JooVuu X Camera

Hi everyone
I'm at a wedding until Saturday so will answer everything when back just to clarify...Emma is not my other half that way but she is incredibly influential and fantastic for joovuu business wise.

Kind regards
yeah that was allso my conclution, seen quite a bit of test footage from IP cameras recorded in a simmilar plase as where those cam in hand pics is taken.

Last week i had to rub my eyes as i sat at a intersection waiting for green light, in front of me passed a middel eastern woman, and i swear i have never seen so small feet on a grown up.
Just make sure to come in the summer time, otherwise its pretty grey and wet here, though we still owe a lot to the gulf currnt making the climate here as in the UK much warmer for our pretty northern location on the globe.
Do remember Denmark is just about as far north as the south end of the main part of Hudson bay, thats another 350 miles from the north dakota/canada border.
But summer is good, girls are pretty, and if you haggle me enuff i am sure we can do a 1 week long micro and maxi brewery pup crawl.
Winter here is often POS, last one in my area we got about 3 - 4 inches during the whole winter, and though i hate that season i do prefer a hard core winter, with ice on lakes and the sea and many feet of snow for months.

If i cant have a proper winter i will prefer summer all year.
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Here's what the final case will look like...there may be a few minor tweaks but we're very happy with it.

Full metal lens module/base. Metal lens holder slightly higher than the lens to reduce sun interference from the side and also reduce damage to lens if lens drops lens first.

That's also the 'cap' clip we'll be selling.

Any feedback is welcome as we can still make some adjustments.



I would move the mounting hole about as near the rear end of the camera as it now is near the lens.

That way the camera could be mounted with the lens closer to the windscreen to eliminate reflections.
I think it will be hard to move, it must protrude some into the housing, so i have a sneaky feeling the PCB is designed to account for that.

i have only taken the lid off the other side of the housing so i cant say if thats the case.

I think its okay as it is, but with the suction cup provided its not possible to use the cam in a vertical windscreen like in a semi truck or RV.
But what we testers got was by no means the finished product and accessories.

In regard to reflections thats still going to be there like it allso is on Street Guardian wedge models like SG9665GC which have its lens pretty close to the windscreen.

I am sure even if the lens/cmos unit was the same small kind as in smartphones and able to get even closer to the windscreen, i think reflections will still be a issue.

I even have reflections in my mobius in the rear, and its lens is 1 mm from hitting the glass of the window on the vertical hatch on my car.
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I would move the mounting hole about as near the rear end of the camera as it now is near the lens.

That way the camera could be mounted with the lens closer to the windscreen to eliminate reflections.

Unfortunately, the notion that having the lens as close to the glass as possible to minimize reflections is a myth. In fact, it makes it worse, much worse. Ask anyone who owns a SG9665GC or search for all the threads about it.

Experience has now taught me that having a camera mounted a few inches away from the windscreen in order to increase the oblique reflection angle from your dashboard and glass tends to manifest less reflection than having the lens very close to the glass. Having been around DCT for some time now, I am wondering how this myth got started? :confused:
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Will have to agree here, my old Lukas that was about 3 inches from the glass of my windscreen seemed to have less annoying reflections.

Good thing is when CMOS chips get a little better we can put on a CPL filter and keep it there and still have as good nighttime performance as current gen cmos chips.
To be honest i even think i would put a permanent CPL filter on my cams now, as long as the camera can pick up the color of the traffic lights at night i am good, and to be honest thats more or less what current dashcams can do anyway without a CPL beeing there.

An automated CPL filter would offcourse be optimal, or as it have been proven a algorithm in post production software that can remove most of it.
Not sure I agree. My SG9665GC is mounted to the bottom of a plastic housing on the windshield (houses the rain sensor). The camera sits a good 3 inches away from the windshield, and the dash reflection is just as bad as my other car that is mounted directly to the windshield.
reflection varies with different vehicle types, windscreen angle, dashboard material etc, not something that's easy to overcome but we're looking at what can be done to improve things
I stand corrected. Apologies for my ignorance...:oops:
Experience has now taught me that having a camera mounted a few inches away from the windscreen in order to increase the oblique reflection angle from your dashboard and glass tends to manifest less reflection than having the lens very close to the glass.

Agreed. My Mobius, when taped to the headlining with the lens a couple of inches from the screen, suffered less reflection than my SGZC12RC, the lens of which is just a few mm from the windscreen.
Unfortunately, the notion that having the lens as close to the glass as possible to minimize reflections is a myth. In fact, it makes, it worse, much worse. Ask anyone who owns a SG9665GC or search for all the threads about it
I have found that true as well. I tried my Mobius in the front and there was a big difference in reflections. In the rear the Mobius is clearly the winner :)
"thinking out loud"... last resort, (as in case focus in hardware adjustment (focus or else) not being best solution, CPL filter ... distorts image, especially taking about importance of night footage...)
will have to contemplate making "a tunnel" and shape it to the angle of a screen, if mounting is fairly close to...????
"thinking out loud"... last resort, (as in case focus in hardware adjustment (focus or else) not being best solution, CPL filter ... distorts image, especially taking about importance of night footage...)
will have to contemplate making "a tunnel" and shape it to the angle of a screen, if mounting is fairly close to...????

You would really need a funnel, not a "tunnel". With a wide angle lens typical of most dash cams, the funnel or cone shape would need to be rather large, probably much larger than the profile of the camera and so you would lose a certain amount of the stealthiness of the camera. What you are trying to describe is basically a type of lens hood. Such items do exist for M12 lens wide angle cameras such as this commercial custom GoPro lens shade, but you would need something that could be customized further to match the angle of your windscreen's rake and the AOV of your lens.

I've been considering a DYI version of something like this for some time now. Stay tuned. ;)

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Also, it doesn't need to be black or completely light proof. I'd say 50% transparency plastic wrap around/cut to shape plastic...
Also, it doesn't need to be black or completely light proof. I'd say 50% transparency plastic wrap around/cut to shape plastic...

It does need to be black and completely opaque. If it were transparent to any degree or any other color than black it would not perform very well at all. This is just the nature of light and optics and it is why you will never find a lens hood on the market that is not flat black.