Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

we advise people with side curtain airbags to seek professional installation, it doesn't require removal of the headlining but does often require some specific tools and some knowledge of how to do it correctly, it's not something everyone knows how to do, all dual cams have the same sort of issues when it comes to installation

The problem is you're trying to access looms that are installed at the factory prior to the headlining being installed. So access is going to be difficult without at least partially dropping the headlining, but of course will vary from vehicle to vehicle. I've also done a lot of electrical work on various vehicles- professionally and at home (from converting carby cars to full EFI systems, alarms, dashcams, head unit upgrades etc.) Yes, all hard wired dual channel dash cams will have the same problem if the cable supplied isn't long enough to route via the floor.

I read on this forum a lot of discussions about curtain airbags and dashcam wires.
Maybe I am the only here which is thinking that is more possible to be killed by a car compared to a wire.
When wiring a dashcam to the rear is better to look on YouTube how are they exploding, for example:


The wire becoming tangled in the curtain airbag is my concern. That could result in it not deploying correctly.
Yes, all hard wired dual channel dash cams will have the same problem if the cable supplied isn't long enough to route via the floor.

I can't say I've seen any cameras that come standard with longer cables, generally limited to about 8m max also, further than that and you can get issues with signal breaking up, we may make some longer cables available if the demand is there
I can't say I've seen any cameras that come standard with longer cables, generally limited to about 8m max also, further than that and you can get issues with signal breaking up, we may make some longer cables available if the demand is there

BlackVue offer up to 20M lengths , Thinkware you seem to be able to get 7.5m

Is it an off the shelf plug/ cable you use?

Blackvue use a different format on the cameras that use that cable (coaxial), it has it's own issues though and perhaps why they've moved away from that on the newer models, the Thinkware is using a similar format to what we use

Is it an off the shelf plug/ cable you use?

No, some others are using the same format but I haven't seen any offering longer lengths at this stage
I just read a little up on lifi, that's wireless but with light instead of radio waves, pretty neat but still early days so not a viable solution for in car data transmission, and wifi i dont feel are a option either.
Blackvue use a different format on the cameras that use that cable (coaxial), it has it's own issues though and perhaps why they've moved away from that on the newer models, the Thinkware is using a similar format to what we use

No, some others are using the same format but I haven't seen any offering longer lengths at this stage

The latest Blackvue DR750S-2CH seems to be using a coax cable going by the connector for the rear camera.

that coax cable has been an issue for a while, I know some of the resellers have had a lot of grief with them, I think they're very easily damaged is probably one of the issues, from what I had been told some of the new models have dropped this cable in favour of a different type, that's just feedback from some of their resellers though, I haven't looked at any of their products recently to see what they have done
Yes, being coax it wouldn't be forgiving when people bend it past it's minimum bend radius and crush it from poor cable routing.
I just read a little up on lifi, that's wireless but with light instead of radio waves, pretty neat but still early days so not a viable solution for in car data transmission, and wifi i dont feel are a option either.
so it would require direct line of sight... that pretty much rules out anything automotive.

unless they aren't counting fiber-optic cable as wires... "oh, but it's not a wire since there's no metal - so it's wireless!" hurr durr... :rolleyes:

nevermind you still need a way to power that remote camera...
Yeah you will need at least 2 receivers for sure, and probably also 2 transmitters to make sure bobbing heads and what not of passengers dont get in the LOS.

But who know maybe down the line it will be something that can come to use in this format.
A fiber optic data line would work with any length vehicle but you'd need interfaces at each end so it wouldn't be cheap or small. Possible but maybe not practical ;)

I worked on a system in the Airforce that was originally designed to be all fiber optics. (To save weight) It ended up being so unreliable they ripped it all out and went back to using copper.
I worked on a system in the Airforce that was originally designed to be all fiber optics. (To save weight) It ended up being so unreliable they ripped it all out and went back to using copper.

I believe the speed, reliability and miniaturization of fiber optic systems has come a long way since then. Maybe it won't be all that long until FO might actually become practical in a dash cam?

And a really cool technology on the horizon is audio and video encoded in LED emitters. With such a system an LED emitter on a remote lens module could transmit an encoded video signal back to a main dash cam unit wirelessly. Basically, fiber optic without the fiber.
I read something a little while ago that hackers can not hack stuff via the LED's on your gear, not sure if it was computer LED's or maybe router, scary if we talk black hat hackers.

I assume they tell the LED to morse code info and then they can read it from a far with a camera.
I read something a little while ago that hackers can not hack stuff via the LED's on your gear, not sure if it was computer LED's or maybe router, scary if we talk black hat hackers.

I assume they tell the LED to morse code info and then they can read it from a far with a camera.

Like any other digital transmission, if it has good encryption an LED signal between devices "should" be secure.
Got it installed, front is fantastic, rear is really good. Short cable in set has two right angled USB plugs...won't fit with GPS. Long one has straight and right angle USB...but in all cases USB is right angled the wrong way...should be left (up) instead is right (down) more cable to deal with. GPS/overlay seems to be hit or miss...I need to look at that further (I had it working, didn't change anything, and it stopped working...reformat card everytime i pull it out and put it back in.). Sound is pretty good, considering it is a non optimal location. Aiming cameras is much easier with a live view app. On my truck I had to cut out a piece of sheet metal to shove under the headliner and create a mounting platform for the rear camera...can't glue on tint, and would be too low anyway. Power cable is long enough. Actually location of USBr cable made mounting rear camera more difficult in my application) BTW if you install in right hand drive car, USB cables might not be as wrong.
Short cable in set has two right angled USB plugs...won't fit with GPS. .

sounds like you have the cable installed the wrong way, the plugs are different each end

edit: when you have the cable the correct way around will look like this when plugged in

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Maybe...I thought I tried it the other way around...but I will take a look.
Have you considered mounting on the sensor housing?

So, that is what I did. It's been a few weeks since I installed in my CX-9, and have been meaning to post some pics so here we go. BTW, thanks Rick for sending the GPS extension cables.

Currently I have used the thinner mount, and the camera is catching a frit to the left top corner. Not a big deal, but will be removing it and mount the thicker one at some point.Will wait for the new hardwire kit to become available to do both together. Hope that is coming soon, Rick? ;)


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