Next version of Mobius?

You are not mistaken, there was mention of this new hardware being chosen due to superior night performance, was posted somewhere on the RC groups forum

Thanks for the confirmation. I was wondering where I saw that mentioned. I thought perhaps @Isoprop posted about that here on DCT somewhere.
There are still firmware problems. At least they are trying.

Several more FW revisions have been tested. When one WB color issue is stabilized, another appears it seems. Changing one attribute seems to interact with a different one. Frustrating to say the least.

When there is something ready to report here, I will do so... no need to ask.
Several more FW revisions have been tested. When one WB color issue is stabilized, another appears it seems. Changing one attribute seems to interact with a different one. Frustrating to say the least.

firmware development is far more frustrating than most people would ever believe, there's a lot of 'one step forward, two steps back' at times
firmware development is far more frustrating than most people would ever believe, there's a lot of 'one step forward, two steps back' at times

The Mobius team is probably one of the more skilled and perseverant in the business. They've obviously encountered some challenges in the development of this new product, but I say, stay tuned.
firmware development is far more frustrating than most people would ever believe, there's a lot of 'one step forward, two steps back' at times
It really doesn't have to be - If you have the right process, competent developers and decent QA.
Unfortunately, most companies who's products are on these boards don't have any of that.
It really doesn't have to be - If you have the right process, competent developers and decent QA.
Unfortunately, most companies who's products are on these boards don't have any of that.

most companies that are on here have no in house engineering skills beyond anything very basic, most are done by 3rd party development houses
There are still firmware problems. At least they are trying.

Several more FW revisions have been tested. When one WB color issue is stabilized, another appears it seems. Changing one attribute seems to interact with a different one. Frustrating to say the least.

When there is something ready to report here, I will do so... no need to ask.

I am sorry man, but I just can't take it anymore. For a guy who has been a member on DCT for 18 months and who has posted nearly 373 times as of this last post of yours but who has never purchased or experienced a dash cam first hand, up close and personal, I keep wondering why you feel that you are a guy who can appoint yourself as someone who legitimately is in a position to say , "When there is something ready to report here, I will do so... no need to ask." This all seems to be some sort of weird vicarious experience for you. It's downright weird at this point. Really, man what's the deal?

I was very much hoping you would have bought "something" by now, particularly the Mobius C2 that you spent so much sturm und drang and time posting about. As I've said before, I really hope you don't end up in some sort of terrible road mishap and end up kicking yourself that you never ever did buy a dash cam in a year and half as a member on this website despite your claim that you use an old phone while you await the perfect camera to purchase.
wondering why you feel that you are a guy who has appointed yourself as someone who legitimately is in a position to say , "When there is something ready to report here, I will do so... no need to ask." .

that's just a quote by Tom Frank from the link
most companies that are on here have no in house engineering skills beyond anything very basic, most are done by 3rd party development houses
I understand that - hence the quality that we see :(
Although when you look at the most common failings, bad focus, poor assembly, parts not fitting together - these are all things very easily controlled in house. There is no excuse for when a camera leaves the factory with a bad focus or a mount that blocks connector or a CPL that doesn't fit because the lens sticks out too much or a GPS that drowns in interference - all issues that should be caught way before the product is out...
I understand that - hence the quality that we see :(
Although when you look at the most common failings, bad focus, poor assembly, parts not fitting together - these are all things very easily controlled in house. There is no excuse for when a camera leaves the factory with a bad focus or a mount that blocks connector or a CPL that doesn't fit because the lens sticks out too much or a GPS that drowns in interference - all issues that should be caught way before the product is out...

camera not focused correctly (rather unfortunately) can happen with any brand, we've had it happen, it's operator error as it's a manual process and it's very hard to catch, we've introduced some changes for our next production where the person doing the focusing will only work a maximum of 30 minutes before switching positions with the person that glues the lens in place and they keep rotating like this throughout their shifts, I looked at the focus charts for a while when I was in the factory and to me it just made sense that if you stare at those charts for too long it gets progressively harder as the shift goes on as your brain just tunes out after some time, there's a very fine difference between in and out of focus on these lenses so not a lot of room for error

some things you can just never know, if a component will fail after some short time or whatever, that will always be the case I think and I can live with that, I get more upset with preventable errors like poor focus as that causes returns that we should never have had to deal with in the first place

the other problems you mention are from a product that just not ready for release, it's either greed or a lack of experience that puts a product out there like that, time will tell which it is, either way is not good for the end user though
Dashmellow, I am not the type to buy something and broadcast it to everyone. What I buy and have or do not own is none of your business. Do not expect to see me post that I bought anything the day after I get it. Maybe a few months later some footage might appear if something interesting happens. Why would I advertise that I have $$$ waiting to be stolen?

Had you looked at the link you would have seen the source of the quote. I have no idea why you come off as a bully so often on here. I have seen several of your posts that put other people down. You appear to have serious anger issues. Using a cell phone as a dash cam is considered acceptable on this site. If you do not believe it look at this part of the forum. See, smart phones are used as dash cams and have their own part of this site just like the mobius does.

Despite you having knowledge and helping out at times you need to cool down and realize this is just cyberspace. No one has to make you happy. Pay attention to details to avoid jumping to conclusions and then calm down. I have not attacked others on here. You have been on the attack many times. Be careful about being the pot that calls the kettle black.
Changing one attribute seems to interact with a different one

Thats allso the way i see it from the x camera, seem like there i allso misundestood things like i assumed you could more or less pair any sensor and chipset.

When things work like that i am glad i am not the one that have to work it out.
Sure i like a challenge just like the next guy, but if its all curb balls, then thats a major buzz kill for me.
Dashmellow, I am not the type to buy something and broadcast it to everyone. What I buy and have or do not own is none of your business. Do not expect to see me post that I bought anything the day after I get it. Maybe a few months later some footage might appear if something interesting happens. Why would I advertise that I have $$$ waiting to be stolen?

Had you looked at the link you would have seen the source of the quote. I have no idea why you come off as a bully so often on here. I have seen several of your posts that put other people down. You appear to have serious anger issues. Using a cell phone as a dash cam is considered acceptable on this site. If you do not believe it look at this part of the forum. See, smart phones are used as dash cams and have their own part of this site just like the mobius does.

Despite you having knowledge and helping out at times you need to cool down and realize this is just cyberspace. No one has to make you happy. Pay attention to details to avoid jumping to conclusions and then calm down. I have not attacked others on here. You have been on the attack many times. Be careful about being the pot that calls the kettle black.

Whatever you may think of me is irrelevant and I could care less if you think I'm a bully because you don't particularly like what I have to say. I'm not angry either, it's just that when someone spends a year and a half posting many hundreds of times to an enthusiast/product forum about a technology they obviously have no personal knowledge of or hands-on experience with, yet who tries to regularly present themselves as some sort of knowledgeable, cognoscenti insider, keeping us informed of the latest developments, I take an increasingly dim view. I don't care much for dilettantes and posers.

There are number of DCT members who have taken an unusually long time to reach a decision about which camera they want to buy, but sooner or later they do purchase one because that is why they came here in the first place. After that many make some sort of meaningful or interesting contribution to the forum in one way or another. After a year and a half of posting here without ever buying anything, and apparently with no intention to do so anytime soon, it is clear that you have some other motivation for hanging around. The longer I've watched this go on it seems increasingly weird. "Sh*t or get off the pot", as they say.

BTW, if you were to take the time to consider what people are actually saying in the "smart-phones as dashcam threads", using phones as a dash cam on a full time basis is widely considered to be impractical and ill advised for a number of good reasons. I recall the one time you posted some examples from your phone and they were of such poor quality as to be useless for all practical purposes.

Anyway, you are certainly entitled to do or not do anything you please but as I've said before over these last 18 months, I really do hope you don't find yourself up sh*ts creek without a dash cam, if and when you end up in a serious road mishap. It would be a shame after all this.
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(New post today from Tom Frank)

M2 release imminent
I just got word from the developer that the M2 FW has been frozen, with release likely this weekend, pending some final testing! Their eBay store will be the first to list the camera when it goes on sale, so check it for release information.

In the interim, I suggest you download the unboxing video in AVC (h.264) format or new HEVC (h.265) format for an advance look at the camera and/or to test your local playback/editor for HEVC compatibility if you wish. For those not aware, HEVC codec has the ability to give equal quality as AVC encoding at about 1/2 the data rate and file size. Also, it has the ability to produce better quality than AVC encoding at the same bit rate. The latter is dependent on the capability of the camera's imaging hardware and your monitor display for visible quality improvement.

I will be opening the new M2 support thread when release has been confirmed and I have been able to populate the initial info-posts with key information, but I will be gone for the next couple of days so will not be able to work on it until I get back.
I just hope it support the IMX185.
Someone on RCGroups guess it is used Panasonic 2MP sensor, the Hislicon chipset with Panasonic 2MP sensor is used for dash camera, there is some products in the market now.
Someone on RCGroups guess it is used Panasonic 2MP sensor, the Hislicon chipset with Panasonic 2MP sensor is used for dash camera, there is some products in the market now.

the firmware has references to Panasonic sensor and HiSilicon chipset, they can't keep these things secret when the firmware is available for download
The M2 Mobius has finally landed!

It became available for sale on eBay this morning but the listing was promptly removed. From the looks of things they sold out almost immediately as some people have reported confirmations and tracking numbers, including me! :p
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