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Shop continues to delight his excellent relationship to its customers. both existing and future . keep it up!

liked A118C Capacitor Dashcam.
it does not take half space and does not interfere with the driver's view .
has a fairly good picture quality and affordable price .
what do you need for happiness?

share this good news in my FB.
A118C 1.5 inch H.264 1080P Capacitor Battery Car DVR Dash Cam
I consider this a very good thing for the DVR!
Modern chip and the matrix will provide an opportunity for good pictures! It is a modern thing)
I posted it on my wall in the VK
I posted on DDF (Dans Deals Forums), which is super active. I like the form-factor of the A118C, it's sleek, and a flusher mount will contribute to it's stealth/tactical factor. A capacitor version will definitely come in handy, not worrying about overheating and how temperature might affect its performance adversely. Video quality is great and I'm excited to get my hands on a C4 for my car.
I like this camera because it has no problems with overheating, she explodes battery and no risk at all. And excellent record FullHD

I posted this entry on his website
Welcome to the forum OleJack. I noticed on your post that you had listed the special offer price the same as the regular price for the Gearbest A118C. Perhaps you might want to change that.
I've already got a regular A118 (with battery) and love the form factor and picture quality. Currently using my old F70 cam in the back, but would rather have a FHD unit like this instead.

the innov c4 looks to be a solid competitor to the mobius in terms of size and form factor, but adds wifi - i may get one of these to attach to my helmet when racing, especially since it's cheaper than a mobius and adds wifi, so i can instantly review each autocross run as soon as i park back in grid. see my youtube channel below if you don't know what an autocross is. :)

I've posted a link to this thread in the ToyotaNation forum.

Thanks for this offer, @GearBest!
I agree with the previous posters that this is an excellent DashCam design. The ease of installation and stealth factor is a definite plus. Installing it behind the rearview mirror is very easy and fast. Great form factor, quality and ease of use make this a great selection for it's intended purpose.

If selected I will donate this DashCam to a friend of mine who lost her husband as a result of a driver running a red light. It was determined that he did run the red light, but she was left with nothing as a result of this moron's actions because she could not definitely prove he was totally responsible. A DashCam could have answered this question once an for all.

I have published some thoughts on this camera on FlyerTalk at
I like the stealthy design of the A118 series and am happy that a capacitor model has been added to the lineup. Those of us in warmer climates enjoy not worrying about batteries on hot days.

The Innov HT-C4 seems like a good design for action sports where you need a small form factor and good durability. WiFi is a great addition.

I posted a link at
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@anouar jendli : i don't remember allowing you to entirely copy my post I've put on page 1 at #6. If you want to write something, do it with your own words!
I like the form factor of C1-C3. I just hope that C4 will also have the remote lens found on C3. The A118 with capacitor will be chosen by those who want to have a dashcamera with display and not to worry in warm summer time. I put a link here:

Wow, copying someone else post, that is really a punch below the belt dude.

And what is this with sudden influx of new members from North African countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia)? Do they just join this forum with the sole purpose of winning this dash cam?