Unfortunately, your parking lot picture is very dark and difficult to see any difference. Might want to point your lens down one click to catch a little less sky.
Are you moving in the second picture? That could explain why the whole picture looks more out of focus verses the first picture.
yes, I was moving. I'll do the experiment again under better lighting.
Smoke Pants
Do this: Allow to cool completely DVR. Turn on the DVR to record, will not move for 30-40min., let the DVR all the time writes. After 30-40min. stop recording, take a photo from the first video "cold" DVR and the latest "hot" roller DVR, compare on the PC.

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60 кадров в секунду не поможет в этой проблеме, это физика.
Street Guardian releases cameras without problems with focus, because they install the metal holder.

Street Guardian cameras perform well because of their metal lens modules but they are far from immune to focus shifts, especially if left running in a hot car.

Do a little searching here one the forum and you will find numerous threads where buyers report focus issues with the SG9665GC.

To its credit, when the SG99665GC does go out of focus in a hot car it will generally return to normal once it cools down. In other cases, the focus issues have been permanent and require replacement due to a long standing defect.
Friends, I'm tired of you , something to prove.The laws of physics you do not understand. I don't care what with your focus on the DVR, I know this problem on many DVR and how is it treated. If You are satisfied don't write a post about focus. On one of the forums there is a problem with the new BlackVue DR750S-2CH imx291 on what I think is the problem ? guess what ? There is a representative of BlackVue came to the forum and honestly say there is a problem , looking for solutions.

I solved this problem once and for all(metal holder) and half wrote about the treatment, but you are trying to prove the opposite, that all is well and does not require treatment.
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Smoke Pants
Do this: Allow to cool completely DVR. Turn on the DVR to record, will not move for 30-40min., let the DVR all the time writes. After 30-40min. stop recording, take a photo from the first video "cold" DVR and the latest "hot" roller DVR, compare on the PC.

View attachment 33703
View attachment 33705
It looks like the difference there is due to the light level, the sun has moved, or maybe the clouds have moved, in the second image it is using a higher ISO value so has less sharpness.

If you want to do that test properly then you need to make sure the light level is the same in both images, use a photo camera to check the shutter speed and ISO value, if they are different then the difference in the image may due to the light level and not focus.

To test it properly you should also test with the camera out of the car, differences in focus left to right can be caused by the car windscreen glass and sometimes dirt on the windscreen.

If you are really fussy about focus then you should learn to focus the lens yourself, then you have a much better chance of having it in focus for both hot and cold.
Friends, I'm tired of you , something to prove.The laws of physics you do not understand. I don't care what with your focus on the DVR, I know this problem on many DVR and how is it treated. If You are satisfied don't write a post about focus. On one of the forums there is a problem with the new BlackVue DR750S-2CH imx291 on what I think is the problem ? guess what ? There is a representative of BlackVue came to the forum and honestly say there is a problem , looking for solutions.

Nothing to prove, just the truth of the situation.

Laws of physics? When a camera goes out of focus there is a problem. Street Guardian offers terrific customer service when people report this but has been highly reluctant to admit that this issue has existed since the V1.

In fact there is often outright denial that the problem exists.

SG should take a cue from BlackVue and "honestly say there is a problem".
In each case it was someone other than me reporting a focus issue with the SG9665GC. These are only a few of the reports.

My brand new SG9665GC V3 is not performing as expected!

SG9665GC V2 getting blurry when hot?
Blurry video SG9665GC

Another GC focus problem report (with good CS)

BTW, I've personally had three different SG9665GC units that experienced focus failure.
Street Guardian has provided outstanding and generous customer service, as always, but all in all there has been a reluctance to admit the pervasiveness of the issue here on DCT, dealing with each customer as a unique case, separate from all the other reports. That's the truth of the matter even if it's unpopular to talk about it.
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This is not my video in the garage.

Once again, I have everything , I set myself a metal holder and a lens F1.6/ f2.9, the angle horizon 120° , the original 95°
Do you think I can focus or not ? ;)

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Объектив сток.jpg

F1.6 / f2.9

Объектив TV Q5NV.jpg
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Ridiculous photos that show dash reflections that show the camera is not even in the middle of the screen
What ridiculous ? everything you need to execute. Installed to the right of the mirror 120° it is difficult to align with this mount, I had my to put.


1..jpg 2..jpg 3.jpg Безымянный1.jpg
What ridiculous ? everything you need to execute. Installed to the right of the mirror 120° it is difficult to align with this mount, I had my to put.

View attachment 33713

View attachment 33709 View attachment 33710 View attachment 33711 View attachment 33712

I don't see any problem with your images. Not everyone can mount a camera in the exact center of their windshield. Where I live we are required to have a safety inspection sticker in the center of the windshield directly behind the mirror so all dash cams need to be mounted to the right or left.
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Of course but not far off and certainly better than those shots

It really depends @Hombre. I mentioned the required inspection sticker in the middle of my windscreen and depending on the FOV of any given dash cam it may need to be farther away than you might expect so as not to end up with the sticker (or rear view mirror) showing in the image, especially on a camera with a very wide lens.

With some cameras you can make an adjustment to aim it towards the center if you need to mount it off to the side. It only requires a few degrees. One trick I've used is to place an extra piece of 3M VHB tape along one side or the other of the mounting plate covering about 1/4 or 1/3rd of the plate and this will aim the camera slightly to the left or right.
With some cameras you can make an adjustment to aim it towards the center if you need to mount it off to the side. It only requires a few degrees. One trick I've used is to place an extra piece of 3M VHB tape along one side or the other of the mounting plate covering about 1/4 or 1/3rd of the plate and this will aim the camera slightly to the left or right.

All right. I had to use this mount for a wide angle lens to catch the centre.

That looks viable but I guess not so stealthy as some extra tape on one side or a thin wedge under the mount. Whatever works for each person is the best thing to use. :)

At an angle of 120° strip 3M does not help, turn need more, what would the mirror do not fall in the video. And stealth helps a dark strip of film for tuning.

At an angle of 120° strip 3M does not help, turn need more, what would the mirror do not fall in the video. And stealth helps a dark strip of film for tuning.

View attachment 33717

When I was involved as a beta tester for the pre-production mini-0806 I brought up the issue of some people needing to aim the camera towards the center from an off center mounted camera. Tests and general consensus determined that any adjustment would require anywhere from 2º to 6º. The result was that both the 0806 and 0906 now come with two wedges that can be screwed into the back of the mount. MEGtech: "Included within the package are a 2° and a 4° mounting wedges which can be used to mount the camera at the edges of the windscreen. By using a combination of wedges between the GPS mount and the camera, you can ensure a solid fit against the curvature of the your windscreen." You can use either use the supplied 2º wedge or the 4º wedge or you can use them both together to achieve 6º.

So, at least for me if I need to get more lateral adjustment with cameras like the Viofo A119 or the SG9665GC I've learned you can use one strip of 3M VHB tape along one side or you can double up with two strips of extra tape along one side and this always seems to be enough to cure the off-center problem. Each layer of extra tape is approximately two degrees adjustment, maybe slightly more.

P.S. Your mount looks fine behind the tint strip. Very stealthy.
Sorry to change the subject, but does the A119 fit the A119s GPS mount?

I was thinking about ordering an A119 to compare with the S, and I'm wondering if I can do this without mounting another block of cement to my windshield.