
Sabe said:
andrew73 said:
Sabe said:
But now i start to wonder why iTracker runs it only 7 mbps, does camera get hotter with higher bitrate, and will it get more unstable?

Anyone know how to contact whoever makes the iTracker firmware? If enough of us ask they might update it to include a 10Mb/s option, I expect it would be a pretty simple mod... I'm going to send an email to EPrance about mine, but it would be better to contact the factory direct.

What is your current firmware version?

SMH 4.36.220812B
andrew73 said:
SMH 4.36.220812B

Of Course, i cannot give you any guarantee that your camera will work if you load that same firmware than i did, but i definitely had the same firmware than you.
But if you decide to take the risk, please backup your current firmware first, and if possible try to learn how to use Directusb program, and how to put camera on programming mode.
Here is some samples what you can achieve, small image just a tease, file link gives full resolution screen capture download.
If you are willing to try i can give detailed instructions, but remember, there is maybe 20% chance to get your camera bricked.

kuva.jpg!N9lynKYK!BfNTMgNZG ... u7WsUqRq-c
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Sabe said:
Here is some samples what you can achieve, small image just a tease, file link gives full resolution screen capture download.

big improvement hey, have to be happy with that
Nice improvement Sabe, have you got a link to the firmware?

I'm going to contact EPrance first and see if they can upgrade the standard iTracker firmware. Meanwhile I'll experiment how to backup my current FW.

Can't understand why more people aren't complaining about the poor bitrate on the GS1000, it's not mentioned in any of the reviews (including this site) but your pictures show the hardware is capable of much more.
Everything under this text is dangerous and everybody should use them at the risk of making your camera dead, this worked to me but i can't know is your camera exactly the same, so i can't take any responsibility of anything. Try this only if you have now fw smh4.36.220812B, and you can load your fw under the name "vfirmware"

Okay, here's some.
First, i tried texet fw and some other but not good result, loading texet in traditional way makes camera half dead with black screen.

This is working fw, second from up, MagicEye HD50 V4.36
Inside zip file is fw version HD50_4.36.030912, it's named simply vfirmware.bin, use that as you have learned.

It would be best if you make dry run with you own firmware, meaning, first backup your current firmware and then reload that firmware under name vfirmware.bin, if all that works then it would be quite safe to continue. Everything about firmware update is explained here.
And one more warning,
playing with firmware can be dangerous, do it only if you know what you are doing,
or if you are willing to take the risk of losing your camera.
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If upgrading to higher bitrate you might want to check you're camera is recycling properly once the card fills up, this is more difficult for the camera at higher bitrates and you don't want to find out after the fact
jokiin said:
If upgrading to higher bitrate you might want to check you're camera is recycling properly once the card fills up, this is more difficult for the camera at higher bitrates and you don't want to find out after the fact

That's good point. All be back in X hour, i have 4 gb card in use.
Milamber said:
javr said:
what you see as blue, is actually grey. I don't know why camera sees it as blue.

If it's grey then I would say it's a fake as per this guide. It would would also explain the very grainy video output... how much did you pay for the camera?
By the guide I'd say it's a new orange menu, not a fake.
Fw = SMH4.36.220812B.
The welcome screen is HD at the top left corner and iTracker in the middle.
I payed $119.04 and this is a snapshot of the product taken when the order was placed at Tue Mar 26:
hello all,
i wonder if you could help me with my newly purchased fake orange menu gs1000 (front of red lambo on start\back on powering down)
almost all is working fine (decent quality, gps & accelerometer) with my firmware is 20130119, but there is one thing - i can't set it to start recording after i start my car - it turns on, receiving gps signal but is not recording automatically
even if i set motion detection on the setting is lost after camera is powered down so there seems to be no way to keep it recording all the time

all available settings (if anyone is interested) - mine are marked red


loop recording:
1 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes

motion detection:

powered automatic: on\off

boot delay:
10 sec
15 sec
30 sec

recording: on\off

language: english\chinese\??\german\french\russian\italian\spanish\portugese\??

tv system: pal\ntsc

auto-off time:
1 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes

formatting: yes\no formats microsd card

time settings: date & time

time stamp: on\off

automatically shut lcd:
30 seconds
60 seconds
120 seconds

default settings: yes\no

night mode:
automatic anti glare
auto night mode

light frequency: 50hz\60hz

acceleration sensor: off\1\2\3\4\5\6\7

firmware version: 20130119
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m4rkiz said:
but there is one thing - i can't set it to start recording after i start my car - it does start but is not recording automatically

