Memory Cards Confirmed Working/Not Working?

I did a full format (took more than 5-6hrs). I did not check how many Gb were still available when the beeping began. I will check next time. I formatted and tested the Endurance card last night and put it in this morning. At this time it is recording in parking mode (still at work) so I'm wondering what will happen later when I start driving....
Totally agree with you.

Even at the recommended gas station, gasoline may not be of high quality.
As well as the recommended memory card may be defective.
The car manufacturer, as well as the manufacturer of the DVR, cannot be held responsible for this.

A229 with a normal bitrate works fine for a person, so this is not a problem with A229.
Or am I wrong?
There are 2 things that Viofo can do in the future:
a.) Ensure that it's distributors do NOT bundle memory cards that are on the "Not recommended" list from Viofo, and also memory cards known to be incompatible with certain dashcams (SanDisk High Endurance on A229 & A119 Mini)
b.) Or either require all it's distributors to bundle only specific memory cards that are on the "recommended" list by Viofo for the particular dashcam product. If Viofo only wants to list their own memory as the only recommended one, that is fine too.
c.) In either of the above, bundling should always be recommended but not required. Power users, testers, other people like us that already have lots of endurance cards should be exempt.

The same way that there are different levels of quality for gasoline octane (RON) rating at recommended gas stations, there are also different levels of quality on Samsung/SanDisk memory.
Samsung produces lots of bad memory cards that are not recommended by Viofo and also good ones that are.
There is a reason that Viofo specifically recommends their own memory, Samsung Pro Endurance, and SanDisk MAX Endurance...because they tested it and it works.

He said recording at normal bitrate no longer works.
It is your memory cards that cannot work with the A229 DUO. They cannot cope with the data stream transmitted from two cameras with a maximum bit rate.

I have not see the math but I am curious if it is the data rate of the memory card ( Samgung Pro Endurance 256 gig write 40MB/s) or...could it be that the A229 lacks sufficent memory and processor to buffer and write to the SD card? Three data streams coming in will need to be managed by the file system and core OS. If there is insufficient onboard memory and a poor memory/file management then issues will occur. Not defending the one side or the other but I see where the A229 could be at issue here.
Don't think that is the case at all guys.
Samsung PRO Endurance write speed is 40MB/s. Viofo A229 dashcam writes 55.5Mb/s.
Note the difference above MB/s and Mb/s.

For a dashcam to exceed that capacity, it must have a combined stream of 335Mbps from all cameras. There is no car DVR on the planet that comes anywhere close to maxing the 40MB/s write speed.


Also, the card I ordered arrived on Friday morning and I did some preliminary testing this weekend in my SG9667DC2K dashcam which writes a combined stream of 59Mbps and I don't see any problems with the card at all. Everything worked fine without issue.

He needs to run tests on his memory card (to make sure it does not have any bad sectors, the allocation tables are correct, it reaches or exceeds advertised read/write speeds) to rule out any problems with his memory card.
If it passes all these tests, then the DVR (or it's firmware, power source, or Novatek SoC) would then be the culprit.

I see his earlier post of running CrystalDisk and HW test. If they are true, then the card is not the issue.
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Reading your comment caused me to take a second 256 gig Samsung Max Endurance and mount it to my Zorin Pro 16.1 (Ubuntu kin) Linux box. This 256 gig SD was formatted with either SDformatter or GUIFormat, I don't recall which. Regardless, Zorin saw the file system as corrupted. I reformatted the SD with Zorin using FAT32. I will stick this card in my A129 Pro just to make certain it works.
Are you referring to the SanDisk MAX Endurance or Samsung PRO Endurance?
A Samsung Max Endurance card does not exist.
I see his earlier post of running CrystalDisk and HW test. If they are true, then the card is not the issue.
I took the sd card out of the cam and put it in my PC. Using CrystalDiskMark to check the read/write speeds. Read: 90MB/s+ / Write: 1.09MB/s !!!
Ok so less than 24hrs of the fully formatted sdcard being in the dashcam. This evening when I went for my 3rd drive of the day it happened again. Start the car, dashcam switches from parking recording mode to regular recording and boom 30 seconds later it stops recording. Hit the record button and it's gone fine past 30 seconds but as history as shown, that's gonna be very short lived. The storage room left on the sdcard according to the viofo app is 142gigs free.

