Australia Tax? :whistle:
i just wish the damn politicians didn't waste a lot of it or we would have better roads, more cops to deal with all the idiots here and lots of other things but they spend millions and millions on stupid campaigns and mailing people that are just a huge wank.
I know its a scary thought, and to be honest if you wanted to fix Denmark that way you would need so many cops that it would be fair to call us a police state.
Then again we sort of are already, it is just that now we are supposed to police ourself, and clearly we can not handle that as the moral are sliding to hell.

I think much harder laws would fix the problem, i am sure if your car get confiscated for 3 months for little things like speaking on phone or minor silly traffic code violations, that would make people think twice.

And i am also in with even harder laws for much more serious offenses, i fully support the death penalty for one thing, no need to spend the high price it cost to house a inmate for decades when a 7.62 bullet cost a dime.
And though the Danish prison system are pretty soft and a lot of money / effort are wasted on re-socializing the inmates, it it to me long proven that this do not work or scare people strait like some people think it do, that might work on the bulk of normal people, but there are also a large number of people that the thought of going to jail dont scare them at all.
And its the tendencies of those parasites that slowly but surely filter over into normal society and ruining everything, that paired with the liberal tendencies of our government that was supposed to be the ones with the balls to take the big decisions, but instead just please people to assure their nice - comfortable - too well paid job with too good pension benefits.
It's a reality of doing business here unfortunately, the people that complain about it generally overlook the other diffences as well like cost of living, average wage etc, when you factor it all in it's not that different

MediCare in Australia versus MediCaid in the US is opposite and another story that Canadians will testify

Don't get sick in certain countries because you could be fuc
I think Obamacare is the Affordable Healthcare Act

That's correct, and some people are so ignorant to government, when interviewed they HATE Obamacare but LOVE the Affordable Healthcare Act. (not even realizing it's the SAME thing!)
Sorry to change the subject..... :rolleyes:

So the SG9663DC has a USB type cable running between the front and rear camera- I found something along those lines mentioned (scanning the 60 pages for info)? But it's not an "off the shelf" USB lead and is that the only lead going to the rear camera (ie. video data and power together?)
one lead, it's a USB type plug but they use a 10 pin connector though, the cables will be made available in a variety of lengths and configurations
Okay, thanks. What's the latest with availability in Australia?
I know its a scary thought, and to be honest if you wanted to fix Denmark that way you would need so many cops that it would be fair to call us a police state.
Then again we sort of are already, it is just that now we are supposed to police ourself, and clearly we can not handle that as the moral are sliding to hell.

I think much harder laws would fix the problem, i am sure if your car get confiscated for 3 months for little things like speaking on phone or minor silly traffic code violations, that would make people think twice.

And i am also in with even harder laws for much more serious offenses, i fully support the death penalty for one thing, no need to spend the high price it cost to house a inmate for decades when a 7.62 bullet cost a dime.
And though the Danish prison system are pretty soft and a lot of money / effort are wasted on re-socializing the inmates, it it to me long proven that this do not work or scare people strait like some people think it do, that might work on the bulk of normal people, but there are also a large number of people that the thought of going to jail dont scare them at all.
And its the tendencies of those parasites that slowly but surely filter over into normal society and ruining everything, that paired with the liberal tendencies of our government that was supposed to be the ones with the balls to take the big decisions, but instead just please people to assure their nice - comfortable - too well paid job with too good pension benefits.

