Xiaomi Yi 4K Action Camera 2 More Details - Update Real Photo & Unboxing Review Video

Does anyone know if there is a 4:3 resolution for video?
If you mean the aspect ratio then probably not, but you can make it so in post-production.

By the way, more original accessories from Xiaoyi:

This one also includes a floating grip.
50 bucks for watreproof case ...nice one :)
Yes, they need to find a way to obtain some profit when they sell the cameras very cheap. They obtain more money from a waterproof case compared to a camera. Is like buying printers!

Yes, they need to find a way to obtain some profit when they sell the cameras very cheap. They obtain more money from a waterproof case compared to a camera. Is like buying printers!

Yep, I agree with you.

More real photos:



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Ok now that's more affordable, but I guess it's not Original from Xiaomi? I doubt it makes any difference though.
Not sure what the market is for this. You don't get the waterproof accessories. The specs are only as good as Gopro Hero Black. And you are lacking all of the higher functionality of the GoPros, namely the access to Protune control (allowing control of exposure, WB, etc), ability to use the gopro remote which has much higher functionality than anything chinese, and the ability to shoot RAW. The higher end will still go with gopro and this just isn't cheap enough to change anyone's mind. Maybe at $199.
Not sure what the market is for this. You don't get the waterproof accessories. The specs are only as good as Gopro Hero Black. And you are lacking all of the higher functionality of the GoPros, namely the access to Protune control (allowing control of exposure, WB, etc), ability to use the gopro remote which has much higher functionality than anything chinese, and the ability to shoot RAW. The higher end will still go with gopro and this just isn't cheap enough to change anyone's mind. Maybe at $199.
I think that is still a bit much when you can get a Gitup Git2 for half that amount which does have waterproof case, control of exposure, WB, RAW photos, aspect ratio etc. it might not work with the GoPro remote but it does have it's own remote. Yes, that is not true 4K, but with the gyro turned on this will not be either.

But nobody has tested a Yi2 properly yet, lets wait and see what a production unit can do, specs don't often give the full story...
Video comparing YI Action Camera 2 and YI Action Camera. Shot in 1080p 60fps.
Electronic Image Stabilization was turned on on YI 2
Does it record with h.265 or with h.264 format?

Στάλθηκε από το P6000 Pro μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Does it have Car Mode like in SJCam?
In the modern day we just don't buy a product we buy into the brand and literally that is what Gopro has done to it's consumers.
Seeing how Gopro have marketed previous models and the hype eventually dying down i believe the Gopro Hero 5 really won't be anything special.

See it like this :
Just because Apple for example has a hefy price tag on it's macbook models really does not mean that it will perform any better than say a Dell.

Now there are a lot of awful sports camera out there but i do believe some have come out the shadows and shown us that there is a real alternative to Gopro .

The Xiaomi yi gave us the option to shoot footage on 2k for less than $100 and well if people want to complain about the price tag of Yi 2 take note that you can still purchase 2 xiaomi's for the price of 1 Gopro .
I got an email today from Gearbest saying my camera had shipped.
Looks like it's shipping from the Czech Republic!! ??
tracking # CZ.