VIOFO A129 non-IR 1080p Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Here is some footage using MOD 4Um, driving and parked. I put a link to original files in the description of each video. I'll test the 4Un soon.

In you opinion, how does the 4UM (increased saturation) compare to 4UJ or other UJ mods?
In you opinion, how does the 4UM (increased saturation) compare to 4UJ or other UJ mods?
Yes, not by much, but just about right. It's better than the stock or the other mods. I will check to see if the increased saturation has some negative effect on night time videos.
Yes, not by much, but just about right. It's better than the stock or the other mods. I will check to see if the increased saturation has some negative effect on night time videos.

Sounds good. Please let us know. Are your tests with or without a CPL filter?
Tempted to try 4Un but wondering if anything has changed w.r.t. the parking modes. As previoulsy noted I lost parking modes fairly randomly after installing previous mods, in app or on the device itself, so just asking. I'd quite like to use the mods but really would quite like apparently unrelated bits to perform consistently. If the answer is "don't know", or "maybe", I'll give it a whirl.
No parking mode issues for me (3-wire kit, Low Bitrate parking mode, MOD 4Um)
No parking mode issues for me (3-wire kit, Low Bitrate parking mode, MOD 4Um)
It was the event based stuff I was interested in, burst of live video when motion detected, seems to work on stock firmware, but vanished on the previous mods tried, sometimes came back forva while, then the option disappeared again until I return to stock. A little weird. When parked in an empty garage low frame rate feels like a waste of card life, but when parked out and about its nice to get video...
Plenty of sunshine here today :cool:


I would have posted a shot from my A129, but it failed to record again this morning :(
Too much sunshine in my part of the UK yesterday, I can't see the road, although the A129 has no problem reading plates:


Not quite sure why the road isn't visible, maybe sunlight reflecting off the sensor and then back off the lens elements?
Too much sunshine in my part of the UK yesterday, I can't see the road, although the A129 has no problem reading plates:

View attachment 44942

Not quite sure why the road isn't visible, maybe sunlight reflecting off the sensor and then back off the lens elements?

These are the situations where the CPL filter come in Handy. My Dilemma is the light polarization from my tint causing the CPL filter to show a halo effect. If your windows aren't tinted, then invest in a CPL and that problem disappears.
Too much sunshine in my part of the UK yesterday, I can't see the road, although the A129 has no problem reading plates:

View attachment 44942

Not quite sure why the road isn't visible, maybe sunlight reflecting off the sensor and then back off the lens elements?
You said that you couldn't see the road yourself. The low bright sun throws most of the image into shadow or silhouette.

It's a simple case of the dynamic range being a long way beyond the capability of the sensor. The road is just under-exposed. Lifting the shadows and the exposure shows a little bit of the road surface. It's not practical for a dashcam to do this image adjustment however.
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You said that you couldn't see the road yourself. The low bright sun throws most of the image into shadow or silhouette.

It's a simple case of the dynamic range being a long way beyond the capability of the sensor. The road is just under-exposed. Lifting the shadows and the exposure shows a little bit of the road surface. It's not practical for a dashcam to do this image adjustment however.
View attachment 44946
I think the main problem is the orange haze hiding what is behind it, which looking at my side camera is not from the car glass since it extends onto the roof area, so must be caused by lens reflections:

I suspect the only answer is a higher quality multi-coated lens, or maybe I'm asking it to do too much!

My Dilemma is the light polarization from my tint causing the CPL filter to show a halo effect. If your windows aren't tinted, then invest in a CPL and that problem disappears.
Do you also see your "halo effect" when wearing polarised sunglasses? I'm wondering if using a linear polariser instead of a circular polariser would solve your problem?
I think the main problem is the orange haze hiding what is behind it, which looking at my side camera is not from the car glass since it extends onto the roof area, so must be caused by lens reflections:
View attachment 44947

I suspect the only answer is a higher quality multi-coated lens, or maybe I'm asking it to do too much!

Do you also see your "halo effect" when wearing polarised sunglasses? I'm wondering if using a linear polariser instead of a circular polariser would solve your problem?
Yes, I agree. There is substantial lens flare in your image that is obscuring the shadow detail in the road. Difficult to do much about that given the position of the sun.
Yes, I agree. There is substantial lens flare in your image that is obscuring the shadow detail in the road. Difficult to do much about that given the position of the sun.
Yes, I agree. There is substantial lens flare in your image that is obscuring the shadow detail in the road. Difficult to do much about that given the position of the sun.


You've been helpful throughout and respectful of my questions. I wasn't happy with my 6uj test yesterday. I removed CPL filter but the tint creates its own dilemma on blocking light. Therefore, I am most happy with leaving sharpness and saturation alone. These appear to be counterproductive with my current setup.

