JooVuu X Camera

So when can we expect this again?
and expected price ?
(sorry if these questions have already been answered )
So when can we expect this again?
and expected price ?
(sorry if these questions have already been answered )

Hi HHunk,
Welcome to DCT.

We are expecting to ship it between July and early September. More than likely it will be mid August but there are so many things that can change we are just giving a broad spectrum. At the moment we are just saying 'summer 2015'.

Price will be announced soon, we want to make this as affordable as we can and as such running numbers based on various factors.

Kind regards,

Hello everyone!
Sorry for being quiet again, we have two blog posts we need to post, but every time we come to posting them something changes, but we should hopefully be releasing them tonight/tomorrow.

I'll give you a quick update now - I'll do the bad news first and the good news second.

Bad news
At the moment the camera will NOT have 120fps 720dp. I'll go into more detail in the blog post but we had to make a choice and we went with the choice that gave us more resolutions.
PC Configuration is behind schedule by quite a while. We'll have a basic app but the main features we want to implement we have not done. This is due to an unforeseen circumstance in the company we were using who we have now parted way with. We did NOT make this decision lightly but I believe having a better product in the long run than getting one out quickly is the better option.

Good news
- iOS/Android app development are on target. As you can see from above things can change, but we are feeling very good about the development of these apps. These apps should hopefully be ready around mid-late June when beta testing starts. In fact based on current trajectory we should be beta testing both apps and the cameras at exactly the same time.

- We have finalized our packaging down to 5 designs, once we have this wittled down to 3 designs we'll release this to the public to vote on.

- Beta testing is filling up nicely - we have had a genuine overwhelming response from the community for wanting to be involved and the only downside to this is we cannot involve everyone. We will be announcing the 'winners' around June 21st so there is still plenty of time to sign up for beta testing (

- And last but not least, camera development is currently bang on schedule, if anything we are slightly ahead, but for us that will just mean another day of testing before we release to the beta testers.

If anyone is interested in helping us develop our Android/iOS apps please contact us at with the subject - iOS/Android Apps. We're looking for people who can help us test the app and can also help us verify what is going on - we're not the best at developing apps and as such we're having to put a lot of trust and faith in this company who so far are doing very well. However, we would prefer someone who knows more than us to look over their stuff, especially if they know about Ambarella commands etc.

And lastly, if anyone would like to help us develop our PC program or knows anyone who can etc please let us know at with the subject - WE'LL MAKE YOUR DAY - which you will - a lot.

Kind regards,


Any questions as usual - just holla!
Thanks for the update Dan! And thanks for being so forthcoming about the development process challenges.
Hi @Dashmellow
We try and give you guys the latest information it just sometimes gets a bit hectic. The above points will be explained in far more detail in the blog posts which I'll try and get up tonight.

The development challenges are brutal - I spoke to @jokiin at the start of this journey and his words were essentially - It won't go to plan, and when you think it is, it's not.

Those words have never been truer. However, we're battling through everything and the thing that matters the most (the camera) is shaping up nicely.

Hopefully by the time we get to beta testing the camera will be in pretty decent condition and then the testing can reallllly accelerate it's development.

Kind regards,

I think one of the great things about DashCamTalk that I've rarely experienced in years of involvement in other "enthusiast" forums is the interaction between users, manufacturers and retailers. Often, it seems as if product developers and manufacturers deal with their customers as if they live in some kind of ivory tower and want nothing whatsoever to do with the unwashed buyers of their products other than to collect their money.

The ongoing back and back and forth interactions we have here between dash cam users, manufacturers and vendors obviously benefits all involved.
As long as it will have 1080p / 60 FPS i am happy CUZ i never use the 720p resolution, and i am looking forward to when 1080p / 120 FPS will be affordable :D
I think one of the great things about DashCamTalk that I've rarely experienced in years of involvement in other "enthusiast" forums is the interaction between users, manufacturers and retailers. Often, it seems as if product developers and manufacturers deal with their customers as if they live in some kind of ivory tower and want nothing whatsoever to do with the unwashed buyers of their products other than to collect their money.

The ongoing back and back and forth interactions we have here between dash cam users, manufacturers and vendors obviously benefits all involved.

Hi Dashmellow,
It's one of the things I always said would happen, if we built a camera, get people involved as at the end of the day they are the ones buying it.

As long as it will have 1080p / 60 FPS i am happy CUZ i never use the 720p resolution, and i am looking forward to when 1080p / 120 FPS will be affordable :D

Hi kamkar1,
It's massively far aware, have a look at this chip (Ambarella H1):

Not as far as you would think.

Also wanted to say thanks for the update. Glad to see things are going forward, and I am looking forward to seeing a great android app. This is where other cameras seem to fall a little short so I can wait to see what kind of settings and features it holds.

Also can't wait to see the packaging ideas come out i'm looking forward to voting.
No need to spend a lot on packaging, prints etc... As long as it's enough to protect camera during shipping.
It's like gift wrap, costs too much only to tear it apart. ;)
We should hopefully have the designs up soon - we had some but I did not like them so started again, however, designing is easy, functionality is harder and as such we've shifted focus to functionality whilst we finalize design.

The box will be a normal box nothing fancy. We just thought we'd see what everyone would like.

We're almost at 100 people on the beta testing list which is great news as well. Glad to see a lot of people are interested in this!

Kind regards,

The box will be a normal box nothing fancy. We just thought we'd see what everyone would like.
It would be cool if the" box" the camera comes in were actually a reclosable, durable plastic case you could use permanently to carry the camera around with you if desired. The "case" could be shipped in a cardboard sleeve with all the usual package printing that would ordinarily be on the "box".
It would be cool if the" box" the camera comes in were actually a reclosable, durable plastic case you could use permanently to carry the camera around with you if desired. The "case" could be shipped in a cardboard sleeve with all the usual package printing that would ordinarily be on the "box".

that's nice when you get that type of box, workable if there's an existing box that's available that can be used, prohibitively expensive if not though as the tooling costs to make those kinds of boxes could easily end up adding $10 or more to the build cost of the camera
Yeah the H1 look nice :)
I think one of the great things about DashCamTalk that I've rarely experienced in years of involvement in other "enthusiast" forums is the interaction between users, manufacturers and retailers. Often, it seems as if product developers and manufacturers deal with their customers as if they live in some kind of ivory tower and want nothing whatsoever to do with the unwashed buyers of their products other than to collect their money.

The ongoing back and back and forth interactions we have here between dash cam users, manufacturers and vendors obviously benefits all involved.

too many products have decisions made by accountants and marketing teams rather than designers and engineers, yes there are realities of doing business that mean costs must be controlled but some very stupid decisions happen sometimes as a result
that's nice when you get that type of box, workable if there's an existing box that's available that can be used, prohibitively expensive if not though as the tooling costs to make those kinds of boxes could easily end up adding $10 or more to the build cost of the camera

Yeah, it was just fantasy. I said it would be cool but I didn't say I thought it was something practical that could actually happen.
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Yeah, it's was just fantasy. I said it would be cool but I didn't say I thought it was something practical that could actually happen.
I agree it would be nice, whether it could be done affordably though is the challenge, I'm sure @JooVuu want to deliver a premium product but still need to spend their money where it matters most