Viofo A119 Car DVR factory sample tests

Yes, I too am hanging on for the A119, for better night imaging.
once people start getting their own sample units, we'll be seeing a lot more video, and hopefully photos of the actual unit itself. and then those people can start giving their feedback about where they want the firmware to go, features they want, etc.
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I'm just a little confused about who is doing what?...
Mtz posted the thread but isn't labelled as a "Manufacturer".
Jokiin is a Manufacturer, and seems to know a lot about the A119.
Viofo is also a Manufacturer and seem to know everything about the A119.
What is the relationship between these three members and the A119 please?

I'm guessing Viofo is the manufacturer of the A119, Mtz works for Viofo. Jokiin makes other cams and is chipping in with info???

Please could someone clear this up for me? Many thanks.
I'm guessing Viofo is the manufacturer of the A119, Mtz works for Viofo. Jokiin makes other cams and is chipping in with info???

Viofo is the manufacturer but not online that often, Mtz is an end user and has been helping with the beta testing, I know the manufacturer and what they are doing and have added a bit of info where appropriate
I am lucky because I received some cameras as factory samples, with some of them I was the first in the world : Innovv, Mini 0806, A118C, Mini 0805, Street Guardian, GitUp, SJCam SJ5000, Shadow 1S and now the A119.
All these cameras from my list are from different manufacturers. The Shadow 1S I received without mount and charger and A119 without GPS and with different buttons and LEDs from final version.

On another forum some user was very frustrated how a romanian guy have the SJCam SJ5000 camera and nobody else with one month before start of the sales.

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Ah, so I was almost correct! Thanks for the info. @Mtz if you are really in to dash cams, it must be an advantage for manufacturers to send you cams for testing/comparing. I can't see how others can complain?

I've never had a dash cam, so I can only help with testing from the "newbie" user perspective, e.g. feeding back on how a new buyer would find the instructions; fitting; wiring; set up; interaction with PC (Mac in my case); initial and longer term use and reliability. Would love to have an early production sample to do this... hint... hint... ;)
I agree with Jokiin. Unless you are a tinker, who will take time to find potential solution for new product's problems. It would be wise to wait for full production product or else you will not be happy with it.
Agreed. They can potentially be problematic, and if you're not familiar with them, you may not recognize it as a problem.

as a manufacturer when I'm sending samples to people I want people that are well versed in dashcams so that we have people that know what to look for, I understand the idea of a totally new user and finding things that more experienced users may take for granted or already know as being beneficial but I think we're pretty much past a lot of that except maybe in the real cheap generic stuff, those guys never listen anyway
I can't see how others can complain?
I think the problem was because I am from an "exotic" country called Romania. If I was from USA for example then should not be any problem. We saw in movies that all important things are happening in USA like aliens coming or some other major humanity things and discoveries. :p

But in dashcam world the Chinese are first with new dashcams, ideas and production and Russians are first with dashcam videos.

In Romania are just few dashcam users, this it right, because is a poor country compared to other western countries but in these days we are not worried about bombs and terrorist and I live in a silent place like I always wished.

About me I can say I have experience, I have ideas and some of them are implemented in people's cameras, I like to work with people which can easy and quickly implement fixes and ideas, but from everything the most important thing is I am correct and offering true feedback.

For example with Innovv was not a great experience because was very hard to implement just few ideas because of poor firmware support, with SJCam I felt not good when presenting the SJ5000+ camera because of some hardware problems and when people reported bugs I was not feeling OK.
But with Viofo for example, I obtained a firmware with a request by me even in the same day, or next day. And when I see things like this, I like to work with such team and I am not afraid to not feel comfortable when showing to people a dashcam. Soon other people will receive some samples of A119 and when they see I was right is like a life victory for me.
Viofo have the best firmware team I ever met, second is the Street Guardian.

In the past I was doing firmware modifications for DivX players and got a little famous at that time and because of that a Romanian brand was the first as sales in my country and even now I have the samples, after more than 10 years and I wasn't paid by that brand.
And after releasing a firmware and reading how happy are people I was feeling sooo good, like the happy man in the world. Starting with that times I understood how important is the firmware support. And Viofo has it!

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Viofo have the best firmware team I ever met
I think you have a lot more interaction than you've been able to with any other brands, ideas actually get listened to

In the past I was doing firmware modifications for DivX players and got a little famous at that time and because of that a Romanian brand was the first as sales in my country and even now I have the samples, after more than 5-7 years and I wasn't paid by that brand.

For what it's worth I used to do DVD players many years ago and knew Mtz from DivX player firmware from around 15 years ago, some of his mods for subtitle support were incorporated into our players, we were supplying firmware back to the factory with fixes that even their own engineers didn't know how to do
About interaction, Yes, I like to be listened fast. This is because of DivX times when Chinese engineers are telling that some things are not possible or not supported by chipset and the most famous thing was DTS decoding support which was done by changing two bites in two places in some firmwares.

For what it's worth I used to do DVD players many years ago and knew Mtz from DivX player firmware from around 15 years ago, some of his mods for subtitle support were incorporated into our players, we were supplying firmware back to the factory with fixes that even their own engineers didn't know how to do
Oh, you should send me a sample. :p Can you post at lest one picture with the player to know where Mtz was inside?
I remember I had some australians feedback because of a Pioneer 575(?) DivX player, I was in their forums represented by a firmware.
But the strangest things from all that times is that I never was a programmer. Just intuition and work. And work!

Sorry for off topic.

I don't even have any samples of the players any more, I worked for someone else back then, I think the websites where we used to share this information isn't even around today, for electronics that's like two lifetimes ago
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@Mtz was the reason I bought that Romanian DVD DivX player. With his FW that player was awesome. I still have it and watch sometimes old divx movie to remember that good times.
I also remember that I was sad when he announced on softpedia forum that will stop improving divx playes to focus on something else.
I was happy when I found him on this forum.
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as a new user you're better off without a pre production unit
Yes, I can see where you're coming from and agree. I did say "early production" and not "pre production".
I'm just keen to get my hands on one as soon as available.
It's very interesting, and reassuring, knowing a little of the background and interaction between those posting here.
It's very interesting, and reassuring, knowing a little of the background and interaction between those posting here.
Everybody had a start. If you have free time for testing and even for a review like a beginner, maybe Viofo will send you a sample, write your offer in the other thread.

Good luck!
maybe Viofo will send you a sample, write your offer in the other thread.

They have closed that offer, they have contacted those who will be getting test samples.
GB looks to be selling the A119