So I have two options. But I wanted some clarification since you appear rather knowledgeable. Going from 1080p -- 4K, you are packing in more pixels to a video stream, and thus making the pixels smaller. Which often will make recording video at night more grainy.

And upping Bitrate is suppose to improve image quality and lesson motion blur. But of course, the pixel size stays the same since our Viofo A129 are 1080p cameras. However, does changing the bitrate from 17 ---> 27 have any negative effect on night recording / capturing images.

Essentially the two options I am considering due to the problems with the tint are:

Note: Option #1 uses stock settings sans upping bitrate

1. MOD-27W - - - December 22, 2018 > Download 27W
Bitrate=Front 27Mb/s Rear 17Mb/s + stock image quality = Large File acceptable image quality
  • based on new official FW v1.50
  • unlocked MAXIMUM Bitrate to 27.6Mbs = 28Mbs clips.
  • override BitRate Menu to increase from 20/16/8/7Mbs to 27/17/8/7Mbs on 60fps or 30fps
  • override BitRate for Single Camera Mode 60fps or 30fps now at 24Mbs WiFi on !!
  • uses Default Image Quality (VIOFO values sharpness,edge,brightness,contrast,saturation)
  • replaced Mic-Off + Wifi-Off graphics to improve visibility.
2. Simply going back to stock.

Any input?
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And upping Bitrate is suppose to improve image quality and lesson motion blur.
Incorrect, bitrate is totally unrelated to motion blur.
However, does changing the bitrate from 17 ---> 27 have any negative effect on night recording / capturing images.
No, increasing bitrate will have no negative effect, it may or may not have a positive effect depending on if the lower rate is limiting image quality or not.
So I'm testing out MOD-27W - - - December 22, 2018 > Download 27W right now.

Question: One problem I notice, but seems a bit more prevalent on this mod, is when you connect to wifi all goes OK. But then you pause camera, and try to connect to videos, it'll load then say error. Then you try a second time and it generally work to load the videos.. Anyone else noticed this at all?
Normal behavior - since the video files are larger with this MOD than the ones captures with stock FW, a bigger delay is expected when you load a clip via WiFi.
It was the event based stuff I was interested in, burst of live video when motion detected, seems to work on stock firmware, but vanished on the previous mods tried, sometimes came back forva while, then the option disappeared again until I return to stock. A little weird. When parked in an empty garage low frame rate feels like a waste of card life, but when parked out and about its nice to get video...
My Parking Mode preference is 5fps Time Lapse which only records if visual motion is detected or impact event. Parking Mode on A119S - A119Pro - A119 all work perfectly with my MODs. The A129 voltage sensing Parking Event Modes won't work using Power Banks and so far my MODs are locked out. Once more Bitrate options appear in Menu the Parking Mode lock should weaken.
Created new A129 - STABLE versions 9Uo, 8Uo, 6Uo, 4Uo, 2Uo
ChangeLog >
These Public Stable MODs have +4 increased color Saturation and minor Sharpness tweak which works well on both Lens types. View the ChangeLog for full details.
Requesting Test Footage comparing 4Uo to Stock 1.50 FW with CPL On, should be very revealing.
Higher Bitrate MODs improve image detail and increase MP4 video clip size.


This comparison between A129 1080P vs A119 1440P resulted in minor firmware adjustments to color saturation and sharpness in both Dash Cams. Download the A129's new Vivid color MODs in the Bitrate of your choice 22, 24, 26, 28, 29 Mb/s. Recommend 24 Mb/s for reduced file size or 26 Mb/s for improved image quality. Higher Bitrates should only be used in cooler temperatures.
MOD Install Guide:
Dashcam Advice:

YouTube Channel:
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Going from 1080p -- 4K, you are packing in more pixels to a video stream, and thus making the pixels smaller. Which often will make recording video at night more grainy.
I don't know why you are talking about 4K? None of the A129 firmware options upscale the native 1080p video.

And upping Bitrate is suppose to improve image quality and lesson motion blur. But of course, the pixel size stays the same since our Viofo A129 are 1080p cameras. However, does changing the bitrate from 17 ---> 27 have any negative effect on night recording / capturing images.
Increasing bitrate helps to reduce the effects of video compression, seen visually in various ways including pixellation and loss of fine detail.

Motion blur is related to the exposure time for each frame, which is a function of the amount of available light, the aperture of the lens, and the sensitivity of the image sensor (including the ISO/gain set by the camera). To my knowledge, changing bitrate does not influence the gain applied to the signal from the image sensor. Increased bitrate would permit more image noise to be shown (alongside more image detail).

If default image quality works better for you, then MOD-27W seems a good choice for higher bitrate video. If you really don't notice any difference, stick with V1.50 and enjoy smaller video files and a cooler camera.