Zenfox T3 Triple channel dash cams free test invitation, limited quantity

yeah it's not as simple
I'm wondering how to fit a CPL for the front camera :unsure: I think a stick-on type CPL might work
stick on won't be easily removable or adjustable. I hope is one that covers the whole lens frame. Kind of like attaching the dust cup to binoculars. That way it can be easily attached/removed when needed to.
stick on won't be easily removable or adjustable. I hope is one that covers the whole lens frame. Kind of like attaching the dust cup to binoculars. That way it can be easily attached/removed when needed to.
the type we used on the SGZC12SG might work, there was an adhesive steel ring around the lens then a mag filter which was easily removable/adjustable
the type we used on the SGZC12SG might work, there was an adhesive steel ring around the lens then a mag filter which was easily removable/adjustable
I like that idea.
A quick look suggests it might be suitable, the one we used was 42mm, not sure if that would cause any vignetting, housing would accommodate something a bit bigger if needed

Just test/review with what you have on hands is good enough.

I've been testing/reviewing dashcams since 2015. But there are a lot more senior testers/reviewers in DCT. I'm just small fry ;)

I usually wait for the cards to go sales before I buy them.

128GB has gotten cheaper over the years. Now waiting for 256GB and 512GB cards price to go down.

Ya 256s are a bit pricey still, but I want a card that'll capture a day or two worth of video without fear that stuff might get overwritten. So I shelled out for 1 x 256 and 1 x 128GB Sandisk High Endurance. No big deal. I budgeted some money for the beta testing. Just not to your caliber of a hoard worth of micro sd cards!!
T3 no GPS timer.
If the T3 does not connect ACC hardwire cable, it will enter into parking mode after the G-sensor and motion detection are not triggered for 5 minutes.

I tested out the camera with the Viofo Hardwire kit and the T3 does enter parking mode. I ordered an HK3 hardwire kit that I'll install and see how the camera functions with it. Parking mode is a very important feature to me.
I did a bit of driving this morning and camera seemed to behaving well for the moment being. I'm not intending to add parking mode capability to my unit since I feel that is not a big priority for me at the moment but I totally understand it could be to others. I will definitely order a cpl filter from Zenfox for the front camera as soon as this comes available. I today's sunny short drive the dashboard reflection was a bit too much since I am used to not see that on my Viofo with the filter on. Also looking to get some A1 or A2 sd cards soon, even though the EVO and SanDisk Extreme Plus are doing well so far, don't know for how long though.

I already had some A-Hole F*CK my nice car up with a 10 inch / 16CM paperclip width scratch on my door. Front + Rear didn't capture it. Seems the Zenfox Taxi cam might be better suited for the job. Either way, doesn't fix the scratch, and I have to learn to live with it. But you own something nice, and people have no respect.
Ya 256s are a bit pricey still, but I want a card that'll capture a day or two worth of video without fear that stuff might get overwritten. So I shelled out for 1 x 256 and 1 x 128GB Sandisk High Endurance. No big deal. I budgeted some money for the beta testing. Just not to your caliber of a hoard worth of micro sd cards!!

Hahaha... My cards is for use in all my devices in the family. Not just for dashcams.
Hahaha... My cards is for use in all my devices in the family. Not just for dashcams.

I have a bunch of older SD cards but the Sandisk A2 Extremes are being used in both Viofo A129 Duos. Which leaves me with a spare 32GB Sandisk Ultra Plus im using with camera to get it to boot and test out some features.

I won't even bother wiring my camera til next week when the new SD cards are in Hand and Hardwire kit arrives.
I already had some A-Hole F*CK my nice car up with a 10 inch / 16CM paperclip width scratch on my door. Front + Rear didn't capture it. Seems the Zenfox Taxi cam might be better suited for the job. Either way, doesn't fix the scratch, and I have to learn to live with it. But you own something nice, and people have no respect.
I agree, you have a very valid reason to want to capture another posible event and hopefully with enough detail of who did or does such a thing and make him pay for it
I agree, you have a very valid reason to want to capture another posible event and hopefully with enough detail of who did or does such a thing and make him pay for it

Don't think it was keyed since no jagged lines. But car door? Someone's clothing parking to close? Cart? Who knows but people don't care. Even if they saw the damage they probably kept going about their day. Never left a note.
I'm wondering how to fit a CPL for the front camera :unsure: I think a stick-on type CPL might work
It seems the perfect size for a 52mm SLR camera CPL filter, stuck on with 3 small pieces of 3M tape.