Very disappointed in this whole experience with the dashcam. Absolutely no way it could be the sdcard at this point and I hate to spend money to buy viofos branded sdcard. I shouldn't be having this issue especially if I bought a recommended sdcard by viofo themselves. Again I truly don't think it's the sdcard at this point and I've tried all combinations of things such as even formating the camera itself to factory settings and not touching a single thing, the issue still occurs.

@Kenza750 have you contacted viofo support and put in a ticket # for this yet? I'll be gathering all my info and writing a report to them within 24hrs with all my findings.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
Ok so less than 24hrs of the fully formatted sdcard being in the dashcam. This evening when I went for my 3rd drive of the day it happened again. Start the car, dashcam switches from parking recording mode to regular recording and boom 30 seconds later it stops recording. Hit the record button and it's gone fine past 30 seconds but as history as shown, that's gonna be very short lived. The storage room left on the sdcard according to the viofo app is 142gigs free.

Very disappointed in this whole experience with the dashcam. Absolutely no way it could be the sdcard at this point and I hate to spend money to buy viofos branded sdcard. I shouldn't be having this issue especially if I bought a recommended sdcard by viofo themselves. Again I truly don't think it's the sdcard at this point and I've tried all combinations of things such as even formating the camera itself to factory settings and not touching a single thing, the issue still occurs.

@Kenza750 have you contacted viofo support and put in a ticket # for this yet? I'll be gathering all my info and writing a report to them within 24hrs with all my findings.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
Are you on the latest firmware? If so, did you install it or did it come with it?

What settings did you change from default?
Are you on the latest firmware? If so, did you install it or did it come with it?

What settings did you change from default?
Yes I'm on the latest version and it came shipped with it. And it doesn't matter if I change settings or don't change settings and leave everything factory. The issue always occurs no matter what. My screenshots in the earlier post today will show you my current settings and version.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
Yes I'm on the latest version and it came shipped with it. And it doesn't matter if I change settings or don't change settings and leave everything factory. The issue always occurs no matter what. My screenshots in the earlier post today will show you my current settings and version.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
Any changed setting could possibly be what's causing the bug. I'm not familiar with what is the default setting on the A229, so I won't know what was changed by looking at your screen shots. Have you tried to manually default the cameras settings, then change nothing but the time, date and parking mode choice?
Any changed setting could possibly be what's causing the bug. I'm not familiar with what is the default setting on the A229, so I won't know what was changed by looking at your screen shots. Have you tried to manually default the cameras settings, then change nothing but the time, date and parking mode choice?
Yes I've done that exactly. Started fresh from default settings. The only thing did was enabled parking mode nothing else. Issue still occurs. I didn't even set time or date in one of the scenarios. I sent a ticket to viofo so hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. Aside from this issue I really like the camera.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk

In that same post, he also said this which my response was based on:
I took the sd card out of the cam and put it in my PC. Using CrystalDiskMark to check the read/write speeds. Read: 90MB/s+ / Write: 1.09MB/s !!!
this explains why the data can not be written on the SD card. I've fully formatted the card (Samsung Endurance Pro 256Gb) with GUIFormat in FAT32/655xx cluster size. After formatting the read/write speeds were as follows:
Read: 90MB/s+
Write: 85MB/s+
To check the card on errors, I've used HWTest to test the whole card. results: no errors and 85MB/s+ read/write speeds.

Putting the card back in the A229 resulted in normal operating. No stopping of recording on max bitrate (2CH).

