JooVuu X Camera

It is interesting that with all the build-up and hype leading up to the release of the JooVuu X camera that virtually every discussion about the camera went completely dead. These are the first posts to this thread in 24 days. After more than two years as a DCT member I can't recall another camera where this has happened.

We have active forums at I love DCT to bits but I also have to look after my own business and one of the goals is to get a real community around the JooVuu X which there is and it's growing.

I constantly review what I do and I realised with the X I was posting a lot of the same information over and over again so in order to try and be better I've trying to streamline everything. The big shipment of X's will be available shortly and then I'll be far more active again - but at the moment the focus is on ironing out the bugs and building a community.

I hope you can appreciate this - I will be releasing a 'big update' on the blog today/tomorrow when I have a bit of free time which I'll post on here which will hopefully fill some gaps in. We certainly have not disappeared. I sadly also do not have much free time any more as well as my business changing so is my personal life.


We've also been outrageously busy developing the X behind the scenes with features such as 'auto wifi-upload' and laying the groundwork for using the X as a security camera.
We have active forums at I love DCT to bits but I also have to look after my own business and one of the goals is to get a real community around the JooVuu X which there is and it's growing.

I constantly review what I do and I realised with the X I was posting a lot of the same information over and over again so in order to try and be better I've trying to streamline everything. The big shipment of X's will be available shortly and then I'll be far more active again - but at the moment the focus is on ironing out the bugs and building a community.

I hope you can appreciate this - I will be releasing a 'big update' on the blog today/tomorrow when I have a bit of free time which I'll post on here which will hopefully fill some gaps in. We certainly have not disappeared. I sadly also do not have much free time any more as well as my business changing so is my personal life.



I am glad that the JooVuu X forum has garnered a modest number of members (including me, BTW) since its launch 10 months ago but that doesn't explain why here on DCT where we have 24 different JooVuu X threads and thousands of previous posts from a wide variety of members, any and all discussion of the camera would just go off a cliff weeks ago quite the way it has.

I can certainly understand that you are a busy man and that you may have issues in your personal life but the simple fact of the matter is that the number of posts, discussions, videos, unboxings or independent reviews from a general worldwide audience here on DCT has absolutely nothing to do with you in many ways. It is an amusing conceit really that you would offer up this notion as an explanation. There are many other camera manufacturers and developers here on DCT who's offerings have a wide and active discussion community yet in many instances with a few exceptions, they themselves rarely participate in the discussions. By way of example, the Mobius camera which has clearly influenced and inspired the JooVuu X has one of the most active group of threads on this forum but the developer has never participated at all.

Initially, you managed to create quite a buzz about this camera here on DCT but obviously the excitement and general interest has dissipated. (I have a personal theory regarding why that is, but this is hardly the place to go into it.) Either the JooVuu X will eventually become a huge success or it will merely be an obscure niche product with a small cult following, but this remains to be seen. As I said earlier, time will tell.
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I am glad that the JooVuu X forum has garnered a modest number of members (including me, BTW) since its launch 8 months ago but that doesn't explain why here on DCT where we have 24 different JooVuu X threads and thousands of previous posts from a wide variety of members, any and all discussion of the camera would just go off a cliff weeks ago quite the way it has.

Because I have other places I focus on - I don't want to drive everything, I can't drive everything, it was a very limited launch and if people want to post they can and if they don't they don't have to. I love DCT but I have other places I focus on. We clearly have different approaches to launching a product, I'm quite new to this so maybe I'm making a mistake but at the moment in my eyes the launch went better than I thought it would so I'm pretty happy. I now have other focus's, bigger and more encompassing but I'll never leave DCT I just may not be as active on it.

Because I have other places I focus on - I don't want to drive everything, I can't drive everything, it was a very limited launch and if people want to post they can and if they don't they don't have to. I love DCT but I have other places I focus on. We clearly have different approaches to launching a product, I'm quite new to this so maybe I'm making a mistake but at the moment in my eyes the launch went better than I thought it would so I'm pretty happy. I now have other focus's, bigger and more encompassing but I'll never leave DCT I just may not be as active on it.


For some peculiar reason, once again you present this as all revolving around you personally or the product launch itself or what you may be "focusing" on at the moment, but whether people are posting in the JooVuu forums on DCT in recent weeks or not has nothing to do with these factors.

Yesterday, I simply made an observation that discussion of the camera had dropped off abruptly, which I found to be unusual considering the build-up and early excitement regarding this camera here on the forums, but at this point in time, I believe the number of posts or interest in the camera here on DCT has nothing to do with you directly. The camera is now out there for discussion and review without you regardless of how many have or have not been sold to date.

No doubt, my observation made you rather uncomfortable but it was just an observation and nothing more and there is no reason for you to try to explain away the drop off in postings in the weeks following the launch or to defend it, nor could you I think. Putting whatever reason for the dearth of recent posts aside, the camera will ultimately gain traction in the marketplace or it won't. I do imagine that this sub-forum will start to pick-up again in short order. I hope it does. As for the JooVuuX forum on your web site, I believe such a forum is more for current and future owners and dedicated JooVuu X disciples rather than the kind of wide spectrum general Dash Cam forums we have here at DCT.

When you first announced your intention to introduce this camera, as a Mobius aficionado I was extremely excited about it initially and I was intent on purchasing at least two of them, but (for me, at least for now) there have been too many unanswered questions, as yet unsubstantiated, independently verified performance claims, boasts about amazing future features that may or may not ever come to fruition, a couple of design shortcomings (the GPS placement for one) an ill-timed last minute price increase just before the pre-order period ended, and frankly Dan, the way you sometimes conduct yourself here on DCT (and elsewhere) kind of turned me off to the whole thing. The related frequency and nature of many of the customer service complaints about JooVuu and your handling of them, whatever their perceived validity have given me and others some pause as well. So I guess to be perfectly honest with you, with the sudden drop-off in interest and attention to the camera here on the forums, the truth of the matter is that I have been speculating that there's a possibility that I am not the only one to have reached the same decision, at least for now. I don't know, somehow the whole thing has the feel of a Kickstarter project, but without the usual incentives for the early adopters.

I'm sure there are other opinions on this and the Beta-testers seem for the most part happy with their cameras but for many of us here on DCT we would like to see a lot more footage and real world testing of production cameras and the results from latest firmware rather than claims and assurances about what we might expect at a future date. The detailed analysis and comparison videos we see here on DCT have become an important tradition thanks to members like @niko and others and so far @kamkar1 has offered the most JooVuu X footage to review and although some of the footage looks very promising, there are some real issues, especially the night time performance which is sub-par. When I commented on this quite some time ago after seeing @kamkar1's night footage, you took issue with my remarks about it Dan and quoted them, boasting that the latest firmware offered terrific night performance. But that was a month ago or so and we have yet to see any actual video that proves otherwise. Curiously, Kamakar's last posting of comparison examples was almost a month ago around the time the discussions went quiet. So far, I have yet to hear anyone say, Wow, this camera is amazing! This is an expensive camera and where some may take a flier on a less expensive unit, people who spend almost two hundred dollars want to know what they are actually getting and that it is money well spent.

The JooVuu X is a camera with amazing potential I think, and I know how hard you have worked on it. I know you have really put your heart into it, so I apologize if my comments seem less than supportive. I really do wish you all the success in the world with the X but for me and perhaps others, at least for now it has become a bridge too far.
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This comment is a repeat so thanks Dan........... Was wondering when you were going to come back to DCT for feedback after your excitement and release.
I hope you make a point of hanging around from time to time as respect will certainly be maintained.
On another note....... I remember you mentioning an always compatible record card included with your camera and I do know that this is a subjective topic but thought that I would bring it up again.
I'm a member there but don't really have any value to add, just have a look every now and again, watching the progress
Hey dashmellow............. Chill out and give them some time and space to grow without pressure but with baby steps.

Whether your points are relevant or not are subjective.
Modesty is one thing........ Commenting on a now opposing camera site is another.

Such is life in a commercial world.
Hey dashmellow............. Chill out and give them some time and space to grow without pressure but with baby steps.

Whether your points are relevant or not are subjective.

Yes, you are correct, it is indeed subjective. That is why I specifically used phrases like, "for me, at least for now" and "for me and perhaps others" multiple times through my post along with the phrase, "I'm sure there are other opinions on this".

BTW, regarding the JooVuu-X, am I to understand that you finally bought yourself a dash cam after offering up hundreds of your own vicarious opinions and comments since joining DCT a full year ago? Or perhaps you joined the other JooVuu-X forum just to loiter around there too as a non dash cam owner?

If you did buy a JooVuu-X, well then congratulations!
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Commenting on a now opposing camera site is another.

Such is life in a commercial world.

it's not that, I don't have an X so any comments would only be general in nature and I don't want to detract from something that is specific to that particular product, I do have other cameras that use the same hardware but there's a lot more to a product than just what hardware is being used, that's a very small part of the potential end result, I do talk with Dan @JooVuu quite often offline though which is probably more appropriate to some of the things we discuss related to development, manufacturing etc, although technically we're competitors our products are quite different and probably appeal to different types of people for various reasons (the market is way larger than either of us could ever dream of having a significant slice of anyway) regardless he's doing his best to build a better product and that is something I encourage, there's too much junk in the market which tarnishes the category as a whole, I welcome any manufacturer that wants to build better products over the ones that just want to make something cheaper, there's plenty of room for better products, there's too much low end junk in the market being peddled by online vendors that only care about that sale and have no concern about what happens after, quality, service etc
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Hey Joker.......... As always, Thanks for your thoughts and clarification as always.

Thanks also for not getting personal with my nickpicking and jibes and stuff..........
Harder you reckon..........

Give me some time like most humans and we will pick nits and nonsense like apes do........... Just jokin...... sort of :D
Hey Joker.......... As always, Thanks for your thoughts and clarification as always.

Thanks also for not getting personal with my nickpicking and jibes and stuff..........

You're welcome! :);)

So Hombré, you haven't addressed my query. Have you finally joined the ranks after all this time and bought yourself a dash cam or not?

We have at least one other year long member here with hundreds of posts to his name who has yet to become a dash cam owner.
I keep wondering how hard you guys will be kicking yourselves if you should happen to get into a car accident knowing you should have purchased one long ago.