HELP! SG Acting up again!

Needs the 3 wire power supply for parking mode, if you're using the cig plug and your cig socket is constantly powered then it will just keep recording whether the car is on or off
Can somebody tell me how to cut the cigarette plug off the SG9663DC and hardwire it. Can I use part of the piggy back thingy I used for the previous camera?
really starting to think this is beyond you, maybe go see local auto electrician.
If he lived within an hour drive time of Orlando, I would hunt him down, hit him over the head and install the stuff for him. Then if possible, electrify it so he can't mess with it.
Thanks for the offer Weedeater, but that would hurt!
really starting to think this is beyond you, maybe go see local auto electrician.
I ordered the SGDCHW. If it wasn't beyond me, I wouldn't need to come in here!
just dont go blowing anything up.
It's all pretty simple to those who understand it, but not everyone understands it or wants to fool with it. There are numerous folks who get a mechanic, auto electrician, or car audio shop to do their dashcam install. It is certainly a better choice than blundering around your car's electrics and turning expensive parts into burnt toast :eek:

And it's not always easy on the operating end either. I've got a bricked "X" cam to prove that even carefully following step-by-step instructions exactly doesn't always result in happiness :mad: The nice thing is that once you do get everything sorted out it stays that way and all you have to do is check the card regularly to be sure the cam is still recording ;)

Patients are for Doctors. Patience is for the rest of us :cool:

I'm a Marine Corps captain. I'm used to having things work. Many times I don't care how you get there. I can tell you about tactical but I usually leave technical to others. Semper Fi on this Memorial Day!
My SGDCHW arrived. It looks like the SG9665GC except for the extra battery wire. I assume it goes like that one except for the battery wire if I can find where to attach it? Does it need to go directly to the battery? I have a 99 Ford Explorer. And do I leave the little adjustable lever on the rectangular piece in the wire set where it is? Lastly how do I download the new firmware?
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My SGDCHW arrived. It looks like the SG9665GC except for the extra battery wire. I assume it goes like that one except for the battery wire if I can find where to attach it? Does it need to go directly to the battery? I have a 99 Ford Explorer. And do I leave the little lever on the rectangular piece in the wire set where it is? Lastly how do I download the new firmware?

SGDCHW questions are better left on the SGDCHW thread:
(check it out, more good info there)

No both wires don't go to battery, the one marked Battery goes to an always-on circuit (Power Seats or similar), the one marked ACC goes to a switched accessory circuit that's only energized when the engine is started. (Radio power etc)

You're going to be using the included fuse taps to share an existing fuse. You need to identify which fuses are Battery Unswitched and which fuses are Accessory Switched.

Latest firmware is here:

Download the zip, open it up and you'll see a .bin file
Copy that to the memory card using your computer and the included USB microSD card reader.
Next time you power up the camera with the card inserted and that file on it, it will automatically update.

Call me if you need help and I'll walk you through. It's probably easier for you if I just explain things as you do it real time.
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I wasn't talking about the labels. I mean the thing in the wire with a little slide adjustment. Besides made in China, it says battery drain protecting..has a tiny slide adjustment on the side.
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I wasn't talking about the labels. I mean the thing in the wire with a little slide adjustment.

The dip switch is let's you select the low voltage battery discharge prevention cutoff value. I would set it to 12.2V or 12.4V

How do I know which that is...the slide has 4 settings...
The 4 positions match the 4 values on the label text ( the top line ! the numbers below are cut off values if you use the camera / hard wire kit in a 24 volt vehicle )
So all the way to the left is 11.8 V cut off, next click right and you have 12.0 V cut off and vise versa.
When i get to the hard wire kit i will start with the slider all the way to the right and so us a 12.4 V cut off, if that dont last long i will try 12.2 V, and if thats still not good enough i think i will have to consider replacing the +6 year old battery in my little car.
You can probably use a lower cut off if you live down south at the Gulf of Mexico or the Mediterranean sea for us EURO boys, and so never really see really cold weather, but here in Denmark which is like Canada north on the globe i would not go that low though i only have a little 3 CYL 1000 CCM engine to crank.
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So in America I set it at 12.2? How does the parking mode work? Motion detection? will my alarm go off if something is happening?
Parking mode are time lapse video so it is always recording, with a range of settings to choose from, but for thermal reasons it are not full blown video like the normal recordings.
To start with it is all pretty basic, but i think it have been mentioned that when the basics are in order the company will start to look at what customers would like.
Your alarm should not be set off, at least i have not heard of that happening to any of the users already out there.

12.2 Volts cut off is the lowest i would go personally.

Future upgrades to the firmware regarding parking mode i assume might be things like if there is a G-sensor trigger the camera will revert to regular recording for a short period.
Motion detect i dont think the guys will do much with, it is fine if you park where there are not much movement in front or behind the car, but as it is now using motion detect often lead to a lot of recordings being made, and most of them will not be the motion that happen just before your car get a dent or ding.
Maybe in the future when algorithms for motion detect will be better tuned, but as it is now a leaf blowing by ( not even close to your windscreen ) can set off a recording, or a cat on a fence way out in the background. ( small things like that )
And recordings like that will just clog up a memory card or at least mean a lot of work for the camera it did not have to do as its not events relating to your car.

The G- sensor i feel are the way to go for now, and it can also be set pretty sensitive without getting too many false recordings.

I have aired ideas for other meaans of parking mode, like glass break sensor or maybe the microwave sensors some car alarms have. But this are all dreams at the moment.

Not my best editing, but this will help in understanding the switch values.

Maybe @jokiin can think about updating the label to something similar to help avoid the question of which position matches which voltage.