JooVuu X Camera

component space requirements ultimately dictates design as what you want to build generally doesn't fit and you have to make it bigger, a lot of people have (understandably) no idea and you get silly comments like 'you just don't want to use full size SD cards to save money' and other similar nonsense, quite frustrating at times

Aside from my previously proposed "No Such Beast" forum, for the countless seekers of cameras and features that don't exist perhaps we need a "Silly Comments" forum as well?
Thanks for the explanation Dan. It obviously makes sense when designing a miniaturized product.
This new camera is an exciting development and I can't wait for it to become available for testing. It seems like it could be a game changer if it performs as well as anticipated.

Dan, you mentioned previously that, "this camera is PRIMARILY a car camera" so I had to smile when I noticed that most of the photography on your web page essentially presents the JooVuuX as an action cam. Something tells me you have other plans for this thing.;) I'll bet you might even introduce a waterproof case for it. :D
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Thanks for the explanation Dan. It obviously makes sense when designing a miniaturized product.
This new camera is an exciting development and I can't wait for it to become available for testing. It seems like it could be a game changer if it performs as well as anticipated.

Dan, you mentioned previously that, "this camera is PRIMARILY a car camera" so I had to smile when I noticed that most of the photography on your web page essentially presents the JooVooX as an action cam. Something tells me you have other plans for this thing.;) I'll bet you might even introduce a waterproof case for it. :D

Once we are at a stage we are happy with we will be inviting people to sign up for beta testings. We're literally going to pick names out of a hat for it. This will be announced in the coming weeks.

And maybe just maybe... ;)

Kind regards,

Aside from my previously proposed "No Such Beast" forum, for the countless seekers of cameras and features that don't exist perhaps we need a "Silly Comments" forum as well?

there's actually merit to the silly ideas, there's no point planning to build things based solely on available tech as they're outdated before they're even released, when you have a product roadmap of some of the stuff that's coming you do have to plan a bit in advance, there is some interesting hardware coming that will up the ante somewhat
there's actually merit to the silly ideas, there's no point planning to build things based solely on available tech as they're outdated before they're even released, when you have a product roadmap of some of the stuff that's coming you do have to plan a bit in advance, there is some interesting hardware coming that will up the ante somewhat

True, all ideas can have value, even if they are not practical. It's that I often encounter people in my career who request magical undo-able projects on my computer because they don't understand that despite appearances, computers are indeed not actually magic, even if they've seen it in the movies. Sometimes it seems the same here when people show up looking for features that may never happen in our lifetimes.
Once we are at a stage we are happy with we will be inviting people to sign up for beta testings. We're literally going to pick names out of a hat for it. This will be announced in the coming weeks.

And maybe just maybe... ;)

Kind regards,

With all the features that are in this camera, it's going to be tough to test every single feature and practically impossible to compare how that change and combination of changes affect image/video quality in a short period.
Maybe you have a list of what's critical to test vs what's nice to know and compare?
Real time application for sure will reveal few things that were overlooked but overall it looks like a loaded package.
With all the features that are in this camera, it's going to be tough to test every single feature and practically impossible to compare how that change and combination of changes affect image/video quality in a short period.
Maybe you have a list of what's critical to test vs what's nice to know and compare?
Real time application for sure will reveal few things that were overlooked but overall it looks like a loaded package.

95% of the list is just standard Ambarella stuff, it's the 5% that can set it apart and that would be the focus of attention I would think, getting special features right is what is going to make a difference
True, all ideas can have value, even if they are not practical. It's that I often encounter people in my career who request magical undo-able projects on my computer because they don't understand that despite appearances, computers are indeed not actually magic, even if they've seen it in the movies. Sometimes it seems the same here when people show up looking for features that may never happen in our lifetimes.

well there's certainly a lot more possibilities with some of the hardware that we'll have at our disposal in the very near future
well there's certainly a lot more possibilities with some of the hardware that we'll have at our disposal in the very near future

It's been exciting to see the technology advances that have been happening in the dash cam market and even more exciting to hear the words, "in the very near future".

I've been following the development of this tech for some time and it's been interesting to observe the long lead times between the introduction of a new solution from a firm like Ambarella to the point where it actually ends up in a viable product with all the development kinks worked out. So many early dash cams and action cams were kind of marginal and it's felt like forever to see the sort of refinement we are witnessing now as the technology matures.
Ambarella are pretty bad when it comes to announcing hardware and functionality, that then takes years to mature and actually become stable, the mini 080x family of products is a pretty good living example of the failing of the release product and how long it can take to improve to a point where it might be actually be workable
Yeah, I'm sure it has to do with who is introducing the components. I've seen a similar thing with Sony when it comes to sensors and other tech they announce for the CCTV market that takes forever to actually make it into products.
It's been exciting to see the technology advances that have been happening in the dash cam market and even more exciting to hear the words, "in the very near future".

Everybody wants everything yesterday............... Chill out fella
Okay, trying to keep this on topic for the camera. Please keep it civil :)

Thank you!

I know for us one thing is logical, but I would add a small add-on ( in red ) on your website regarding Diving mode, otherwise "average Joe" might think that it can be taken underwater without having to change a thing just by activating a "diving mode".

Diving mode
No more changing lenses when you take the camera underwater. Simply put it inside waterproof case, activate the diving mode to produce optimal pictures and videos underwater without having to change a thing.
Very interesting, this form factor seems to be desirable so if you can pack in all those features and have a stable product it should be good. I worry about Ambarella A7 though since A7 doesn't seem to be quite as stable as I hope it would be by mid-2015 in other products today. Somebody has to get it right at some point though. A2 took >5 years so hopefully A7 is good to go sooner.

I'm looking forward to helping beta test the JooVuu X.
Looking good :D like the 1080p/60 a lot, and 720p/120 ain't bad either :cool:

Just hope it dont get too irresistible cuz then i will have to break out a bandana :p
Very interesting, this form factor seems to be desirable so if you can pack in all those features and have a stable product it should be good. I worry about Ambarella A7 though since A7 doesn't seem to be quite as stable as I hope it would be by mid-2015 in other products today. Somebody has to get it right at some point though. A2 took >5 years so hopefully A7 is good to go sooner.

I'm looking forward to helping beta test the JooVuu X.

You make a good point. In certain ways this camera almost sounds too good to be true. I really wish Dan well in bringing this product to fruition and hope when it finally comes to market that it is able to fulfill all its promises and that it does so at a decent price point.
Wow ! That's what I call a very well featured and promising product ! I'm really interested in seeing it work !

In addition to time driven modes I would also put a power driven mode to switch to parking(buffered?)/motion detect mode if you plan to provide a hard wire kit as an option

As there is no screen, I hope you won't forget to ensure the availability of featured analog video output through the usb port and provide a cable which actually works

If you go further with the action cam in mind it should be wise to provide a right angled lens version for pocket wear or other vertical usages... You'll open yourself to cops, trucks, drones,... markets too ;-)

For people who wants both batt's & cap's worlds, I suppose that one can always use a cap's version with a usb power bank occasionally
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