JooVuu X Camera

Webcam issue(I believe) would be down to you as how make/configure an access to device. Meaning if you able to get the stream to capture on other DaschCam- good chance you'd be able to configure same with "x", though I doubt any of other features as recording to SD card would function still the same.
Also, using as webcam, you'd lose such functions as wdr, I think...
The "alpha" version of PC is out but I haven't tried it as it's too complex ATM. Progress is supposed to be happening soon. In the meantime I've got a buck-and-a-quarter gizmafloget in a really nice box, anyone wanna see me open it on youtube?

The "alpha" version of PC is out but I haven't tried it as it's too complex ATM. Progress is supposed to be happening soon. In the meantime I've got a buck-and-a-quarter gizmafloget in a really nice box, anyone wanna see me open it on youtube?


With the lack of PC software (because it doesn't have a screen to help change settings) it feels as if the X-cam was released a bit too early and might have been better left for a few more weeks. I don't have a smartphone (but fortunately have been able to borrow my wife's when she's around) and if I had known the PC software wouldn't be ready in time I probably would have waited until it was - probably with the next batch.
It hurts a bit that the next batch will have a lower price, won't have to endure teething problems, won't have so much waiting for software/firmware, and will generally be improved over the current version.
... if I had known the PC software wouldn't be ready in time I probably would have waited until it was - probably with the next batch ... will generally be improved over the current version.

Ah, the anxiety of the early adopter :confused:

Unless the hardware spec changes, will yours not be exactly the same as those sold in the near future, provided that you update the firmware as & when it becomes available?
Ah, the anxiety of the early adopter :confused:

Only yesterday you were suggesting I should consider one because of my windscreen sensor housing.
Actually that was only part of the reason for buying one. I wanted to offer a bit of support for someone who actually gets off their butt to improve the offering we have. But if I was living alone, my lack of smartphone combined with lack of PC software would have meant - like @SawMaster - that the cam can't be used at all other than on default settings.

.....Unless the hardware spec changes, will yours not be exactly the same as those sold in the near future, provided that you update the firmware as & when it becomes available?....

I guess we'll have to wait and see whether there are any hardware changes. I'm aware of a handful of other makes/models of cams with 'incurable' hardware issues that could only be fixed by component changes so we can't entirely rule that out with the X-cam.

I should add, though, that my X-cam works well on default settings and will run for several hours without a hiccup. But changing settings can lead to problems.
I guess we'll have to wait and see whether there are any hardware changes. I'm aware of a handful of other makes/models of cams with 'incurable' hardware issues that could only be fixed by component changes so we can't entirely rule that out with the X-cam.

I should add, though, that my X-cam works well on default settings and will run for several hours without a hiccup. But changing settings can lead to problems.

If hardware is the issue then I think there will be a lot of unhappy people mis-sold. Let's hope firmware/software is the answer and it won't be an issue.
I see the ignorance to the fact, that footage (data transfer/processing) done on one designed to do so circuit board works that way aka DashCam, not low grade WebCam.
If you want to connect PC to a camera ( not camera to PC :P ) don't buy quality DashCam, buy separate low end parts, configure them, so they would match.
Only yesterday you were suggesting I should consider one because of my windscreen sensor housing.

Since you already own a JooVuu X, why all the fuss about your 'gigantic' sensor mount, when it appears to be a suitable mounting location? Just buy a small adhesive mount & 'stick it'. Something like this ...

I'm pretty certain that hte hardware is locked-in and it seems to be well-proven at this point. From what we've seen of the posted vids it's clear that this cam can perform very well indeed, especially given it's price. I just think that it would have been better to have put more focus on getting the user-interfaces finished before releasing it.

Without the means for me to do that leaves me with a cam less useful to me than a fake G1W until it happens so I think you can well understand why I'm griping. It seems that every other screen-less cam can do a easy-to-use PC interface so why isn't it happening here? Was this not given enough consideration or development priority?

If it's not going to happen soon how about sending me your smartphone so I can get this darn thing working the way I want it to; you won't be any more inconvenienced than I currently am o_O

Since you already own a JooVuu X, why all the fuss about your 'gigantic' sensor mount, when it appears to be a suitable mounting location? Just buy a small adhesive mount & 'stick it'. Something like this ...

View attachment 19407

I have some adhesive mounts, but an X-cam must prove its reliability.
Since the X-cam arrived it has been on a suction mount (one from my bits box) so it can be moved from one car to another for testing.
Unfortunately my confidence in the X-cam took a knock today when it simply wouldn't power up, probably due to a software issue, possibly following it having some file-naming/timestamp anomalies towards the end of a long day out on Friday.
best to feed the detail back to @JooVuu so that they can investigate

Yes, I added a comment on the X-cam forums and a comment on Friday regarding the curious file date/time anomaly which seems to have preceded my cam not powering up properly. I haven't had the enthusiasm to fiddle with the cam today (busy and tired) and I won't be able to do anything tomorrow until my wife finishes work because I need to use her smartphone wifi to connect to the cam.
Holding off buying a second JooVuu-X camera until improved firmware and apps are released. Although the night video is much better than with Mobius the last file corruption is a showstopper. Also at least on one occasion the camera failed to start recording upon the application of external power.
@Methlal Pallewatta I am sorry about this. Can you send me a message with detailed feedback and we'll get these investigated. We're releasing an update on iOS and Android for the apps (the ios app now is far more stable). The firmware we have a list of bugs we're solving even as we speak. The last corrupted file is a new one. Even if the power is yanked out halfway through that should not happen at all.

I'll be passing all this information plus whatever else you can send us asap. I do apologise for this.


@Methlal Pallewatta I am sorry about this. Can you send me a message with detailed feedback and we'll get these investigated. We're releasing an update on iOS and Android for the apps (the ios app now is far more stable). The firmware we have a list of bugs we're solving even as we speak. The last corrupted file is a new one. Even if the power is yanked out halfway through that should not happen at all.

I'll be passing all this information plus whatever else you can send us asap. I do apologise for this.


Will upload the file that got corrupted and the one before that to google drive and send you the links.


If your broken last file is important then registrator viewer should be able to fix it, it did so for me the couple of times i tried it with simmilar X camera files.

But offcourse this is not somthing you should rely on with a nice new camera.
So what are the major issues now? Has a new firmware been release recently?