Viofo A119 Car DVR factory sample tests

Hi @viofo and thanks for the information. The problem is the following: as long as the message to format the sd card stayed on the display, the red dot showing the A119 was not visible, thus I deducted the A119 did not record video files waiting for an input from me related to formatting or not the card. After choosing yes or no, the message disappeared and the red dot appeared and started to blink: ie recording.
Hi @viofo and thanks for the information. The problem is the following: as long as the message to format the sd card stayed on the display, the red dot showing the A119 was not visible, thus I deducted the A119 did not record video files waiting for an input from me related to formatting or not the card. After choosing yes or no, the message disappeared and the red dot appeared and started to blink: ie recording.
How about add the beep sound while prompt the format warning?

Regarding the lens, after we tested another 2 lens(one wide and one narrow), finally we decided to choose the current one.
If there is no obvious difference, no necessary to use another.
A beep sound will be good when asking for sd card to format. But needs to have a different pattern to other beeps made by A119, needs to be louder and needs to operate even all the beep sounds were previously turned off by the user from the menu.
I have my A119 almost complete hidden by the interior rearview mirror and I can only see a very little area of the display when driving.
What about a beep every few seconds while that format warning is active so you can't ignore it? If it's just a couple of beeps it could be ignored whereas if it kept going for say 5 minutes you'd know that you have to do something.

I was going to suggest no to an autoformat after so many seconds (say a minute if no response to the question) but that could mean the card never getting formatted if it's always ignored.
What about a beep every few seconds while that format warning is active so you can't ignore it? If it's just a couple of beeps it could be ignored whereas if it kept going for say 5 minutes you'd know that you have to do something.

I was going to suggest no to an autoformat after so many seconds (say a minute if no response to the question) but that could mean the card never getting formatted if it's always ignored.

better to keep the beep going until it's formatted I think
Agree with just beeping sound until it is formatted, should be able to get the attention of the user that something is wrong when there is sound.
my wife's camera (CF-100) doesn't have a screen so it uses voice prompts. if you accidentally start it with no card, it will keep repeating "Please insert SD card" once every 3-4 seconds, nonstop. you can't ignore that. if the card has an error, it also repeats "SD Card has an error" - such as when you insert a 64gb card formatted in exfat instead of fat32.

the a119 should behave in a similar manner - BE ANNOYING when something isn't working right. otherwise the user will assume everything is normal and just keep driving, and essentially have no dashcam.
The format warning supposed in below condition:
1. Never changed the default date/time
2. Files changed. Even if you just read the file on computer, it seems there is something different detected by the camera, maybe some hidden files
3. You set the format warning option, and it is time to format.

Nice to know. I tested with my smartphone (it's easier connect the usb to a smartphone instead of a notebook because we have always the smartphone with us) and then Viofo asked to format. This is because my smartphone add some void android special dirs in the usb. Then I tested with my notebook and then Viofo didn't restarted. Maybe a nice idea could be to have an option to set read only mass storage mode, so other devices (smartphone, pc, tablet, etc.) can't modify the sd card.

About beeps I agree with Gibson99. BE ANNOYING when something isn't working right.

I'll go on with testing and tips on the other thread. By the way, I'm sad narrow lens was not better then this one, a 120° lens does a huge difference
Yes, if a narrower lens have the same quality as actual lens my vote is also for narrower lens for the final product, but the priority is quality of image.

Is nice to see Viofo is going to a little different way with warnings when camera is not recording and not disturbing when everything is OK. Two days ago I was in a car with a blinking LED and almost all (short) trip I saw that blinking LED. Usually after some time the eye is ignoring it if is mounted on the side, but when your brain knows that somewhere is a disturbing LED, the eye will look for it.

My rainy night video (raw link in the description). Worst conditions ever ... you can't see plates but you can see the road and what happens around you. In night condition the 4 megapixel acts a lot better then the 13 megapixel of thl 5000

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Absolutely terrible quality, I hope the quality is a 100% better on the raw footage.
This is the ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg.exe -i input_viofo.mkv -i 20160511211833_0_0_1000084.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]crop=iw:ih/2:0:ih/3.7[top]; [1:v]crop=iw:ih/2:0:ih/4[bottom]; [top][bottom]vstack" -c:v libx264 -preset medium -qp 0 -r "60" -c:a copy output.mp4

With this command you have the crop without losing quality (-qp 0), that is the final file is LOSSLESS. This is the same quality of real Viofo mp4.

The below video is from my smartphone, terrible. FFmpeg has some bug and introduce some artifacts. Tomorrow I'll try to upload also Viofo mp4 raw file, but it's the same quality of above video.

: download link (two files merged and saved as mkv without any transcoding, raw video and audio tracks)
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The format warning supposed in below condition:
1. Never changed the default date/time
2. Files changed. Even if you just read the file on computer, it seems there is something different detected by the camera, maybe some hidden files
3. You set the format warning option, and it is time to format.
Hi I tried points 2 and 3 from @viofo 's quoted message. The A119 beta unit behaves as mentioned. For point 2, it tested in through a card reader inserted first in a Desktop PC running Windows 7 and second in an android smartphone, via OTG.
I keep dipping in to this thread to see whether it's time to buy an A119.

Looks like it will be a while yet?
These are available for sale now so I'm surprised there aren't any reviews here of production units. Or have I missed that?

Anyway, there are a number of sellers of this dashcam on eBay. Can anyone recommend one that is trustworthy and won't sell me a fake?

There is also a US seller with very little feedback so I'm a little reluctant to buy from that seller -