BUT....again, like I've seen with my previous Samsung Evo Plus 256GB, after 1 day, the camera stopped recording again after 30sec. When hitting the REC button, the camera continuous to record normally without stopping. Very strange. Like the EVO Plus, I expect the card to fail again after a couple of days. It seems the camera corrupts the filesystem again and again. It can not be an issue with the card itself. Why? Because the EVO Plus card performed exactly the same. Also extreme low writing speeds, but after formatting with GUIFormat, the card performs as new again. Also 0 errors according to HWTest. So both Samsung cards (100% genuine) are not malfunctioning.

The card was not working fine before, but it seems to be working fine now based on his latest test after he formatted the card.
So he can wait again for a few days and let us know if the situation repeats itself and if the card fails again after a couple of days.
It has to be camera software. All cards have to be compatible barring certain speed and size requirements, not brands.
So got an update from viofo. I of course have the sdcard that's on the bottom in the picture which is the successor to the one on top as of spring this year. You can still find the sdcard on top in a few places but eventually stock will run out.

Now why is it that apparently only the top one works and the bottom one doesn't? I can't tell you but I've decided to purchase the SanDisk 256gig max endurance which has been confirmed working with this dashcam. Arriving tomorrow. Will update within a few days on how it goes I'm assuming @Kenza750 also has the sdcard in the picture that's on the bottom just like me.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
So got an update from viofo. I of course have the sdcard that's on the bottom in the picture which is the successor to the one on top as of spring this year. You can still find the sdcard on top in a few places but eventually stock will run out.

Now why is it that apparently only the top one works and the bottom one doesn't?
I can't tell you but I've decided to purchase the SanDisk 256gig max endurance which has been confirmed working with this dashcam. Arriving tomorrow. Will update within a few days on how it goes I'm assuming @Kenza750 also has the sdcard in the picture that's on the bottom just like me.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk
You will never find the old version in 256GB because it was never made. The old version stopped at 128GB max.

It is possible that Samsung changed something on their cards...Using different NAND, controller, etc...
It's the same reason why the Samsung EVO Select (blue and green version) was very reliable(it's what Street Guardian bundles with their cameras when any customer orders 512GB memory bundle with dashcam), but the new one that took it's place (blue and white) is not reliable for dashcams based on what I have read so far. Yes, it has a slightly faster read speed but that does not mean that it is automatically more reliable. Read is not as important for dashcams anyway, it is write that is more important.

In addition to you and @Kenza750 , I believe @runtohell121 also had this same blue and white Samsung PRO Endurance card that we are all discussing here which gave him problems.
I think between the three of you and in lieu of this statement from Viofo, I think we have enough information not to recommend this card at all for new Viofo dashcams (A229, A119 Mini, and possibly future products) just like the incompatibility of SanDisk High Endurance on these same new dashcams is already known.
It still doesn't explain why it works in my Street Guardian camera though, but I suppose that I will find out with time and update the thread.

So it looks like only SanDisk MAX Endurance or Viofo memory should be the only recommended way to go now from here on out.
I know Viofo also recommends SanDisk Extreme Pro (I'm sure they did their own test on the card for them to recommend and it passed), but I still feel iffy about recommending a card that is not warrantied for dashcam use by that same manufacturer.
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Since such a dispute about memory cards has already begun, I will show a test of two of them with the same name, but with different characteristics.

Several memory card tests. You can ignore the name, as some advise.
According to the declared write and read speeds, both memory cards should be on top.
Samsung Evo Plus_HA.jpg1. Новая.jpg2. Новая.jpg
Memory card test after purchase.

1. После 15 часов.jpg2. После 15 часов.jpg
Test after 15 hours of testing in A119V3 with a bit rate of 50Mbps.

This test was done by the user "gse".
Samsung Evo Plus_GA.jpgНовая.png
Memory card test after purchase.

После 29 месяцев.png
Memory card test after 29 months of operation.

This is a test of my memory card which still works in A119V3.
The low writing speeds (1.09MB/s) was AFTER I took it out of the Viofo when it started beeping and stopping recording. Before when I took the card out of the package it shows 90MB/s+. Also after full formatting in FAT32, it shows 90MB/s+ so the Viofo is corrupting the filesystem.