There is two or three way to power gs cameras, it is difficult to say do you have right kind of power adapter in use.
What camera does when you plug it to computer usb?
Are you using that 12v car adapter witch came with camera?
when it is connected to pc it displays 'connect to pc' message and acts as card reader (no internal memory, just single drive)

included car lighter usb adapter is just standard two wire mini usb with power on pins 1 & 5

when connected to power adapter (phone charger or car lighter adapter that was included with camera) it just turns on, starts charging, gets the gps signal and that's it - to start recording i have to press rec button or switch it to motion detection mode (motion detection is reset to off after shutdown)
Milamber said:
I wouldn't worry about tint on the glass darkening the image, I was looking at both our videos and noticed yours was very grainy and since there are lots of GS1000 models out there I was curious what colour the menu screen is?
Today I put the camera on the outside of the windshield to see if the poor video comes from the fake camera or tint on the glass.
I couldn't set it up so it would face the road, so the cloudy sky, and some rooftops and treetops is all you can see. And hear a terrible noise from the microphone, of course.
Here are 2 videos. How does it look like now ? Real or fake ?

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m4rkiz said:
when it is connected to pc it displays 'connect to pc' message and acts as card reader (no internal memory, just single drive)

included car lighter usb adapter is just standard two wire mini usb with power on pins 1 & 5

when connected to power adapter (phone charger or car lighter adapter that was included with camera) it just turns on, starts charging, gets the gps signal and that's it - to start recording i have to press rec button or switch it to motion detection mode (motion detection is reset to off after shutdown)

It can be two things.
First is that camera is faulty, if it is low priced camera then it's possible that quality control is not so tight.
Second may be that power supply is wrong kind ( i dunno how mistake like this could happen)
If you first try everything else maybe you can try to make connector like this, i recall this was the one that came with my gs5000.
javr said:
I couldn't set it up so it would face the road, so the cloudy sky, and some rooftops and treetops is all you can see. And hear a terrible noise from the microphone, of course.
Here are 2 videos. How does it look like now ? Real or fake ?

To me it looks just fine.
One thing though, it seems that iTracker has this same stupid problem which is soft image on right or left side, meaning that lens or cmos chip is not assembled straight.
Sabe said:
Second may be that power supply is wrong kind ( i dunno how mistake like this could happen)
If you first try everything else maybe you can try to make connector like this, i recall this was the one that came with my gs5000.

indeed, they supplied adapter with ordinary mini usb (1st & 5th) and it supposed to be 4th & 5th pin

i just tried that with an old mini usb plug and some soldering, it is barely holding together but it did stared recording! it is working perfectly, thanks a lot!
that sorts all my problems for now (just need to find proper cable or adapter), cheers
m4rkiz said:
i just tried that with an old mini usb plug and some soldering, it is barely holding together but it did stared recording! it is working perfectly, thanks a lot!
that sorts all my problems for now (just need to find proper cable or adapter), cheers

I have found something like this, it says it's for cameras but there is no info what is pinout order.
Not very expencive to try. ... ble-161960
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it seems that iTracker has this same stupid problem which is soft image on right or left side
so "iTracker" is the name of the manufacturer ? Do they have a web page ? Because there are many "iTracker" sites on the web, but none of them seem to be a dashcam manufacturer.
indeed, they supplied adapter with ordinary mini usb (1st & 5th) and it supposed to be 4th & 5th pin
I'd never thought something like that can make a difference. So pin 1-5 is just a power supply with no function, and 4-5 is a power supply with a certain function. Interesting.
javr said:
so "iTracker" is the name of the manufacturer ? Do they have a web page ? Because there are many "iTracker" sites on the web, but none of them seem to be a dashcam manufacturer.

I think it's just subcontractor, but up to this day it has been quality item.
GS1000 is rather old and maybe it has come to that point where quality starts to decline as price goes lower and lower, and focus is on other newer models.
This crooked lens is very annoying because it's a sign of carelessness, very easy to fix in factory, but impossible to fix at home.

USB power pinout order 1&5 and 4&5 are the most basic ones, both are in use depending of camera model.
I think there is two more possible pinout order on newer cameras, basic OTG and one where is resistor between some pins. But i can be sure only those two because i have measured them so many times that i can be sure.
Sabe said:
GS1000 is rather old and maybe it has come to that point where quality starts to decline as price goes lower and lower, and focus is on other newer models.

too many manufacturers trying to deliver the lowest price, the only way to drop the price is to lower the quality of the components used, I saw one selling on eBay, delivered, for USD $60 less than the factory cost of mine, not hard to work out that there's a quality difference between the two, a lot of customers just don't get it though and just think one is overpriced, old rule but you only get what you pay for