And yes, several things are blocked by one country and permitted in another. Or in China's case the Great Firewall. As is the case with many authoritarian governments. Access to free media is heavily filtered.
Any suggestions on the Night Glare?

sample video?

And Free VPNS are great for anonymity but go down very often and are unreliable. And yes, several things are blocked by one country and permitted in another. Or in China's case the Great Firewall. As is the case with many authoritarian governments. Access to free media is heavily filtered.

I never bother with free VPN's, they're useless from China
sample video?

I never bother with free VPN's, they're useless from China

I thrwew the CFL filter back on the front camera to do some testing. My personal experience seems to be that night time reflections from vehicle lights and neon store signs wreak havoc on the camera. Front video quality was sub par at best in my opinion. CFL filter seems to tone down the glare. Could be my tint making the reflections appear worse (though you'd think a dark film would do otherwise). None the less on my short test I felt video quality from front camera performed better at night with CFL.

Now to see if I can live with the Halo in day time, since I don't want to constantly pull CFL filter on and off.

Disabled WDR to see if it'll make difference (others here already said no).. But I'll give it a shot today when I drive around in daytime.

Far as modified firmware....BC Hobbyist mentioned in a very early post that the rear camera is capped at around 18Mbps? Not sure if that still remains true. If so then it'd make sense to do 27 front / 17 rear? And a split 22 / 22 would be pointless?
Far as modified firmware....BC Hobbyist mentioned in a very early post that the rear camera is capped at around 18Mbps? Not sure if that still remains true. If so then it'd make sense to do 27 front / 17 rear? And a split 22 / 22 would be pointless?
That was true in the earlier days of A129 modified firmware. Later on @BCHobbyist found a way to unlock higher bitrates for both front and back cameras.
I wouldn't use a CPL filter behind a tinted window

Problem is the night recording on my front window (even with only 20% tine.. 80% light allowed) is that it is very grainy and passable. With CFL at night, the image quality is much better. Seems to be a give and take here. Suffer in daytime with some Halo'ing and improve night video. Or have perfect day and sub par night.

Going to drive around today and watch daytime videos. See how "Bad" the daytime looks over all. If the Halo'ing is a constant or not. Sun is out today so should be able to get some test done.
Problem is the night recording on my front window (even with only 20% tine.. 80% light allowed) is that it is very grainy and passable. With CFL at night, the image quality is much better.
I don't think I've ever noticed a CPL improving the image quality at night on any of my cameras.

Can you post a single frame with and without the CPL attached from a stationary viewpoint, like a grocery store car park or a petrol filling station? Something with plenty of bright lights that you say cause excessive glare for your camera.
I don't think I've ever noticed a CPL improving the image quality at night on any of my cameras.

Can you post a single frame with and without the CPL attached from a stationary viewpoint, like a grocery store car park or a petrol filling station? Something with plenty of bright lights that you say cause excessive glare for your camera.

The CFL filters out light. So when head lights and/or neon signs are present, the video is heavily saturated without the CFL. You can't read license plates, etc. So that's a huge trade off between CFL and better visibility at night or Halo during day.

I need to run some tests today so will pull the memory card and post pictures after I do.
The CFL filters out light. So when head lights and/or neon signs are present, the video is heavily saturated without the CFL. You can't read license plates, etc. So that's a huge trade off between CFL and better visibility at night or Halo during day.

I need to run some tests today so will pull the memory card and post pictures after I do.
I don't doubt what you're seeing. I'd just like to see it for myself. I tend not to use a CPL on my primary front and rear cameras over the winter since I felt they performed better without the filters. But perhaps you have found a benefit to using a CPL at night that I did not observe.
The purpose of all my Modified Firmware for A129 Duo, A119S, A119 Pro, A119, GitUp G3 Duo is to improve main Front camera. Specifically for the A129 Duo the side effect of different Bitrates is corresponding opposite Bitrate changes to Rear Camera (increase one decrease the other), but Image Quality, Sharpness, Saturation adjustments are applied to both with equal benefits.
The Rear Camera image quality will always be less since its below 24Mb/s and never reach the 26.6Mb/s noticeable Bitrate boundary.
Today I have installed 4uj firmware, all went well, but one thing I’m not sure about from your descriptions in the OP, does this give me 60 fps front + 30 fps rear, or is it still just 30 + 30?
Today I have installed 4uj firmware, all went well, but one thing I’m not sure about from your descriptions in the OP, does this give me 60 fps front + 30 fps rear, or is it still just 30 + 30?
The A129 Duo with both cameras connected only supports one resolution 1080P @30fps for both cameras there is no option to change in stock or MOD FW.
The A129 Duo with both cameras connected only supports one resolution 1080P @30fps for both cameras there is no option to change in stock or MOD FW.
Ok thanks for clarifying.

How come in the fw descriptions you say:

“override BitRate Menu to increase from 20/16/8/7Mbs to 24/20/8/7Mbs on 60fps + 30fps !!!!”
Ok thanks for clarifying.

How come in the fw descriptions you say:

“override BitRate Menu to increase from 20/16/8/7Mbs to 24/20/8/7Mbs on 60fps + 30fps !!!!”
My MODs work in single camera and dual camera mode. For owners with only A129 Front camera there are more resolutions and frame rates, unplug the Rear and see, once you connect Rear cam the resolution and frame rate is locked at 1080P 30fps + 1080P 30fps to prevent video corruption. My ChangeLog Bitrate entry is accurate and apply to available stock Menu Settings which change in Dual Cam mode. Everyone wants maximum performance but running Front Cam at 60fps and Rear Cam at 60 or 30fps isn't realistic on $100 dashcam hardware.
My MODs work in single camera and dual camera mode. For owners with only A129 Front camera there are more resolutions and frame rates, unplug the Rear and see, once you connect Rear cam the resolution and frame rate is locked at 1080P 30fps + 1080P 30fps to prevent video corruption. My ChangeLog Bitrate entry is accurate and apply to available stock Menu Settings which change in Dual Cam mode. Everyone wants maximum performance but running Front Cam at 60fps and Rear Cam at 60 or 30fps isn't realistic on $100 dashcam hardware.
Ok I see. Maybe you should change the description to “30fps + 30 fps” to avoid confusion.
Ok I see. Maybe you should change the description to “30fps + 30 fps” to avoid confusion.
My Bitrate MODs work at 60fps + 30fps. The confusion occurs when owners expect the same resolution options from single Front camera mode after connecting Rear camera.
The grammar police may prefer "60fps or 30fps" but thats too many extra letters.