I visited the Newseum in Washington D.C. yesterday and if I remember correctly, Denmark was the top country for free speech (worst offender being N. Korea). Although I have no issues with traditional methods of the death penalty (shooting squad rather than lethal injection) for criminals (evidence beyond any reasonable doubt), it seems like that won't be happening any time soon. Denmark has great rehabilitation programs that I hope the U.S. begins to adopt rather than throwing people in jail to rot and emerge years later with no idea how to reenter society. It truly is a tragedy that I hope we will look back at 50 years later and ask "what the hell were they thinking?"
O yeah just like by gone times for some communist countries we have plans for just about anything, be jobless and a plan will have to be made for you to get a job, get sick and within weeks a plan will have to be made for your sickness and return to health, be in a gang and we have exit plans for you too.
I do not like that level of society embracing me, i have always known that when you dont have a job you need to find a new one, or educate yourself further to enlarge the chance of finding a job, this it totally normal to me and what i have always done, and i do not need plans to be made in that regard.
Most of these plans have just been instigated to dam up the leeches sucking on society's tit, which here you can pretty much do for a entire lifetime, and do well not least if you add a little criminal activity like say drug dealing.

I know people my age and more ( im 50 ) that have never worked a day in their life, and i know people half my age that have been given a early pension as playing computer games and smoking weed in moms basement have ruined their life health.

Now dont get me wrong i am all for helping the less fortunate people of the world, but the people that have put them self in that spot again and again, those i only want to put a roof over their head ( not a apartment roof ) and then give them 3 square meals every day and clothe on their back, and what ever help anytime they want to join society with the rest of us.

O an off-course factoring in that you only hear in the news when plans fail, and that happen often here it seem, i am sure some crooks have been turned around, but i question if the money spent on that number of people exiting those programs are worth it.

I do think a society should care about the weak members and a society or race of beings should be judged upon that, but when some people distance them self from that society and so in a way become its enemies, then society should man up and do all it take to protect itself against such people.
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O yeah just like by gone times for some communist countries we have plans for just about anything, be jobless and a plan will have to be made for you to get a job, get sick and within weeks a plan will have to be made for your sickness and return to health, be in a gang and we have exit plans for you too.
I do not like that level of society embracing me, i have always known that when you dont have a job you need to find a new one, or educate yourself further to enlarge the chance of finding a job, this it totally normal to me and what i have always done, and i do not need plans to be made in that regard.
Most of these plans have just been instigated to dam up the leeches sucking on society's tit, which here you can pretty much do for a entire lifetime, and do well not least if you add a little criminal activity like say drug dealing.

I know people my age and more ( im 50 ) that have never worked a day in their life, and i know people half my age that have been given a early pension as playing computer games and smoking weed in moms basement have ruined their life health.

Now dont get me wrong i am all for helping the less fortunate people of the world, but the people that have put them self in that spot again and again, those i only want to put a roof over their head ( not a apartment roof ) and then give them 3 square meals every day and clothe on their back, and what ever help anytime they want to join society with the rest of us.

O an off-course factoring in that you only hear in the news when plans fail, and that happen often here it seem, i am sure some crooks have been turned around, but i question if the money spent on that number of people exiting those programs are worth it.

I do think a society should care about the weak members, but then some people distance them self from that society and so in a way become its enemies, then society should man up and do all it take to protect itself against such people.
I know people my age and more ( im 50 ) that have never worked a day in their life, and i know people half my age that have been given a early pension as playing computer games and smoking weed in moms basement have ruined their life health.
Is this why we need dashcams? :cautious:
yep, cause its these idiots who dont have insurance, stoned, do hit and runs or try and blame you for their idiocy behind the wheel and you need to prove they are at fault.
Well myself i have been driving stoned from 1991 to 2012, and i never crashed or caused a crash. but i sure cant recommend people to try and break that record.
At least the rules here have been made a bit better, so you dont really have to mess up in regard to DIY many times ( 2 ) before your car is confiscated, and already the first time you have to retake driving and theoretical test within a short time to be allowed to drive, and then having done that your are on probation the next 3 years, so do the same again within that time frame and your license will go for some years, and off course have to retake tests again.
Same goes for driving without license and insurance, that have been pretty popular here by fans of legal and illegal drugs, and off course the fast and furry " i dont give a damn if i have a license or not" people.

Aside for all that there are numerous reasons to have a dashcam :)