Is there such thing as a side view dashcam? (For your car doors)

You'll get a sense of accomplishment after you finish installing it, but then you'll realize you don't have one facing up for those damned birds always dive-bombing your car, and squirrels dropping pine cones, and let's not forget meteors and aliens! :D
You missed the one facing down for all the critters that hide under the car
You'll get a sense of accomplishment after you finish installing it, but then you'll realize you don't have one facing up for those damned birds always dive-bombing your car, and squirrels dropping pine cones, and let's not forget meteors and aliens! :D

You missed the one facing down for all the critters that hide under the car

I've been planning to install another dash cam or two on a helium balloon tethered to the back of my truck! :D
When it comes to legal protection, one front cam does 98%+ of what needs to be done. A rear cam can prove a wild driver's behavior was occurring before they caught up with you from behind. Side cams may show them gesturing, swerving etc, but also may not show your lane position very well again leaving the brunt of the work on the front (and rear if you have that) cam. They can also show approaching cars at "tee" intersections and 4-way stops which you may not get on a front cam's edges unless it's got a wise enough lens angle.

My cams also provide a security function for me, but my situation is far from the norm. I work in places where unwatched work trucks get items stolen from them, and having visible side and rear cams helps with that. As long as they think they're being watched they leave me alone :cool:

I'm planning on two front & two rear (wide and telephoto) plus two side cams. Will that be enough?
Are you going to have redundancy for both wide and telephoto cams? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It's definitely addicting (and can get expensive) once you get past a single cam :p I'm picking up another vehicle this weekend and it will need cams. For now I have just enough cams on hand to put one front and one rear but after having the sides covered with the current vehicle I'm sure it will get the same as soon as I can make it happen.

Are you going to have redundancy for both wide and telephoto cams? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I think I have 5No telephoto lenses coming soon in the mail.... not to be used all at once!!
I did try a rear blind spot camera position a while ago, using the 90deg rotate function in the Mobius2. It turned out rather well considering I simply stuck it directly on the driver's door trim. The reflections were pretty bad when the sun came out though.
A single forward facing camera would instantly disprove their claim by showing you were, in fact, in your lane when the collision occurred.

Yes, that would be correct but only for the purpose of logically deducing who is at fault. However, one single front cam may indeed not show the actual impact, nor how the other party made at-fault contact and that is what I would want to put in front of an officer/claims adjuster/judge/jury as concrete evidence of my claim. I'd want to seal the deal on the spot with a little overkill. Certainly can't hurt.
There are 11 pages with well over 23,000 posts to this more than two year old thread that essentially dispute your moderately arrogant summary dismissal of the simple question from the OP as to whether there is "such thing as a side view dash cam that will watch the sides of your car?" Reading your post and considering it's tone I wonder how much of this thread you've actually taken the time to peruse.

And this is at it's heart a simple thread about side facing cameras, primarily DIY undertakings not commercial "4 channel 360º systems"with Cloud Service or your personal exasperation that, "no one" has designed a 'dash cam' to be side mounted 'in the Retail Market'."

Despite their growing popularity, dash cams are basically a niche market and as such, side facing dash cams are an even more rarefied and esoteric endeavor. Add to this the simple fact of the huge number and variety of motor vehicle styles, designs and window configurations that would need to be accommodated make the manufacture of a "universal" side camera mounting system virtually impossible. For these reasons, commercial dedicated side facing camera systems are not something we are likely to see forthcoming from any developer any time soon.

Still, you can count on seeing a proliferation of side facing camera installations as people continue to devise clever DIY approaches to capturing lateral views from their vehicles. No doubt this thread will continue to be a testament to the fact that there is indeed "such thing as a side view dash cam that will watch the sides of your car".

Here's what the OP actually posted:

Hi all, just wondering if there is such thing as a side view dash cam that will watch the sides of your car? Like the doors and stuff

He's obviously asking a question about whether or not such cams were designed expressly to be mounted from the side of a passenger vehicle. Name the non-Commercial Dashcam maker that produces such a creature. Can you do that? They are called Dashcams for a reason. The tone of my post was to explain to the OP what he obviously did not yet know. The tone of your post was rude, assumptive, childish, petty and replete with non-sequitur reply on the merits of both the OPs initial post and my reply, despite the alleged over "23,000 posts to this more than two year old thread."

Moreover, your apparent inability to read in context is more telling than you know. The mention of Commercial Camera makers was to provide contrast and differential to Retail or Consumer based Camera makers and for the purpose of clarifying the same to the OP in direct relation to their original question. Your use of my mention of Commercial Camera makers is wholly moot and non-sequitur. Your reply makes no sense relative to the OPs question and my actual post.

I was not referring to DIY and neither did the OP. I took the OPs question at face value and doing that results in clarifying the distinction between made for side mount and not made for side mount. Thus, the REASON for following up my post with examples of those who used cameras that WERE NOT INTENDED to be side mounted.

Your assumptive post makes zero sense.
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Yes, that would be correct but only for the purpose of logically deducing who is at fault. However, one single front cam may indeed not show the actual impact, nor how the other party made at-fault contact and that is what I would want to put in front of an officer/claims adjuster/judge/jury as concrete evidence of my claim. I'd want to seal the deal on the spot with a little overkill. Certainly can't hurt.

