Mini 0803 Problems / Will "NOT" Stop Recording

the question regarding confirmation that the 12v socket turns off with the car ignition was perfectly valid as not all cars work this way. On my car I have two 12v sockets, one stays active even with the ignition off and the symptoms you stated certainly made this a possibility. How can you explain that removing the camera power plug from the socket makes the camera power down correctly but leaving the plug connected and switching off the ignition does not.
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You certainly have a very strange way of expressing yourself....... the question regarding confirmation that the 12v socket turns off with the car ignition was perfectly valid as not all cars work this way. On my car I have two 12v sockets, one stays active even with the ignition off and the symptoms you stated certainly made this a possibility. How can you explain that removing the camera power plug from the socket makes the camera power down correctly but leaving the plug connected and switching off the ignition does not.

I "KNOW" the "ANSWER"! I've been posing this issue just to see how many tech savvy people are here. Do you believe that this is within the realm of being somewhat fair?
Apology accepted.

Sure, no problem. Let me ask you a question, if you are willing to answer. The time setting (first digit) is a + value. Do you know what digit is applicable for EST? It appears that the clock runs in 24 hour mode, is that correct?
EST is -5 hrs from GMT. So you need -5 here, but then you probably already "KNOW" that!:p
I "KNOW" the "ANSWER"! I've been posing this issue just to see how many tech savvy people are here. Do you believe that this is within the realm of being somewhat fair?
And the "ANSWER" to your (non-existent) original problem is....?o_O
EST is -5 hrs from GMT. So you need -5 here, but then you probably already "KNOW" that!:p

To be honest, I did not. Thank you very much. In this respect, setting the value at +5 will keep me on a 12 or 24 hour clock, or is a 24 hour clock standard?
the question regarding confirmation that the 12v socket turns off with the car ignition was perfectly valid as not all cars work this way. On my car I have two 12v sockets, one stays active even with the ignition off and the symptoms you stated certainly made this a possibility. How can you explain that removing the camera power plug from the socket makes the camera power down correctly but leaving the plug connected and switching off the ignition does not.

We are very much aware of the synopsis you presented. Thank you for your insight.
I "KNOW" the "ANSWER"! I've been posing this issue just to see how many tech savvy people are here. Do you believe that this is within the realm of being somewhat fair?
So your questions are not asking for help, they are some sort of test? That is not how forums work, you either need help or you dont, if you dont then why waste peoples time?

I edited my post thinking the first sentence was a little unfair but now I am not so sure!
To be honest, I did not. Thank you very much. In this respect, setting the value at +5 will keep me on a 12 or 24 hour clock, or is a 24 hour clock standard?
It's always a 24hour clock - used for the date/time stamp on the recordings.
It's always a 24hour clock - used for the date/time stamp on the recordings.
He probably already knows that, it was a test.
It's always a 24hour clock - used for the date/time stamp on the recordings.

Thank you very much. Would it be of any relevance as to the initial toe figure (+) as to whether the clock adjusts time per time zone? In other words, if I were in Alaska, would the clock function adjust time accordingly?
No, I specifically stated that I did not know.
My apologies, in future would it be possible for you to state up front which of your posts are genuine questions that you require an answer to and which ones are test questions that you already know the answer to.
So your questions are not asking for help, they are some sort of test? That is not how forums work, you either need help or you dont, if you dont then why waste peoples time?

I edited my post thinking the first sentence was a little unfair but now I am not so sure!

Forgive me for this. I was only trying to establish if any could arrive at a solution. When all minds work as one, much can be achieved. I wished to challenge all those by presenting this issue. Do you believe that this is wrong? Everyone seems to have great knowledge in dash camera's, so I believed that this logic would be applicable in ascertaining an answer. Unfortunately, at this point, not.

I was looking for the best mind. Again, I'm just an apprentice here.
Bit like the little boy who cried wolf!. Eventually everyone will ignore your "questions"
My apologies, in future would it be possible for you to state up front which of your posts are genuine questions that you require an answer to and which ones are test questions that you already know the answer to.

Do you believe that this was wrong? Merely trying to find the best mind.