Haven't actually tried this because that is not how it will get used in taxis and the results will be a bit different with a CPL fitted. Also I wanted to test the exposure speed before sticking the CPL on, it is not going to come off again easily. But I will try it soon, I don't like reflections either and it is producing a really good image quality apart from the reflections.
Seems I'm the only one inclined to do a hardwire test with the HK3? Having already shown it works with the kit.
Why do you think that?

How do you think I was able to tell you that the T3 works correctly with the HK3 and that the wire colours are correct?

Yes, I hadn't tested the Parking Timer "On" setting, I've been using "2 hours", and I thought it would be easier to suggest that you test it than go and check myself - I might have got that wrong! Nobody ever tests everything, that is why there is more than one person testing.

I've also pointed out that parking mode works fine without the HK3, with the exception of lacking a low voltage cut off, which is not entirely necessary if you use the Parking Timer, so there is no need to wait for your new HK3 before testing.
Class 10 minimum.
I suggest that it is also A1 rated minimum, but Zenfox has not specified that.

Until extended testing is done with each model, we have no way of knowing if there might be an incompatibility. Zenfox probably wants the testing to find any that don't work.

Also good to test both FAT32 and exFAT, check that they work.
Please format the card to FAT32.
I have detected the first problem on my unit. When I start the vehicle, the camera starts normally, but then I turn the vehicle off the camera wont sense the power cut off and the screen will fade off until the internal caps are discharged resulting in corrupted file in the last clip being recorded.
If I disconnect the rear camera and I repeat the power cycle, the camera will turn on and turn off normally. Don't know if this is a power cord issue since the rear camera turns on and records just fine. the issue only happens at the time of shutting down the system. Any ideas? I was extremely carefully trying not to damage any wires while installing the unit.
Do you turn on wifi?
I noticed one such fade to nothing shut down too, but if it resulted in a corrupted file i cant recall / tell

I have had corrupted files 2 times now, once on first files right after boot, and once on the last files.
But it is not a regular thing at all, by far the camera perform normal,,,, but of course not used it for long time yet

I did perform a short test using a PSU from a SG camera, that worked just fine in regard to recording the 3 video streams.
But i am of course carrying on with the provided power supply, the SG one was just my only option to get the camera down on the dashboard as the power wire go to the R A pillar, and the rear camera go to the L A pillar and then put back.
Please check if you turned on wifi always.
My test unit was just delivered and out of 8 power on/off tests with a new out of package U3 / V30 /A1 rated 128GB card, 5 resulted in fading out and all 3 camera recordings were corrupted. I left the power on for between 30 to 90 seconds in case it was an issue of insufficient time to charge the capacitor, but it didn't seem to make a difference. The corrupt files for the front camera varied from 80MB to 175MB compared to the largest valid file was 437MB for 2:09. Of the ones that successfully saved, a couple were probably from me testing the power button, which seems to shutdown and save correctly. This is definitely something that needs more investigation.

On the bright side, I was very surprised at how quickly Zenfox got the test unit delivered and from outward appearances the build quality seems nice. It will take some time to see if it can hold up in the summer heat.

File courrput happens under unplugging the charger or under powering off the car?
Do you always turn on wifi?
Has anyone tested exFAT?

I've had a load of files go missing once the card filled up, I think I only had the last file from each journey after the card was full. I'm guessing it has only happened because I formated the card as exFAT. A reformat in the camera has put it back to FAT32.
Please format it to FAT32
Let me clarify. Manual is wrong. It is NOT optional. If you don't enable parking timer, Parking mode does not work. At least those were my results using the Viofo Hardwire Kit.
Choose timer on, it means the parking mode is always on.