Me too ;) Most of the drivers who do stupid things have an attitude problem, and if you can show that in court you are more assured of winning your case. And TBH I've never seen an adequate insurance settlement after a crash so anything that helps you is more ammo to use in the war against them. In the several times where someone crashed into me I've never been adequately compensated, and I've decided that the next slob who makes that mistake is going to make up for that :mad: I'm going to sue the pants off of whoever that is so I'll need all the vids I can get :D

As to the OP wanting a cam specifically made for the sides a;l I can say is that there are several which will do the job as it is essentially the same recording criteria as a forward-facing cam with a wide-angle view so there's really little need for a specific cam made for this purpose, nor could there be much improvement made over the existing cams :whistle: The main area where improvements might be worthwhile is mostly in mountings and even then with the vast differences in needs a dozen different mounts would only help somewhat. Those who want a better mount can almost always devise an adequate one themselves- luckily dashcams are small and light making that easy :) If you want something badly enough and you can't get it, you can at least find some way to fill the need at least partially if you're persistent enough.

I'm happy to say that I'm just flat-out stubborn and I refuse to fail for a lack of thought or effort :ROFLMAO:

Here's what the OP actually posted:

He's obviously asking a question about whether or not such cams were designed expressly to be mounted from the side of a passenger vehicle. Name the non-Commercial Dashcam maker that produces such a creature. Can you do that? They are called Dashcams for a reason. The tone of my post was to explain to the OP what he obviously did not yet know. The tone of your post was rude, assumptive, childish, petty and replete with non-sequitur reply on the merits of both the OPs initial post and my reply, despite the alleged over "23,000 posts to this more than two year old thread."

Moreover, your apparent inability to read in context is more telling than you know. The mention of Commercial Camera makers was to provide contrast and differential to Retail or Consumer based Camera makers and for the purpose of clarifying the same to the OP in direct relation to their original question. Your use of my mention of Commercial Camera makers is wholly moot and non-sequitur. Your reply makes no sense relative to the OPs question and my actual post.

I was not referring to DIY and neither did the OP. I took the OPs question at face value and doing that results in clarifying the distinction between made for side mount and not made for side mount. Thus, the REASON for following up my post with examples of those who used cameras that WERE NOT INTENDED to be side mounted.

Your assumptive post makes zero sense.

Ever since you washed up on the shores here on DCT a month ago you have posted nothing but stridently arrogant, often tediously verbose remarks presenting yourself as a some sort of superior elitist who thinks he knows better than anyone else on any given subject while at the same time expressing condescension and periodic disparagement towards anyone and everyone who might disagree with you or offer an alternative viewpoint. As such, it comes as no surprise to witness someone like you lash out with the sort of personal attacks, insults and adolescent name calling you've directed towards me here. People like you tend to not last too long around here, if only because members quickly tire of this sort of behavior. DCT tends to be a uniquely friendly and accommodating place compared to many other similar forums, as most people, but apparently not you quickly learn. No doubt you will continue the attacks and flaming towards me and anyone else who might take issue with your style of commentary but I would caution you that persisting with the put-downs, name calling and attitude would be an unwise course of action in the long run.

I find it amusing how you've managed to imagine, fabricate and project such a complex, self servicing interpretation onto the OP's very simple initial query that mentions neither factory designed special purpose cameras or DIY projects but simply raises a question of functionality and deployment.

I find it sad that you feel so compelled and misguided as to barge into this long standing discussion behaving quite so rudely and dismissively towards the OP, me or the numerous other members who've presented so many interesting posts here that you couldn't even be bothered to read, consider or appreciate.

And finally, I find it completely hilarious that you are so clueless and willfully uniformed that you feel compelled to "explain" and "clarify" your swollen-headed perspectives "to the OP" who, as it happens, has not even visited this forum for more than two years now after having only spent nine days as an active member here.
I've been planning to install another dash cam or two on a helium balloon tethered to the back of my truck! :D
Reminds me of my unsuccessful attempt to attach a Mobius camera to my kids' kites last weekend.
That sounds like great fun! Why didn't it work?
Not enough wind even to keep the kite up on its own! :rolleyes: It was gusting 45mph earlier in the day... I'll try again another day
Not enough wind even to keep the kite up on its own! :rolleyes: It was gusting 45mph earlier in the day... I'll try again another day

Hope you get it to work! I'm sure everyone would love to see some footage. I was really into kites when I was a kid and once lofted a kite so far that it became like a pinhead in the sky using a huge spool of super-strong nylon string my dad gave me. Some older kid came along and helped me finally retrieve the kite because it was taking so long to reel it in that it got dark out and I was 'sposed to be home long before. Got a scolding from my mom when I got home but it was a peak kiting experience so it was worth it. :)
I have been looking for these balloons, one might be able to carry a camera.


I am pretty sure Danish cops will not think its funny, but i am willing to take that chance.

Yeah. I posted that photo in the "Pics that made me smile" thread quite some time ago and some guy kept asking me where he could buy them. I wish I knew. I don't think you can get them anymore or if they were ever really available in the first place. Great concept! They'd be perfect for mounting dash cams, especially for when the cops pull you over. :D
yean and other motorists will want all on their own to keep a safe distance, so really a win - win solution if you ask me.
yean and other motorists will want all on their own to keep a safe distance, so really a win - win solution if you ask me.

If I wasn't using my 12V ports for dash cams I would probably get one of these to stick in my ciggy lighter socket. Would go well with the balloons. :smuggrin:
